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Learn from Judaism!

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Hey moderators:


Don't be offended by this post and delete it. I am not targeting any community or religion/country, but simply offering new ideas. Let people read this and respond with their ideas, so we can understand things better. Thanks for understanding.



Hi people!


I believe the time has come for Hindus, Hare Krishnas included, to take valuable lessons from Judaism. Now let me explain this in two parts.


Question 1:


Why should Hindus and H'ism change?


Answer: Hinduism has only made Hindus weak. It has made India, the original land of Aryans, weak. That is because Hinduism has no rules and regulations. There is nothing specific, no ONE book, ONE prophet, SPECIFIC LAWS to follow, and so on. The result: Hindus have been confused beyond measure over the last 2000 years, give or take a few! When foreigners invaded their country, they didn't know what to do-they were stumped! They had nothing in their "Sastra" to tell them what to do under the circumstances. Of course, originality was lacking too. But the point is, an UNORGANIZED religion is only going to lead its followers to disaster. How are you going to tackle problems, be they economic or social or spiritual or what you will, when your religion has no laws to follow? Man needs laws, until he learns to go beyond the mind. It is very easy to brag, "Hindus believe in the law of the heart, blah-blah,", but the fact remains...without laws, you cannot have a concrete system. And without a system, man cannot survive. Hindus are learning this the hard way by losing land, wealth, power, believers etc. So I believe the time has come for reforms. WE need to organize H'ism.


Question 2:


Why learn from Judaism when there are other religions?


Answer: Because Judaism is probably the first religion to organize...everything! Not just religion or thelogy, but man's social and political life, give him do's and donts, and so forth. Jews are probably the first people to actually CREATE a system for man's benefit. And yet, they don't believe in the ugliness of conversions, like the muslims or Christians do.


Second, Jews were the first race to understand the importance of laws to guide man. We have no laws, that's why H'ism is so corrupt, Hindus are corrupt, ignorant...put simply, they have absolutely no goals, worldly or spiritual, they have no idea where they are heading. Hindus are lost. Why? Because they have no laws. So follow the laws of life and then DEVOTION to Krishna would help a great deal. Without it, merely singing and dancing or eating prasad isn't going to do much good. Live by the law, and THEN law will reveal the truth about this life. In short, Hindus should throw away devotion and all that for a few years, and focus exclusively on creating, maintaining and following the law. That way, they can organize H'ism and once that is done, Hindus will start understanding their religion better, they can avoid confusion. Plus H'ism would cease to be the vague, mysterious religion that it used to be. People will start looking at it with a fresh pair of eyes.


More later....



Special Guest Star from Chennai, India

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Those who blame hinduism do not know hinduism.


Krishna in gita has said everything we hindus need to unite and fight asuras. agree that hinduism needs to organize becaue the enemies of hinduism are organized and are violent too. but still we would organize according to gita.


it is unfortunate that hindus have malpraciced hinduism.

when they start practicing it corrctly then the problems the can be solved.


isopanishad even shows way to solve israel-palestine problem.


yes, jews and hindus need to unite to fight islam,

but to say hinduism is defective is not the way to develop friendship between india and israel or hindus and jews.


so far i have not seen a hindu posting anything bad about jews. is there not a lesson to be learned for jews?

we have common enemy.

why hurt hindus' feeling by saying hinduism is defective

when actually it is not?


jai sri krishna! -madhav



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more about this Isopanishad that supposedly shows us the way to solve Israel-palestinian problem?


"but to say hinduism is defective is not the way to develop friendship between india and israel or hindus and jews."


That H'ism is defective has nothing to do with Hindu-Jew relations. H'ism has to change, Hindus have to change, IF AT ALL they have the desire to survive. But it seems as if Hindus are too busy with the begging bowl to EVEN THINK about survival, racial preservation and so forth.


"so far i have not seen a hindu posting anything bad about jews. is there not a lesson to be learned for jews?"


How do you mean?


"why hurt hindus' feeling by saying hinduism is defective

when actually it is not?"


Wishful thinking.



Special Guest Star from Chennai, India







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<< That H'ism is defective has nothing to do with Hindu-Jew relations. H'ism has to change, Hindus have to change, IF AT ALL they have the desire to survive. >>


The fact is that Hinduism is not defective.

The followers (not all) are defective (not folloing as they should.) The other fact is that hinduism is not going to die, but can vanish fron India, the birth place of Hinduism.

