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To Be Initiated By A Guru

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My Salutations to All,Could anyone tell me that is it necesary to be a Vegetarian if one wants to be Intiated by a Guru?If a person has already been initiated but is a Non Veg person will he benefit from initiation that his guru has granted?Also how can one know that if he meets too many Guru which is the right Guru for him or her?

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U will be granted the Guru u need, if u only whant fame and glory u will find a "Guru" that can give u that...but ir is as Prabhupada said, there is no bad Gurus only real Gurus and hoaxes

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satyam tapas daya saucam are the 4 principles of dharma and one must follow these basic standards if one has to attain the very least of a human platform. the 4 activities that go against these are gambling, illicit sex, meat eating and intoxication. these must be given up b4 one takes initiation from a bona fide spiritual master in the authorised disciplic succession.

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Could anyone tell me that is it necesary to be a Vegetarian if one wants to be Intiated by a Guru?

••it is necessary because killing animals is a big sin, if we make many sins it is difficult to advance in spiritual consciousness


If a person has already been initiated but is a Non Veg person will he benefit from initiation that his guru has granted?

••there's surely benefit.. but if the disciple wants the maximum benefit, to go back to godhead, he has to follow completely


Also how can one know that if he meets too many Guru which is the right Guru for him or her?

••he has to check in the scriptures, he must ask to experienced vaishnavas, and he has to be serious. Krsna fulfills our desires, if we are not serious in spiritual researche he sends us a cheater

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Could anyone tell me that is it necesary to be a Vegetarian if one wants to be Intiated by a Guru?


Srila Prabhupada states that it is not a question of being vegetarian or non vegetarian, it is a question of what Lord krsna finds is acceptable to be offered to Him. That is the real point. Adolph Hitler, monkeys and pigeons were and are vegetarian. Vegetariasnism is not an end in itself. It just so happens though, that Lord Krsna accepts foods from the lacto-vegetarian food groups. If we eat vegetarian foods that are not offered to the spiritual master and the Lord, we are still eating sin Bhagavad gita 3.13


If a person has already been initiated but is a Non Veg person will he benefit from initiation that his guru has granted?


A genuine guru would not initiate someone who is eating meat, because he would have to continue to suffer for the bad karma of his diciple, and that disciple would not be showing his sincerity by eating meat. If one was eating prasada before but has now become a meat-eater, he needs good association to get him back to the standard so he can progress again.


Also how can one know that if he meets too many Guru which is the right Guru for him or her?


In a lecture on Bhagavad gita 4.34, which stresses the importance of accepting a bona-fide spiritual master, SrilaPrabhupada stated , " Just like in India, generally, the brahmanas are expected to be the spiritual masters. Because brahmana means who have sufficient knowledge in the transcendental science. That is brahmana. Brahma janatiti brahmanah. Now, due to this modern age, Kali-yuga, it is very difficult to find out a qualified brahmana. So therefore it is very difficult also to find out a qualified spiritual master. So Caitanya Mahaprabhu, He has recommended that,


kiba vipra, kiba nyasi, sudra kene naya

yei krsna-tattva-vetta sei ‘guru' haya

[Cc. Madhya 8.128]


"Never mind whether he's a brahmana or a sudra or a sannyasi or a householder. Never mind what he is. That doesn't matter. If he knows the science of Krsna, then he is the bona fide spiritual master." He is the bona fide spiritual master. So here this Bhagavad-gita is the science of Krsna. Every one of you, if you study Bhagavad-gita very scrutinizingly, with all your arguments, with all your sense, with all your philosophical knowledge... Because it is said here, tad viddhi pranipatena pariprasnena [bg. 4.34].


Not that you have to submit yourself blindly. Although your spiritual master may be self-realized and experienced in the Absolute Truth, still, you have to question. You have to understand from him all critical points by your intelligent questions. That is allowed. So it doesn't matter. If anyone is able to answer about the science of Krsna, he is spiritual master. He is spiritual master. It doesn't matter where he's born or what he is, whether he's a brahmana, or a sudra, or an American or an Indian or whatever he is. Never mind."


There is also a nice article from Back To Godhead Magazine here entitled, Who Is A Real Guru ? http://guru.krishna.org/Articles/2000/06/00001.html


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