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Month of Parshotam/purshotam

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Jai Ganesh


I know among Gujrati comunity this is considered a holy month, if you can you are enjoyed to fast according to your ability perform pious activity, have satsang.


this extra month falls every three years in different time of the year. just like in a leap year we have an extra day every 4 years (earth going round the sun 365.25 days). We follow the lunar cycle and you will have to cunsult an expert how this is worked out.


Sorry can not help any more then this,the book i had on this subject is missing.


Jai Shree Krishna

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Lord Purushottam Sri Krishna told - O' Visnu you have done very nicely by

bringing this extra month to me. You will become very famous for this act.

To whom you have accepted . I am also accepting. I shall make this extra

month same like me . In quality, fame, opulence, realization, success,

giving benediction to devotees. This month will be equally potent like me. I

am bestowing all of my quality in this month. Like me this month will be

famous as Purussottom month in the world.


O' Janardan please you have bestowed all of my qualities to this purusottam

month. Now I myself become the husband and protector of this Purussottam

month. Being equal me this month Purusottam will be the master of all other

months. Now this month becomes worshipable by all others, every one should

pay their obeisance’s to her, everyone should worship her. This month is

equally powerful like me to give any type of benedictions to its observer. I

am making this month desire free unlike other months who were full of some

desire. The worshiper of this month will be able to burnt all his past

sinful reactions after enjoying a blissful material life he will return back

to Godhead.


O' Garudadhwaja" Lord Sri Krishna continued. My abode Golaka is unattainable

to the performers of austerities, Mahatmas or great souls who are engaged in

pious activities, to a person who maintain celibacy or who fasts for whole

life not eating any thing. But just observing the Purussottam month and

becoming a devotee one can easily cross over this material ocean and return

back to Godhead. So this Purusottam month is best of all other austerities.

Just like a farmer produced a rich harvest [corn] after throwing the seeds

in a nicely cultivated land so an intelligent man who observes his

devotional service towards the supreme Lord in this Purusottam month will

enjoy a blissful material life in this world and after leaving his body he

will return back to godhead.


An unfortunate ignorant man who does not perform any Japa, does not give

any charity, does not pay respect to Lord Sri Krishna and his devotees, does

not behave properly to Brahmains makes enmity with others and who blasphemes

the Purrusottam month will go to hell for unlimited period . Lord Sri

Krishna continued How can a person make his life successful unless he

performs devotional service in this purusottam month? A person who is fully

engaged in sense gratification and does not give any special importance, to

this Purussottam month becomes the best candidate for hell. So all the

human beings should perform some devotional service in this purussottam

month by taking a holy bath, worshiping Me Sri Krishna by chanting My holy

name , above all giving some charities. A fortunate person who follow my

instructions and observes this Purussottam month properly. In a faithful way

worships me Sri Krishna will attain fame, opulence and nice son in this

life. after enjoying a happy life at the end he will be return back to

Golaka Dham. So following my instruction s every one should worship this

Purussottam month.j I am make this month best among all other months. So O'

husband of rama devi give up all kinds of mental speculations about

extra month. Now you please take this Purusottam month to your abode

Vaikuntha' with You.


After narrating this history of Puruasottam month, Lord Sri Krishna Looked

in a merciful way to Yudhisthir and Draupadi. Than he started speaking to



O' Lion among man now you could understand the reason why you pandavs are

suffering. Because you could not recognize the presence of Purusottam month

which have recently been passed away. The month which was most dear to

Vrindavan chandra have passed away, but you pandavs being in forest did not

worship Purusottam month. So now you are suffering because of your Prarabdha

Krama. You have been following only some of the ritualistic principles given

by Vyasadev to you. But unless you worship the Purusottam month you cannot

able to perform pure devotional service to me.


Lord Sri Kirshna continued, now I am going to narrate a famous historical

event connecting the previous birth of Draupadi. In her previous birth

Draupadi ws the daughter of great brahmin sage Medhavi. Her mother died

when she was a small child. So she was under the care of her father. Day by

day she become grown up and attained her young age. She was very beautiful but

her father was not much interested about her marriage. Seeing her other

girlfriends with their husbands and children she passed her days in very

miserable way. In the mean time her father Medhave risi also passed away

from this material world uttering the name of Hari.


So the daughter of Medhavi risi now have passed her days in most miserable

way. Fortunately one day the Great sage Durbasha appeared in her asram.

Seeing the great sage the girl paid her obeisances to him and worship him.


She offered flowers and fruits to the great sage. When the great sage

became very pleased towards her, she started lamenting and crying before

him. Then the sage enquired about her lamentation. The brahmain girl started

speaking O' saint Durbasha you know everything about past, present and

future. I have no shelter in this world. I have lost all of my relatives. My

parents passed away. I have no brother also. Being unmarried there in no

husband of mine to protect me. So O' great sage please do some thing for me.

Please find some way and give me some advice which could relieve me from

this miserable conditions. After listening her prayer, Durbasha started to

think over the measurable condition of the girl. Then he decided to show

some mercy towards her.