That we do not want to happen. if 1000+ years of barbaric slaughter of hindus by muslims could not kill hinduism then it should be clear that hinduism cannot be killed.


Now, if you still keep harping that hinduism is defective then i would wonder whether you are an enemy in disguise of a jew friend.


<< But it seems as if Hindus are too busy with the begging bowl >>


who is begging for what?


<< to EVEN THINK about survival, racial preservation and so forth >>


i could not agree. What evidence you have to say so?


Hinduism is not race based. one who follows hinduism well is called an arya (aryan). any person of any race or skin color can be called an arya if he /she lived by the vedas or gita.


Now about isopanishad:


the first verse before isopanishad begins is this:


OM pUrNamidam pUrnaMidah

pUrNAt pUrnam udachyate

pUrnasya pUrNamAdAya



The idea here is that god is whole full - without any defciency. from it the world is created and so the world also is whole - without deficiency. When a life is born here, god already has made arrangement for the life to have nourishment here. the world has plenty of food, more than the starving people need. it is the psople who do not care people. no fault of god.


the first verse of isopanishad says:


isAvAsy idam sarvam yat kincha jagatyAm jagat

tene tyaktena bhunjithA mA gridha kasya swid dhanam


this verse says that all this world and things in it belong to god. so, take what is allotted to you, and never take some one else's allotment. This basically says live free from greed, do not covet other's property, and live within the means you have.


The world has a lot of land to live.

still two large groups of different religions want to live in the same place and cannot give up their religion for another that could be better.


if muslims can convice jews that islam is best and then after all jews become muslims then israel-palestine problem is sloved (and it would mean more problem for the world.)

if jews can convince palestines that judaism is better than islam then they must accept judaism and then there is no israel-palestine problem.


alternativey if both give up their religion for a third one. then also the problem is sloved.


the other alternative is why not one group convice to another group to live away where there is a lot of land to live? This is hard. Even hinduism also says about the love for home land, but ultimatly hinduism says to give up all attachment. This however is not possible for all. So, there are other ways for moksha that giving up all the attachment. Hinduism has many ways for going to god. no must not get confused, but choose one that is best for one.


i hope you will understand, but may be not.

it takes time for non hindus to understand hinduism.

hare krishnas have observed that one born in india can understand hinduism easily than othrers.


jai sri rishna! -madhav


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<< want Hindus to do, Jivram? >>


- know dharma as stated in gita by krishna.

- then practice dharma correctly.

- the vedic literature has descried aatataayis. they are of six kinds. they must be killed per dharma.


- remove invader ideologies from bharat. these are anti vedic. expose them the ideologies how defective and barbaric they are.


- destroy false history books from the educaton system.

- teach true history of india and the hindus in schools.

- remember teh story of prithviraj chauhan and ghauri.

that tells exactly with whom we are dealing with.

never make mistake prithviraj made.


do you love sanatan dharma?

do you love devabhoomi bharat?

do you love the vedic sanskriti?


if so, then work in the best interest of these.

unite hindus for the cause.

gita tells how to unite. know the truth from there

and live by it.


would you agree?


jai sri krishna! - madhva


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Hinduism has all the answers when dealing with enemies of Dharma. But Hindus did not follow it properly. Krishna in the Gita repeatedly asks Arjuna to take up arms and fight adharma. But if Hindus refuse to listen to Krishna's advice and instead keep arguing about abstract metaphysical concepts and developing more and more philosophical schools whose fault is it?


The message of the Gita should be spread. The wonderful thing about the Gita is one can never become violent on reading the Gita. It is written in such a wonderful manner that all thoughts of violence can never enter the mind. When fighting the enemies of dharma one should do it as a service to Krishna.

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<< When fighting the enemies of dharma one should do it as a service to Krishna. >>


Very true.

One has to fight to uphold dharma and to protect dharmis and their land, and religious and cultureal infrastructure.


jai sri krishna! -madhav


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  • 4 weeks later...

Well as I entered into this site I saw a Buddhist fanatic and then followed by a fanatic from Judaism both of whom know nothing about Hinduism.


To the ignorant Jew here, let me ask a question if Judaism had made Jews so strong how come they were driven out of their own country and probably India is the only nation where Jews were not tortured.


My point is if you Jews could come together after losing your land and everything, we Hindus are doing a lot better as we fought successfully to get rid of Islamic and christian tyrants and hold India as our land unlike you Jews who were not even capable of defending your land.


