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Influence of Sanskrit?

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Does anybody know which countries Sanskrit was used in either as a spoken or unspoken language? What empires used it etc. I know it was widely used in India but im in Vietnam at the moment and at one temple i visited i saw what looked, to me, to be Sanskrit. Just wondering. Thanks

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Many southeast asian countries were part of a "greater India" from the first millennium, with influences mostly from Bengal, Srilanka and Tamil for the rest. These were both Hindu and Buddhist, and yes, Sanskrit and Pali were known and used in these areas. There are still vestiges, especially in proper names.


kAmabhoja == Cambodia.


siMhapura = Singapore.


brahma-deza = Burma (now Myanmar)


yogya-kartA = Jogjakarta.


These are genuine Sanskrit derivations and not the P.S.Oak confabulations.


Sukarno Sukarnoputri. Mahathir Mohammad is an interesting combination of Pali Buddhist (mahA-sthIra) and Arabic.


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I will add:

jaya-kartaa == Jakarta

sura-abhaya == Surabaya

shyaama-desha == Siam (now Thailand)

mathura == Madura

kaali-manthanam == Kalimantan (former Borneo)


These are also genuine Sanskrit derivations and not the P.S.Oak confabulations.


Suharto, the former president of Indonesia (dwiipaantara in Sanskrit) is "su-artha". Subroto, the minister of oil resources is "suvrata"

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  • 3 months later...

Dear Sir,

I would like to inform you that Tamil is indeed one of the

Oldest language in the world. This is not told by me but from various

sources of both the internet and books justify this statment.It is

actually older than Sanskrit and other Dravidian languages. This can be

seen by the abundance usage of Tamil words in Sanskrit and Dravidian

language like (Kannada, Telugu and Malayalam). Tamil works of literature

of Silappadhikaram and Manimekhalai and futhermore,Tiruvalluvar's

Tirukkural which is acclaimed to be the greatest Tamil classic dates

back to more than 2000 years of history. Thirukural expresses the most

profound thoughts on the many problems of life. Each verse is a couplet

composed with great economy of words. And linguist from all around the

world state that Tamil is one of the historical languages. Therefore, I

hereby declare that Tamil including Greek,Latin and Sanskrit are the

oldest languages in the world.

I am an Englishman working as a professor in an university in Wales.

I am very worried about the hidden secrets and tresures of languages not

being known to the world and amoong this includes Tamil. I would

sincerely hope that you would reply to me asap.

Yours Sincerely



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