Durbaha risi started speaking: O' beautiful one, from now after three month

the most auspicious month Purusottam is coming. This Purussottam month is

most dear to Lord Sri krishna. By just taking a holy bath in this month a

man or woman become completely sinless. This Purusottam month is even more

glorious than all other months including Kartik month. The glories of all

other months is even not equal to one sixteenth part of the glories of

Purussottam month. The merit of a person who takes even once a holy bath in

this month is equal to the merit of taking bath in ganges for twelve

thousand years, or merit achieved by a person who takes a bath in holy water

of Ganges or Godavari when Brhaspati [jupiter] enters to Leo [lion]. So if

you will take bath, give charity and chant the holy name of Visnu in this

month all your miseries would go away, you will attain all kinds of

perfection, all of your desires also get fulfilled. So following my

advice please do not forget to worship the forth coming Purusottam month.


After speaking these words sage Durbasha remain silent. Unfortunately the

Brahmin girl did not believe in the words of Durbasha, rather she got angry

and started speaking: O' great sage, you are speaking lie. How could be this

extra month which is also called Mala Masa [stool month] is superior to other

great months like Magha, kartika and Vaisakha. I am not going to believe you

. You are trying to cheat me. This extra month is most abominable for any

kinds of pious activity. By listening these words of the brahnin girl

Durbasha became very angry, his whole body was started burning, his eyes

were became red. But thinking about the helpless condition of the girl he

cooled down again.


Durbasha told the girl O' unfortunate one , I am not going to curse you

because your father was a good friend of mine. Now you are in helpless

condition. Being an ignorant child you could not understand the sastric

conclusions. I am not going to take your offences towards me. But at the same

time I should not tolerate your offences towards the Purusottam month. In

your next life you will certainly get its results. Speaking these words

great sage Durbasha left that place for the service of Lord Narayan.


Lord Sri Krishna told to Arjuna: O' sinless one, when Durbasha left that place

the brahmin girl [Draupadi in her previous birth] lost all of her opulence

in that very movement. Being a offender to Purushottam month her body

started looking very ugly, she lost all of her bodily shining etc. Then she

decided: I shall worship Lord Shiva who is known as Ashutosha, who gets pleased

very soon.


So thinking in this way the brahmin girl started perform great austerities

to please Lord Shiva, the husband of Parvati. The brahmin girl continued her

austerities for nine thousand years. In summer season she should sit in a

place for meditation putting fire around herself under the hot sun, In

winter season she meditated under cool water.


Observing her great austerities even demigods became fearful. Considering

all the situations Lord Shankara appeared to the brahmin girl being pleased

in her worship and austerities. When Lord Shiva appeared in front of the

brahmin girl in his spiritual form, the girl immediately stood up, as if she

got a new life. In the presence of Lord Shiva all of her bodily weaknesses

have gone, she again started to look beautiful. Seeing Lord Shiva in front of

her, she started worship him in her mind, then she started to recite nice

prayers to please Him.


Being pleased with the girl Lord Shiva said O' performer of austerity all

good fortune to you. Now please ask some boon from me. I am pleased with

you. I shall grant what ever you want. Listening these words form the mouth

of Lord Shiva, the girl speaks out: O' friend of the poor ! If you are pleased

with me than please "give me husband". Repeatedly speaking the same thing

give me husband for five times the girl remained silent. Than Lord Shiva told

let it happen. You have asked for husband five times, so you will

get five husbands. Listening Lord Shiva's words the girl was ashamed. She

told: O' Lord, this is most abominable for a girl to have five husbands.

Please return your words. Lord Shiva told her it is impossible for him. What

ever you have asked from me it will happen. But you will get five husbands

in your next life. Lord Shiva again reminded the girl that she had

offended Purussotam month previously by not following the words of sage

Durvasa. Lord Shiva continued O' brahmin girl, there is no difference

between the body of Durvasa and mine [Lord Shiva]. We all the demigods

including lord Brahma and all the great saints like Narada worships this

Purussottam month following the order of Lord Sri Krishna. A devotee of

Purussottam month achieves all good fortune in this life and at the end of

his life he return back to the Goloka, the abode of Lord Sri Krishna. Being

an offender to Purussottam month you will get five husbands in your next

life. So the girl became very sad. Lord Shiva immediately disappeared from

that place.


After Lord Shiva left that place, the brahimn girl became very morose and

fearful about her future life. In this way after few days this girl also left

her body being subjected to the uncontrollable time. Lord Sri Krishna told,

O' Arjuna; in the mean time the great king Draupada have been performing

some sacrifice.


From the sacrificial fire this brhmin girl has taken her birth or appeared as

the daughter of Maharaj Draupada. O' Arjuna, the same daughter of Medhavi

risi is now became famous in the word as Draupadi who is non other than your

present wife. Having blasphemed the Purussottam month in her previous life she

has been insulted by Dushasana in front of the whole kaurvas assembly in

which all of you pandavas brothers were present. Fortunately she remembered

Me [sri Krishna] and took My shelter. So for giving her offences I have

protected her form most abominable condition., and saved her from the hand of

Dushasana. So O' pandavas brothers Lord Sri Krishna continued; don't forget

again to worship the forth comming Purussottam month. A person who

blasphemes Purussottam month and don't not worship her, and don't worship[

Krishna ] Me will never attain a good fortune. This Purushottam month is

fully potent to full fill all your desires and remove your all shorts of

miseries. Now fourteen years of your forest life is going to be passed

away. So please worship this Purushottam month sincerely which will bestow

you all good fortune. Giving full consolation to the pandavas, Lord Sri

Krishna left that place for Dwaraka.


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