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In regard to the present earthquake and Tsunmai, I thought some of the readers may be interesrted in the following article by Sri Ram Sharma Acharya- a Morden Age Indian seer-sage and a visionary of the New Golden Era:


Brief Introduction of Vangamaya Vol. 27




(Yug Parivartan : Kaise Aur Kaba?)


The present period of change of a millennium is also a special juncture of great transition. Prophecies of the seers of the ancient and the modern times share common views about the critical circumstances before the dawn of a new era…. The world today is apparently passing through the most arduous and challenging phase of crises and calamities. Under the threats of nuclear and star wars, the existence of life on the earth seems to be lying at an edge of extinction today… The possibilities of brighter era appear to be realizable by nothing less than a miracle… Perhaps these are the moments for which Lord Krishna has assured in the holy Geeta as – "Age after age….., I come into being…., to protect the pious life along the righteous path of truth and to devastate the evil tendencies, terrors and disorders……".


The ancient Indian scriptures on Astrology describe the present era – from 1850 A.D. to 2000 A.D. approximately – as the period of great change, of transition from Kaliyug (an era of moral decline and darkness of ignorance and evil influences) to Satyug (an era of divine values and culmination of human dignity). The Kaliyug is in its last phase at present and the dawn of Satyug is in the offing…. That is why the present time is also referred as the yug sandhi kala – junction of two eras.


Although some fundamentalists and orthodox religious masters consider that the beginning of Satyug is still away by more than several million years, this claim appears to be baseless in view of the scientifically justified rational arguments and authentic references cited by Gurudeva Shriram Sharma Acharya in the present volume. Excerpts from the scriptures ranging from – Bhavishya Purana, Harivansha Puran to Shrimad Bhagawat and Geeta are also given here along with the proofs on correct methods of computation of planetary time according to the ancient Indian Science of Astrology.


The author, Gurudev Shriram Sharma has described the past twenty to twenty to twenty-five years (1980 to 2005 A.D. approximately) of yug sandhi as the anti-climax of the darkness of Kaliyug which is ought to end with the glow of the descent of Satyug…. This period has and will witness severe destruction, disorder, anarchy, natural calamities, explosive situations, terror, hunger, epidemics, large scale disturbance and decline of human values…. Apart from the poisonous pollution of the atmosphere and disruption of the ecosystem, the unprecedented occurrences of tragic incidents, steep rise in aggressive tendencies, massacres, rapes, psychological disorders, frequency of suicides, ever new diseases….. etc have also dangerously polluted the environment of life…..


Today, every body seems to be somewhat suspicious about his own health and survival…. But, this all round ‘threat’ to happy and peaceful life on the earth also appears to be a part of the ‘warnings’ of mother Nature and its divine creator to mankind. The attacks of sufferings and agonies are bound to induce the sentiments of compassion and force the comfort-hungry minds to rectify their selfish attitude and change the way of life according to the crying call of humanity. This is also a time of final and decisive struggle between the divine and the devil powers. It is a testing time for the saintly ideologies divine tendencies. Their miraculous strength is going to arouse and manifest itself on multiple fronts during this phase of emergency…..


The remarkable progress of scientific and technological advancement has virtually conquered the nature and made today’s man ‘omnipotent’ in terms of materialistic wealth and power….. The ultra fast air-crafts and speedy automobiles on the one hand, and rapid communication links through man-made satellite networks have shrunk the peripheries of the world and brought the people across the globe in closed contact…. Howbeit, the blind race for technological innovations and luxury oriented and commercialized development has led to excessive exploitation of the natural resources and has disturbed the natural harmony of the ecosystem too. The consumerization based and power-hungry policies of the so called rational thinkers have converted the boons of science into curses in more than one respect.


Increasing level of poisonous gases in the atmosphere and the alarming disruption of the ozone layer – are the best known negative effects of modern ‘developments’ which have invited harmful radiations and dreaded diseases in return….. The sun, which sends huge stock of energy – of the order of that of seven hundred thousands megawatt bombs – everyday on our planet is also disturbed these days… The large number of solar eclipses and sharp increase in the appearance of the black spots on the sun is going to have exceptional effects on geo-magnetism, biomagnetism and the environment of life by the end of this century….. The one-sided developments – neglecting the social and psychological dimensions of human life – has been the worst of the curses of the modern civilization as it has threatened to uproot the very basis of humanity by evaporating the streams of human sentiments in the ‘heat’ of sensual pleasure, ego and selfish intellect…..


