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The Insanity Defense in an Insane World

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Who was supposed to be insane, Hinkley or Reagan? I'd venture that both were; remember Reagan's "I don't remember" excuse in the Iran-Contra-Ollie North fiasco? Interestingly, Reagan eventually couldn't and cannot remember anything.


Originally posted by Gauracandra:

I mentioned a few weeks back how I was surprised that Siddhaswarupananda had a public access program in my area. Well today’s topic was “The Insanity Plea in an Insane World”. The program is obviously dated as he was talking about Hinkley shooting Ronald Reagan. But it was pretty good. He seems to have an interesting style where he doesn’t focus so much on the esoteric, but rather talks about the philosophy in relation to world events. He was taking to task those that excuse criminals because they say they are insane. In this regard he quoted various passages from the Bhagavad-Gita in relation to the inability to control the mind. I’m still amazed that I can’t find a single website of his that is up on the internet. The few I’ve gone to are out of commission, or in some manner of disrepair. He seems rather media savvy so this surprises me. Anyways, perhaps I’ll give brief summaries of his shows each Saturday.




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I mentioned a few weeks back how I was surprised that Siddhaswarupananda had a public access program in my area. Well today’s topic was “The Insanity Plea in an Insane World”. The program is obviously dated as he was talking about Hinkley shooting Ronald Reagan. But it was pretty good. He seems to have an interesting style where he doesn’t focus so much on the esoteric, but rather talks about the philosophy in relation to world events. He was taking to task those that excuse criminals because they say they are insane. In this regard he quoted various passages from the Bhagavad-Gita in relation to the inability to control the mind. I’m still amazed that I can’t find a single website of his that is up on the internet. The few I’ve gone to are out of commission, or in some manner of disrepair. He seems rather media savvy so this surprises me. Anyways, perhaps I’ll give brief summaries of his shows each Saturday.




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  • 3 years later...

He destroyed Iraq with the reason that "Iraq has Weapons of Mass Destruction" and when UN send in experts to look for it, they cannot find anything. The world ask Bush about it and you know what the joker said?


"It doesn't matter whether Iraq had WMD or not. I BELIEVE IF they have it, they could use it against US and the World".



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