As for set of laws, only ignorant and irresponsible masses need that, which is what Jews of that age were.


Hindu sages were enlightened and so were Hindus(unlike today's Hindus - includes me) and so they dived into deep spirituality and core of sufferings of human beings. They taught and practised methods to overcome the same.


This what Bhagavad Gita(GOD's song) of Lord Krishna teaches, that SIN does not lie the action itself but in the mind of selfish human beings. He taught the supreme compassion lies in the mind(selflessness) and not in action itself.


He taught how to be utterly compassionate while wielding a sword in a war by devoting all actions to dharma and GOD without any tinge of impurities in mind.


One can be non-violent and practising ahimsa externally but burning with all kinds of anger, lust and desire in his mind. One can also appear to be violent physically while utterly peaceful in mind. Gita teaches the second.


Hinduism is more than set of blind laws.

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Dear friend,


It seems as if your anger has blocked your vision. I am a follower of Sanatan Dharma. Period. I just gave the example of Jews, as they seem to be doing a better job defending themselves than Hindus. Down the ages, Hindus have been slaves, whereas Jews have ruled...BY PROXY! See how clever Jews are! US controls the world, but who controls the USA??? The Jews, of course. Who contols Hollywood? Media? Foreign policy? NASA? Banking policies? Industries and MNCs? Economic policies? In short, Jews are ruling the world without even letting the world know that they are doing so!!! This is remarkable, every other race makes a hue and cry, but look at the intelligent Jews. Instead of complaing and begging like Hindus, Jews simply take what they want! Why would they care about defending land and all that, when they have a super-power under their control? That's the diff. between a Hindu and a Jew. The Jew is a quiet achiever, whereas the Hindu whines and complains about terrorism etc., but THINKS AND ACTS like a slave, justifying the saying" Once a slave, always a slave." Let Hindus give up their slave mentality first, and then they can brag about how good their religion is, or how great India USED TO BE in some imaginary Stya Yuga, and what not???



Special Guest Star from Chennai, India

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There is nothing to learn from Judaism. It is a primitive religion just like christianity. They believe that Hindu Gods(Devas) are demons. This is what a learned(so called) Rabbi tells.


May be the Jews of today had learnt and gained control in world politics these days. It does not mean they learnt it from Judaism. Circumstances forced them. Besides many Jews are still dying inspite of the so called power and control they have.


As for being a follower of Santhana Dharma, you can't be one as you do not believe in Satya Yuga and imagine it to be imaginary.


Just a cursory reading bible shows how Jews killed innocent people in the name of their god's commandments. Their god seems to be no better than jews.


Note: Jewish Rabbis are no different than their christian counter parts like francis xavier. Just like him rabbis call Devas as demons. The strength of their religion itself lies in denigrating other religions as their religion seems to have no real substance.


Remember if Juadaism and its blind fundamentalism did not exist then christianity and islam would have never originated. Judaism is as evil as other semitic religions.

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The horror jewish god(or is it any god at all); only demonic spirits ask for human scacrifice.


Exodus - Chapter 013, verses 1-22. God asks jews to sacrifice their first borns of both all beasts and men.


Seems this god is very blood thirsty indeed.



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The horror jewish god(or is it any god at all); only demonic spirits ask for human scacrifice.

Exodus - Chapter 013, verses 1-22. God asks jews to sacrifice their first borns of both all beasts and men.

Seems this god is very blood thirsty indeed.


These sort of weird things happen all the time. Did not Hindus sacrifice children? Did not Christians burn witches alive? Are not Muslims primitive and barbaric even in this century? All races have been primitve one time or another. It is no big deal.


Also another guest (was it you?) has pointed out that jews killed innocent people. And what's the source of this great info.???? The BIBLE, ha-ha-ha! The bible is the product of a sick, perverted mind, and that is your RELIABLE source? I don't believe this! If you ask a Muslim what he thinks of jews, he is only going to say, "Jews are killers," not realizing that muslims have killed more innocent people than anyone else. Christians are no different, in that they simply egg them on. They want to create friction between different communities, so they can be the "last man standing". So do not fall into this trap of believing whatever Christians say about the Jews; it is all part of evil propaganda.


Warm Regards,

Special Guest Star from Chennai, India

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Did not Hindus sacrifice children ?



