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animal sacrifice

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Can you be more specific about which kind part of yoga system were practicing animal sacrifice. Is there any mention about animal sacrifice mentioned in Vedas or Gita? I haven't read the Gita completely, but as far as I read, there's something mentioned about Sages, and other demi-gods are getting together at the river of Ganga to do 100 horses sacrifice to Vishnu. But SD says not to kill any living beings. But then, how come sacrifice is acceptable?

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Same reason people eat animals killed much more brutally and cruelly than in a vedic ritual.



One of the philosphies of the day was that salvation could be obtained thru the blood of an animal.


On another level some of the African religions that use animals in rites are judged quite harshly by those who buy dead animals in the supermarket. Or canned horsemeat for their dogs.


Quite often it was not so much an animal sacrifice but a food offering to the gods and many of the old gods in all religions, Yahwee of the Bible included, bestowed great favor for "burnt offerings" .



If a person did not have another kill his dinner for him or if it is not the tradition to go to a butcher shop, the killing and preparation of the animal was part of the ritual. It was offered to the gods and then often consumed or given to the poor to consume.













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