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The discovery of extraterrestrial intelligence

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I am writing a paper for a science class in which I need to identify the questions that would be posed to Hinduism by the discovery of extraterrestrial intelligence. I am taking another class on Hinduism and Buddhism, but I am afraid my understanding of Hinduism is quite limited! Does anyone have any questions that might be posed for Hinduism in the event that the Earth is contacted by extraterrestrial intelligence?

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Exactly what do you mean by extraterrestial intelligence?


Hindusm full of stories on how Man interacted with other beings - Gods/Goddesses, Apsaras, Gandhavas, Elements, Asurans and such.


Cannot diffentiate which is aliens and which is not because Hindusm kind of look at the Universe as a large mansion with everyone in one family-kind of situation.

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gandarvas are not extraterrestrial beings as in todays concept of aliens. they refer to the people of gandhara, modern day nothern afghanistan (centered around kandahar)


Other references to 'demons' 'spirits' differnet 'devas' or any other people in stories mostly refers to other such people in the indian world.

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gandarvas are not extraterrestrial beings as in todays concept of aliens. they refer to the people of gandhara, modern day nothern afghanistan (centered around kandahar)


I persume Maharishi Narada is an Afghan as well? /images/graemlins/smirk.gif


Because according to Skanda Purana, Narada was a Gandharva who were good at music. During one of his playing of music (during a ceremony) in heaven, his attention was distracted by present of Asparas and he was cursed to be born on Earth.


By your defination, you can say, Narada was an Afghan and his king kick him out to India. /images/graemlins/smirk.gif

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narada represents the ideal brahmin. the ideal person. to say that narada was a ghandharva doesnt mean that one person named narada was a ghandarva. but that there was a gandharva person who was as ideal as narada.


dont take everything as face value and as narrow. perhaps the story means that there was a gandharva who used to play music in some royal court and was distracted by dancing women. this gandharva was supposed to be an ideal good person as narada, but his distraction caused by teh opposite sex caused him to be cursed to live amongst regular people.


dont avoid real facts in order to stick to your fantasitcal ideal of what hinduism should be

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You're speculating just as much as the other person.


I believe in spirits interacting with people in Vedic India, and I also believe that some of the events described in the texts are allegorical. But I do not believe EVERY fantastic event is to be taken as allegory.

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in the Mahabharata, I believe where Shantanu in heaven was listening to a discourse on creation from Brahma himself, and was bored. He caught site of Ganga, felt desire in his heart, and thus was born on Earth again, where he and Ganga finally mated.



Either you believe in interaction with spirits or you don't. But if you don't, then why do you believe in God, and the hope of interacting with him? Do you even believe in mystical experiences and the yugas?


All this is supposed to have taken place during an era of enlightened people, where everyone's kundalini was active and interaction with spirits is considered almost mundane, nothing like it is today.

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i wish to avoid is this belief that things used to bdifferent back then and spirits and gods used to exist on earth with us then but not now.


we live in the same world as our ancestors (save some changes over time). but the make up oif the world is pretty much the same. if the spirits and gods interacted with men then, then they must interact now. its a matter of perspective. its like someone 3000 years ago who may have a great experience witha being he has never seen b4. its a great best with a neck to the heavens and mov4es like horses and is divine in all aspects. this 'strange heavenly being' may have saved his life and he might worship this great divine beast from heaven. today's man would see this and think 'oh a giraffe saves me. thank god'.


it doesnt change the actual content of WHAT happened. it only changes HOW each person from the differnet times perceived what happened to them.


I am a student of psychology and firmly believe that perception has a major impact on how people come to conclusions about life itself. exposure makes one less in awe. Seeing an animal once in an entire lifetime and not knowing anyone else who has seen it can make one more likely to worship this being as some divine creature.


More exposure to this animal will make it more mundane. thats why today, i know many peopel who have seen giraffes, ive seen them. ive heard of them. ive read of them. ive seen them on tv, movies, etc. its not so far featched to think that a person in their lifetime will see a giraffe.


No one will veenrate it (unles its their traidtion) because its not a rarely seen creature that inspires wonder and awe.


Same thing with 'spirits'. the spirits you speak of are still here today, but known to us by different names and in differnet ways. i find that many indians dont want to accept this because they feel their pride has been damamged. their pride in their great religion of many thousand years. what they have been taught and believed for so long may just be a mundane act. but truth will set the way. I feel that most indians feel that admitting some of this somehow damamges their pride in their religion, their people and their culture while also somehow saying that the vedic seers were stupid or dumb. thats not the case however. a man can only be as intelligent as the environment around him makes him. to say that people then were less intelligent than us is wrong. they were less knowledgable. its two diffetrnt things. but thats only logic. as time passes, people only get more knowledge. the intelligent part is alwyas there for all time. thats a matter of what you do with the knowledge.


do not blidnly follow something because you have been taught it and your mother too and grandparents and everyone else for generations. have YOU ever seena spirit?? because you havenet do u think they dont live on earth anymore? why? does god not want to interact with us? does he not love us the same as he did those that lived in vedic times?

