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Has Krishna's existence been proven?

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It is very hard to prove Krishna's historicity as he lived a very long time ago (either 5000 or 3500 years ago). It's hard to prove the historicity of any ancient figure in these times.


As a Hindu, it's up to you if you believe he is historical or not, some do not, but many great Sages have had spititual experience of Krishna, including modern ones such as Sri Aurobindo.


There are however certain indications that he did live and that at least some of the events of the Mahabharata were historically true. For example there were ancient weapons and artifacts found on what was the battlefield of Kurukshetra and Krishna's capital city of Dwarka has been found submerged under the sea.


Please read the following link for more information -




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If the indian government puts resources into finding the city of dwarka,I'm sure it can do so. What astonishes me is their lack of enthusiasm on this part. Look at the egyptians, despite being muslims they still put a lot of money and effort into their "pagan" history, yet we being hindus don't put that much effort into our own hindu history.

Secondly it seems that the nasa pictures of the india lank bridge is not a bridge after all..



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  • 4 weeks later...
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If the BJP tries to allocate funds for research, all other pseudo secular parties will make a big noise against the move.


We hindus lack pride in our own religion. Thats where the problem is.

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  • 1 year later...

If the BJP tries to allocate funds for research, all other pseudo secular parties will make a big noise against the move.


Instead of going to the Politic Parties for funds, the Researchers should start a foundation (with name like Dharma Research Centre or something) and ask Hindus worldwide for help in terms of financial.


It should be run by people who are well-trusted not in India alone but worldwide, and supports from various organisms like NGOs and National Geography should be approached.


Once all this is done, researchs can be done but even this must be done accordingly. A website should be established and Monthly Reports should be published on progress and findings should be put there for the world (those who invested, interested or those who just have fire in their stomach) to know.

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