In what Hindu scripture did you find this ?


As for Jews sacrificing children it is found in their own bible aka Torah aka old testament. By the way atleast you agreed that whoever wrote bible is a sick perverted guy. Genesis is a part of jewish scripture. Go and do your homework.

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What about jewish attitude toward anything non-jewish and particularly Hinduism. It is no different than christians and muslims attitude.


Why did you not answer my question on rabbis' attitude towards Hinduism and portraying Devas as demons, inspite of the demonic attributes jewish god possesses like asking for child sacrifices.

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I am not denying there are 'dark portions' even in Torah, but then to attack Judaism exclusively is foolish. That's all I am saying. As to why Jews say hindu gods are demons, well this is what Christians and Muslims say too! But you'd gladly ignore that, right? Besides, Hindus have become doormats for other people to walk on them, so naturally all this abuse is not entirely unexpected. After all, you cannot expect a self-respecting Jew to say all religions are equal etc., like dumb secular hindus, do you? Unlike Hindus, Jews take pride in their religion and they want to protect it, even if it means attacking others. What's wrong with self-preservative instincts? Every living being has those traits, with just one exception!



Special Guest Star from Chennai, India

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I do not consider any semitic religion as decent. They all spread ignorance.


I am proud of being a Hindu. I thought jews are more open minded. Nops. They are as worse as christians and muslims. So all belong in the same class. There are dumb secular jews as well like some dumb Hindus.


The point is do you find any Hindu Gurus teaching that jewish g-d is an asura or jesus is a rakshasa or likewise. No. But you have jewish rabbis,christian priests and muslim mullahs teaching Devas are demons.


This shows that these religions survived by destroying other religions. All three semitic religions are barbaric. I don't find any good reason as to why a rabbi should abuse Hindu Gods in order to show that he is proud of judaism.


The way you argue shows that you are not even a Hindu for a Hindus' blood will boil when somebody abuses their religion and Gods. You are a arrogant jew or muslim or christian posing as a Hindu.

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i would think that our disagreement, if any, with jews/israel can be given low priority at this time.

we both need to focus on the common enemy islam.

judaism has not invaded india.


jai sri krishna! -madhav


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Unlike X and Is, Judaism doesn't try to convert anyone forcibly. That's what they have in common with Hindus. Another thing is slavery and geographical location where both India and Israel are surrounded by hostile nations. Both races are ancient and decent, never fired the first shot during wars or riots, never started crusades or jihad etc. In short, Hindus and Jews are brothers and they must join forces to fight the common enemy.

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I don't know much about Hinduism but I know the Bible. The god of the so-called Old Testament is the god of "I", I AM; in other words, I am an Egotist. Yawheh is "I am who I am." This Ego manifested itself via the "voice" and "word" of his Prophets. These Prophets were eaten up with the thought of building a Great Nation; something that the political and military situation of the time would not allow because more powerful empires surrounded tiny Israel. This "I" as manifested through the Prophets and scribes is one who blames "others" for failure; the political failure of becoming a Great Nation (at that time). The Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians etc. conquer ancient Israel and the Prophets blame it on "the people"; the people have broken the Law of Moses. In order to read the Old Testament correctly you have to know the "real" historical situation as opposed to the situation described in the various books of the Old Testament. Every WORD has to be turned on its head: the "glory" of god is really the "shame" of god because of humiliating military defeats by Assyrians, Babylians etc. The excessive "praise" that this god wants is precisely because this god is "ridiculed" by his more powerful neighbors. Power is really impotence; love is hate, etc, etc. The WORDS of the Old Testament are used to conceal political reality. This Ego never blames himself; he always blames "others"--women, wicked children, other nations, the whole world, for the situation he FEELS himself to be in. In fact, all in all, the Old Testament is an odious book. As far as Laws, you may just as well take them from Zoroastrianism; in fact, the Old Testament did borrow a lot from the ancient Persian religion.


In short, look and borrow from modern Israel as much as you want. But to copy or borrow from a book that describes events 3000 years ago is not the way to go; especially when that same book is littered with lies, deception, exagerations, imagined recriminations, the most brutal violence, vengeance, and terror. Words are not what they seem; they seldom are. When a man can't do, he talks. When a man fails, he blames "others". When failure is psychologically unbearable, he lies; worst of all, he lies to himself and actually even believes in his own lies. In short, he becomes a "True Believer." And that is the Old Testament, pretty much.

