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A poem about the glory of God

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A poem about the glory of God ... at least to my humble understanding of poetry. Hope you like it.




Song of Apollo


The sleepless Hours who watch me as I lie

Curtained with star-enwoven tapestries

From the broad moonlight of the open sky;

Fanning the busy dreams from my dim eyes,

Waken me when their mother, the grey Dawn,

Tells them that Dreams and that the moon is gone.

Then I arise; and climbing Heaven's blue dome,

I walk over the mountains and the waves,

Leaving my robe upon the Ocean foam.

My footsteps pave the clouds with fire; the caves

Are filled with my bright presence, and the air

Leaves the green Earth to my embraces bare.

The sunbeams are my shafts with which I kill

Deceit, that loves the night and fears the day.

All men who do, or even imagine ill

Fly me; and from the glory of my ray

Good minds, and open actions take new might

Until diminished, by the reign of night.

I feed the clouds, the rainbows and the flowers

With their aetherial colours; the moon's globe

And the pure stars in their eternal bowers

Are cinctured with my power as with a robe;

Whatever lamps on Earth or Heaven may shine

Are portions of one spirit; which is mine.

I stand at noon upon the peak of Heaven;

Then with unwilling steps, I linger down

Into the clouds of the Atlantic even.

For grief that I depart they weep and frown

What look is more delightful, than the smile

With which I soothe them from the Western isle?

I am the eye with which the Universe

Beholds itself, and knows it is divine.

All harmony of instrument and verse,

All prophecy and medicine are mine;

All light of art or nature to my song

Victory and praise, in its own right, belong.

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