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I feel like my prophetic gift is killing me...

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Sometimes I get very confused, because I can't figure out exactly what the "voice" inside is telling me, it seem that it give me half directions, then that's it, I feel like Iam being lead by a string...every since I have came intuned, with my self, i have been listening to this voice, that seem at first to never fail me.. Lately, Iam confused on what it says to me, and what it means. It seem that everything I think is the answer is wrong, is there anyone here with the gift to predict? Please I need someone who is experienced in this to tell me, what it is...Iam getting very depresed cause Iam very cofused.. help please.




I mean have your gift every failed you? when it happen, did you find out why.

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You said that sometimes you get very confused and you can't figure out exactly what the "voice" inside is telling you...that it seems to give you half directions. The answer is simple. You must balance your "voice" inside with your Dharma. That is your answer. Simple.



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In our present condition it is very difficult for us to always know the real source of voices or impressions that come to us internally. God's voice? Maybe. Maybe just my mind? It often is.


That is why the Lord has instructed His servants, saints and prophets to write down their revelations. They are more advanced on true inner listening. More intune with God's voice, so we can cross check what we think we hear with what they have actually heard. Saints who happen to be here in bodies at the same time as us can help us read these past writings(scriptures) and understand them. They can also personally serve as reference guides for what we think we are hearing within. They should all line up. Then we can be sure we are on sound ground. It is most helpful to consult all sources to make sure we are understanding the other ones properly. The inner voice can be the most tricky at first because our sense perception is already set for outer observation but in time that also will become clear.


But even in the very beginning we are to make use of this inner searching and listening. But we must be careful. At first you may find it helpful to just pray to the Lord in the heart to direct you to an "outer" source that He knows is delivering His real revelations. In otherwords, pray internally and expect to be directed to the answer in the form of the saints and scriptures. Then they will help us become more in tune to the Lord in the heart.


And always chant Hare Krsna,


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well you see, I know what you are feeling cuz thats exactly the thing that i went through for a while. Basically, your mind is confused because it is restless. A restless mind is surely subjected to suffering.


If you want to free yourself, then meditate. Meditation will calm your mind and your thought. Then, follow your morals in life. Don't try to think about your position in the world. Just believe in your morals and ask help from your all knowing supreme friend *In my case it is Krishna but in your case it is rama or christ or allah or some other supreme gal or guy*. This is not craziness, but this is oriental psychology. It helps in making right decisions in life and reining supreme over your senses and develops self control in your life.



A philosopher,



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From your last two posts, I gather that you mind is bit overloaded.


Perhaps you should consult a doctor (psychologist or psychiatrist).........I don't mean to be rude. /images/graemlins/smile.gif


If you are confused and hear voices in your head, and this not helping the quality of your life, you should seek help from a doctor, in additions to you religious quest for answers!


Don't be silly, see a doctor!

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Such things happen at a point of time in life, when perhaps God wants us (or you) to turn to Him. I am sure, most of us problems to deal with, but not all of us get confused due to the load of the problems. As far psychiatric help is concerned, less said the better. Most of the times, they prescribe, sleeping pills on most of the problems. How can this solve the problem?

The best thing, for you to do is to surrender to God in earnestness and ask for help. If are a Hindu, then you have either different images of God (Rama, Krishna, Shiva etc.) to surrender or the best is to surrender to another Vaishnava saint. The bona-fide Vaishnava saint can certainly show the proper way to you and prescribe additional spiritual austerities, that would remove your confusion and give you the peace of mind.

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From your last two posts, I gather that you mind is bit overloaded.


Perhaps you should consult a doctor (psychologist or psychiatrist).........I don't mean to be rude.


If you are confused and hear voices in your head, and this not helping the quality of your life, you should seek help from a doctor, in additions to you religious quest for answers!


Don't be silly, see a doctor!







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It is not wise to call names or be sarcastic here in this friendly forum, due to the fact that it causes nothing but rivalry between two individuals. In reality, we are all connected to each other.


Scientific proof: The modern quantum physics is narrowing down to the fact that the entire creation was due to one cause. this is the string theory that states that all the objects in the world are made out of one string or connected with in a cosmic string.


Spiritual proof : look at the various hindu and christian , jewish and islamic scriptures you will see it every where, if you believe it or not.


therefore, it is not wise to be "mean" and be very offensive.


-enlightened :/images/graemlins/grin.gif:

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  • 5 months later...

Listen sweet heart, God is not the God of confusion but, the God of truth and peace. You see your battling with three things.

1st of all you have to remember, you have God, the devil, and your flesh. If its not God, its either the devil or you. You have to learn to yield to God, calm yourself, and rebuke the devil. If thiers peace, its God. If its confusion its you. If its fear its the devil. When ever I'm used in this gift, I step back in my spirit, and say God you speak, and a peace comes. Maybe you should try that. Heres a Prayer to help you.

Dear LORD, help me understand your voice, help me keep flesh back, and the devil bound. Dear Jesus forgive me of my sins. Help me move forward in this prophetic gift with a flow. So that I can be a worrior for the kingdom of you name. And LORD bind the hand of the devil, who's trying to hinder my work in the name of the LORD Jesus. And I pray that clearity comes and Confusion Leaves in Jesus Name. Amen!

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I know what you mean. Once it told me the iron

was on and I drove back 5 miles. It was off and was the kind that shuts off by itself anyway.


I have never quite forgiven it for that one.:)


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  • 1 year later...

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