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I'm a Westerner, American. I was raised a Christian but am seriously looking at Budhism and Hinduism (probably the former because it's more or less Atheist).


Zoroastrianism is probably the first "revealed" Monotheistic religion. The other three are Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. Of course, the first two derive from Judaism. Judaism is nothing more than a national god. These three Monotheisms have differences, but they have one thing in common: intolerance. Monotheism by it's very nature is intolerant. Polytheism, on the other hand, is tolerant. Monotheism has an US vs THEM mentality. Monotheists think they are in possession of the Absolute Truth, and the very existence of "others" who do not believe as they believe necessarily gives rise to doubt in the very Absolute Truth they profess. Therefore, "others" must be "converted" or killed. This is especially true of Islam, which, from my point of view, is a "religion" for simpletons.


There are many problems with the Old Testament; there are many problems with the New Testament. The Koran is for people who want a "simple explanation" and who want the Self-security of thinking they belong to the One True religion.


I think Christianity is going to fall apart in the West. Already, Eastern philosophies and religions are impacting the intellectual Elites in the West. They don't have much interest in Christianity anymore. I still have some interest; it's a philosophy similar to the Bhagavad Gita, but there are still so many problems with Christianity from an intellectual, philosophical standpoint that... well, I too am looking to the East.

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"I just gave the example of Jews, as they seem to be doing a better job defending themselves than Hindus. Down the ages, Hindus have been slaves, whereas Jews have ruled...BY PROXY! See how clever Jews are! US controls the world, but who controls the USA??? The Jews, of course. Who contols Hollywood? Media? Foreign policy? NASA? Banking policies? Industries and MNCs? Economic policies? In short, Jews are ruling the world without even letting the world know that they are doing so!!!"


That is .. That's just the old "Jewish Conspiracy" theory. Jews just happen to hold influential positions in a lot of industries, etc. And by the way, most are probably not "religious" at all but rather are atheist. Judaism as a "religion", as a "living belief" in a god is probably held only by a minority of Jews. Jews are scientists and fierce rationalists for the most part. Many want to "escape" from their religion because of the persecutions of the past. As I said and know to be true, the Old Testament itself depicts events 3000 years ago and beyond and is itself, as a "relgion", pretty much dead; except amongst a minority of Jews. It's a useless "model" for you, whatever you are trying to do.


The West is this: rational, objective, capitalistic, external, scientific, attempts to "conquer" Nature. We are rich.


The East is this: rational and mystical, subjective, socialist/capitalist, internal, religion-crazy, attempts to live in harmony with Nature. You are poor.


The West conquers Nature via capitalism and science; an external "victory." The East conquers human nature via various yoga and philosophico-religious techniques; an internal "victory"--liberation.


I don't understand the political, social, "racial," and "religious" problems in India enough to comment about them with confidence. However, the rise of the West since the 1500s has been a moving away from Christianity, from Catholicism to Protestantism to Atheism (the Bible has been "deconstructed" by 150 years of scholarship), and the rise of science and capitalism. What good or purpose does a "religion" have unless it is true? I don't mean to hurt anyone's feelings, but is the Koran true? No, I've read it. Is Judaism true? No, I've read it. Religion is man-made; man makes himself into god or gods. Is there any "revealed" or absolutely necessary or required "religion"? No. Why? Because if I was a Tyrant and I ruled the world and burned every single library and book in the world--what? Everyone would just have to start again; we wouldn't just role over and die. The Rig Veda, the Upanishads, they are fine--but I sometimes have this Dream of moving to an ISLAND, free from the WEIGHT and TIME of civilization; a new beginning, a new birth....


If you say "we" need this, that; "we" need to change this, that; "they" need to do this, that--perhaps that is part of the problem. Shouldn't it be "I" need to do this, that; "I" need to change this, that? Who are "we" and "they" anyway? Abstractions? "Words"? I never trust any "words". Words always fail in regard to the individual.



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Hare Krishna,


Dear Guest,


Thank you for your good post. I am sure we Indians have something to learn from west on science, rationalism etc. and in turn India and eastern countries can give valuable teachings on human nature and psychology. Personally I am very much impressed by Greek civilization(for its rationalism and scientific enquiry into nature).


No doubt India has got much to learn from Jews of today as well. I agree that there is nothing to learn from Judaism as such, except learn not to do what they did.

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