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Pithru Lokam

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Hi i am studying alevel Hinduism and am writing a paper on life after death in Hinduism. More specifically the view of the Atman in the scriptures i.e the Bhagavad Gita and the Katha Upanishad. When reading them in class i was fascinated by this idea of a soul. I am not a hindu but have always believed that everyone has a soul. I wrote a post on here a few months ago and was told of a place called the pitru lokam which apparently is the place of the ancestors where the soul passes through. I understood the concept but was wondering if anyone could tell me any more. I am interested in knowning especially of the views of the devotees of Krishna's view as this is what my paper will be surrounding mainly due to his envolvement in the Bhagavad Gita and mainly due to the fact that he seems to be a deity that many can connect to. Any information anyone can give me on this matter of life after death or any personal views would be fantastic and greatly appreciated.

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  • 8 months later...

Hi, I read about the enquiry regarding Pitru Lokam. During my childhood, I heard that the Pitru Lokam is the unseen side of the moon. As you are aware, we always see only one side of the moon though the moon revolves. this is because the time taken for one self rotation and the time taken by moon to come around the earth is same. Since the other side of the moon can never be seen from the earth, it is said that PITHRU's occuppy this region. On new moon day, they are not actually coming to earth. But they come to the visible part of the moon and wishes people in earth. Because, this day, the new moon day, the moon itself is not visible to us.


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There are so many things which have to be said regarding pithra and pithra lokam. As i basically hail from an orthodox family , and my parents and grand parents do beleive in giveing respects tp Pithra without failing everyyear, I would like to throw some light over it.


First of all it is been said that (in bhagavadgita by Lord Krishna) that if one worhships pithra (forefathers) then one will reach them or thier planets (pithra loka).


In our system we have a tradition to give respect to these pithra every year. Eg. we perform what is called as Varshika( Death ceromoney) everyyear according to the indian calendar(vedic). In this day something called as tarpana will be given on the name of the Lord vishnu for one's fathers and forefathers who have alreay left to the heavenly planets. On this occasion we pray to the Lord of slavation Lord Mukunda(Vishnu) for the salvation of these departed soul , incase they have not yet gained one.


Apart from this there is a particular time in the year (called Mahalya Amavasya) normally comes in the month of september (i m not sure about it) when all the souls (whether they have reached pithra lokum or still strugglijg on the earth without any definite bodies) will get a chance by thier descendenst to get mukthi. On thisday almost evryone will give Arpana(Sacrifice)to thie forefathers by giveing alms to poor people and also sacrificing Cow, (No killing)cow will be donated to the temple, Money and also Bhuri Bhijanam (Food offered first to Visnu). By doing so on the name of the Lord krishna the Lord will be appeased and will pave a way to the departed souls (whether they re in Pithra lokum or on some other hellish planets) to get the the Lotus feet of Sri radha madhava.


I hope i made atleast soemthings clear to you


When u need more write a reply to this , may be i can put more on this


Let eveyrbody get a chance to See, to talk about, to work for , to sacrifce and to chant about that Supreme who came down and acted as a simple cowherd, just to deliver his dear devotees during the time of Dwapara Yuga (Dwapara Age)


hari bol


With warm regards


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  • 2 weeks later...

To : Lou Fish,

It is said by Mr. Krishnadasa. That OK, but his ending

Verses are remarkable. There is the mystery.

Have you ever watched the movies : The Matrix and the Matrix Reloaded ? That the infinite matrix, the Cosmic recorder is the pithru lok. In fact, all the tribal people in the World worship their ancestors (not deities) who are not in the form Of body but in Cosmic or energy form. The life after Death is in energy form. In higher motion and vibration. A person is able to go there in his/her life time also through scientific (in future) or meditative way.

The entire Cosmic region, beyond time and space.

Without any space shuttle but only own Cosmic energy.


From : Avchetan


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