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Hare Krishna!


All glories to Srila Prabhupada! I offer my humble obeisance unto him!


I have read many posts in this forum and others and have read and heard general comments on ISKCON and thier philosophy.


It is sad to see most of the debates and arguments lean towards the NEGATIVE SIDE always. People always are READY to criticize but none i have seen elucidate the GOOD and IMPACT Krishna Consciousness had on people and is having on people.


I am not a historian or record keeper, but iam sure Krishna Consciousness and ISKCON has created a lot of good and changed many lives and brought real meaning into one's existance on this planet.


I think we should acknowledge that and appreciate that ISKCON inspite of its troubles have done a great job in trying to propogate Srila Prabhupada's teachings and the pure Sanatan Dharma that is the ORIGINAL TRUTH.


I find peace and happiness when i see devotees congregate and chant and dance for the Lord's happiness and it is all TRANSCENDENTAL and that enlivens me and motivates me to serve Guru and Gauranga more.


It is essential in this day and age where it is very easy to fall down and lose track of the bigger picture, to keep fresh and motivated to serve KRISHNA with ENTHUSIASM as Srila Prabhupada would want us.


I hope every visitor to this forum see and understand that ISKCON has done so many good things and we should not take that for granted. Though ISKCON, just like any organizational body, has issues with day to day affairs, we have to understand and remember it is not an ordinary instituion trying to make money but it is a transcendental organization GLORIFYING KRISHNA.


We can and should be a part of it by appreciating its very existance in our neighborhoods and use it to change our mundane existance.


I say ISKCON because Srila Prabhupada has said ISKCON is non-different from Krishna.


Although there are problems and difference, it still is THE PLATFORM to spread Krishna Consciousness to all living beings as per the wish of Srila Prabhupada.






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Usually when people critisize ISKCON it is not that they [the people who are critical] are part of some 'other' organization. They are part of the same Organization namely 'Krishna's Matha:)'.!


I came to Krsna Consiousness years ago. I didn't really expect all of this to be going on. And I expected a perfect society [Gaudiya Matha, Iskcon etc]. But we have to remember that as disicples we are meant to help each other out. For me it has been a low blow. Only because even though I am Indian Born, I really don't know anything about what being 'Krsna Consciouss' is or was.


We can only try I guess. I wish that leaders would ignore the 'Prabhupada said stay away from his Godbrothers' etc. And try to reconsile what SP was actually doing. Then it will be so perfect. Prabhupada as Acharya met all of His Godbrothers and worked with them. The history is so long. I fear that when you or anybody goes on-line you will read some articiles saying all sorts of things. To tell you the truth. It is best to NOT listen to any of it. Anything which causes Sectariasum and Aparadha is bad news.


Wish there was a plug in your brain where you can unplug everything [i could use a more colourful word then that!]. Then we can all get on with the REAL Krsna Consciousness. Unfortuanilty all this is going on all the time. SO devotees have to tell others. Which is nice. SO then we can leave it all behind and progress.


Gaura haribol


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