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There are four main brain waves states that humans experience.


There is the Beta state which is the when you are wide awake. It is a state where the brain is having a lot of activity. It is a very finely focused brain wave state. And it is the state where you spend most of your day Then there is the Alpha brain wave state. When you are in Alpha you are in light meditation or you are daydreaming. So when you are driving your car or even watching television your brain slows down a little bit and goes into a meditative state called Alpha. In states where you are not really thinking but you are kind of veging out.


Then there is the Theta brain wave state. Theta occurs primarily as you are falling asleep. It is the state between awake and sleep. Also, those of you who do deep meditation may enter Theta as well.


And then there is the Delta brain wave state. And Delta is what occurs while you are sleeping.


All of these brain wave states occur simultaneously. So while you are in Alpha the other three are in a low level. Whenever you have a spiritual experience, a vision or receiving psychic information, you are either in Alpha or Theta.


We as extraterrestrials when we communicate with humans we must communicate with you in your most receptive brain wave state. Beta, which is your awake state, is a very finely focused and intense brain wave and we find if very difficult to communicate with you in this state. We simply cannot densify our energy and focus it in your dimension enough to really effectively communicate with you while your are in Beta.


So, therefore, we rely on Alpha, Theta and Delta brain wave states in which to communicate with you. Because those are the brain wave states where you are receptive to our communication. Now here is the paradox. Among yourselves, among your people, you have this belief that the only valid experience happens in Beta. So, for instance, when you are waiting at the coffee shop and your friend comes to visit you and your friend says hello and sits down that is happening in Beta. And you consider that very real and very valid. However, our contact doesn't happen in Beta for the most part. This is why humans keep saying, "Why aren't there any ETs visiting?" It is because you are expecting us to come in your Beta reality. Some ETs who are not too much evolved more than you may be able to visit you in Beta. But the ETs like the Pleiadians and Essassanis, we cannot reach you in that state. It is a realm we cannot enter. So instead we communicate with you in Alpha, Theta and Delta. However, to you communications in those realms are invalid. You think it is just a dream or just a vision and it really has no meaning at all. And then you still sit there and say, "Where are you?" We have been there all along. But we are communicating with you in the only realms that we can reach you. It is now up to you to begin to validate the communication in those other realms.




Now we are going to tell you one more story. This story we always enjoy telling it because it's kind of fun. It's going to describe for you step by step what happens during contact between a colleague of mine and an Earth female. We will call this Earth female, Mary. Mary lives in an urban city area of the United States. And one night she was working very late in her office alone. This office was in a high rise building. Her soul had planned that night to have a contact. But, of course, the personality, Mary, was not aware of it. So Mary was working at her desk with her head down and suddenly she felt kind of dizzy and disoriented, very tried. She looked up and saw a very incongruous image. There is a petite woman coming into the office and this woman didn't look quite right. First of all, this woman was wearing a man's business suit and it hung very loosely over her body. It looked very unnatural. And also there was something about the woman's face who walked into the office that looked strange. Mary felt her mind go into a state of overload and confusion. The next thing she knew she woke up on her couch in the office. When she woke up on her couch in the office she thought she had had a dream. And she thought she had a dream of a strange woman coming into the office but she just said to herself, "Oh, strange dream. I'll go back to work." She didn't even realize that she didn't remember going to the couch to fall asleep.


We will tell you what really happened. Mary was sitting at her desk with her head down. My colleague was a Pleiadian. A very small woman. My colleague walked into the office in the traditional typical Pleiadian jump suit and Mary had her head down. She began to sense an energy shift. This energy shift was very rapid and it caused her to be somewhat disoriented. What happened was that her brain waves were shifting very rapidly from Beta through Alpha and into Theta. As she was barely holding on to her consciousness she looked up and saw this woman in this strange business suit. Now the Pleiadian was not wearing this strange man's business suit. But while Mary's brain waves were changing so rapidly her consciousness tried very hard to make sense of the image that was coming towards her. So, in a sense, what she saw was kind of like a dream image. It was her way of trying to translate alien energy into something familiar. Of course, she wasn't that successful because the image itself was very incongruous. So Mary's consciousness entered Theta and that's when she lost her connection with the Beta reality. The Pleiadian then came to Mary and they had an exchange of energy and communication. After that communication exchange was finished the Pleiadian helped Mary over to the couch and sat her down. Mary then fell into a deep sleep in order to integrate the experience that she just had. The Pleiadian departed. Mary woke up on the couch having thought she had a very strange dream.

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Is Contact Under Way in India?



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perhaps the story means that there was a gandharva who used to play music in some royal court and was distracted by dancing women. this gandharva was supposed to be an ideal good person as narada, but his distraction caused by teh opposite sex caused him to be cursed to live amongst regular people.


The story comes from Skanda Purana and narrated by Narada himself to Sage Vyasa.

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