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Some heartfelt words about a solved p.

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history is to learn from

so that we do not do the same mistakes we did in the past,

and live by the wisdom already proven beneficial.


also the past mistakes need new actions for correction

and suffering due to the mistakes.


when so, we need to study (and record) true history.


jai sri krishna! -madhav


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In my contact with you, I feel the discrepancy & conflict between the reality & your ideal. You're used to evade neg. facts enven if they're apparent. I guess that the prosperity of Bollywood may be the reflection of your evasion although I'm not familliar with the rela. between your ethos & your movies. I have to say that your ethos is dif. from that a reader can perceive from vedas & epics although you are reading the same scriptures like your ancestors.


The history always replays on the same stage, so I needn't give too remote examples. For the history before the independence, you complain British's "divide & conquer"; for the history after the independence, you complain other religions. Then I want to ask some q.s : when can you begin to complain yourselves? when can you begin to stop dividing yourselves? when can you begin to stop conquering yourselves?


The rela. between you & me is not protection but guidance. Your future is in your own hands all the time, so no one can protect you if you insist on conquering yourselves. Moreover, I couldn't even help you if I become your tool because my value is realized in the form of my guidance whether you like or not. It's the complement to democracy. Your decisions & policies are closer to the ideal than the reality.

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