Acharya Sharma was a saintly social reformer and a sagacious visionary…. Whatever he predicted from time to time about the major events in the global scenario since 1940 have come true…. He never declared these predictions as prophecies… Rather, he presented his views in a convincing manner with authenticity. Readers will get the flavor of his great vision, wisdom and modesty in this volume….. While mentioning about the current period of yug sandhi and bright future ahead in the 21st century, he also cites and explains the foresighted experiences and prophecies of the august yogi Maharshi Arvindo, celebrity palmist and prophet Cairo, great thinker Romain Rolland and renowned astrologers and clairvoyant foreseers like Nostradamus, Shri Gopinath Sharstri, yogi Anandacharya, Madame Boriska, Jean Dixon, Anderson Gerard Kreisel, Charlse Clark, Prof. Hatar, George Bavery…. etc.


Be that the excerpts form ancient scriptures – including the holy Bible, Kalki Purana, Bhavishya Purana etc., or the published utopia based hypotheses of the thinkers like Alvin Toffler, Fritjof Capra, Prof. Hamische McRae etc, all have been analyzed thoroughly in this volume in the context of the future of the world in the next millennium.


Gurudev Sharma also elucidates the possibilities of bright future stating that the supreme source of divinity exists in universal beauty and order…. He reminds us that even in the critical period of adversities today, we should not lose faith in thou protection because, the eternal creator would never allow HIS marvellous creation – the gigantic world, the enormous variety of living beings and limitless prosperity of the nature…. – to be ruined in dearth….. Thou powers or divine incarnations, appear at the right moment as per the need of the critical time periods and control the circumstances in order to protect the universal order and existence of life and divine sentiments of beauty and love in HIS creations….


The inspiring words of Gurudev go deep down in the readers mind and heart and the light of his acumen and foresight makes it clear that thou grace has appeared in the present era as "Pragyavatara" – incarnation of divine intellect to inspire upright change in the attitude and mentality of the masses, illuminate human-intellect in the righteous direction and arouse the inner sentiments of pure love and boundless compassion….


In Acharya Sharma’s words – "Divine incarnations come into existence in the critical moments like the present ones…. In all ages, the incarnations of God educe collective consciousness and arouse the inner strength of people. The life-force and enthusiasm thus inspired indeed conquers all vices and adversities and ultimately transforms the ‘impossibility’ into a visible reality….. Those having a foresight can clearly visualize the descent of the holy ‘Ganges’ of the divine consciousness (of Pragyavatara) which is going to purify the minds and intrinsic sentiments of the people and cultivate the serene environment for the advent of a bright era…." .


The author has initiated a great spiritual experiment of "Yug Sandhi Mahapurashcharana" since 1980 to help proper conditioning of the subtle environment for the manifestation and expansion of the divine inspirations of Pragyavatara. This experiment involves collective participation of billions of people across the globe. Details are available in the present volume and some earlier volumes (on Gayatree sadhana) of this series. Acharya Sharma had also conducted unique experiements on subtlization of his own consciousness and vital force. These are covered in the volume nos. 28 and 29.


In his special address entitled "Mahakala Ka Sandesha" (Divine Message of Eternity), delivered in January 1990, he had authentically warned that refinement of conduct and adoption of serene and altruist mode of life is essential for everyone for surviving the test of the present times…. Those who follow the righteous path of divine disciplines by inculcating the pure sentiments of love, compassion and mutual respect and by devoting their potentials for the high ideals of truth and collective welfare would acquire the orgulous honor of being associated with the Pragyavatara. They would indeed cooperate in making the 21st century a bright era for all……


The present volume would acquaint the readers with the gamut of authentic predictions about the future of the world in the new millennium. It will also warn about the disastrous end of the misdeeds of today and provide detailed guidance on –"How to go about…?", "What to do….?",…… in order to march towards the glorious future.


The emblem of "21st Century – Bright Future" is inviting us to rise, join hands and come forward to revive the dignity of humanity and make this world a better place to live...


English translation of some of his books is now avaialble at http://www.awgp.org/english/books/books_english.html


The following four of the 30 set of the books which he wrote on the subject of 21st century revolutionary literature( Krantidharmi Sahitya) can be downloaded for free


The Great Moments of Change The Last Book-pdf format 81Kb

Revival of Satyug- pdf format 235Kb

The Spiritual Training and Adoration of Life Deity- pdf format 88Kb

Twenty First Century - The Dawn of The Era Of The Divine Descent On Earth --pdf format 91Kb


A breif bio of Sri Ram Sharama Acharya:



Many other saints including Sri Arubindo and Osho ( Rajneesh) has predicted similar futures. If someone is intersted, I can post more links like this. Also, please feel free to write to me at patelvipulk[at]indiadivine[dot]com .





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