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they say in the process of vinegar originally its alcohol, then turns fully into acid...so alcohol has been in there at the satrt, so i guess we cant have it?? also is it considered satvic then?

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Letter from Prabhupada to Kirtanananda - 24 March 1969




"And aside from this, vinegar is not good; it is tamasic, in the darkness, nasty food."




Hope that helps.

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actually I didn't even know you could use vinegar to make paneer, and to be honest it sounds kind of yucky :P

Lemon works great, but I mostly use yoghurt for a more smooth paneer. Glad I could be of help though,



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A message to the devotees who are using citric acid. Many devotees are sick with cancer.


The first blocker is CITRIC ACID: it is an acid we do not need to take orally; it is required only if there is a excess or an undesirable acid in our system, and if it is needed the body will produce it. One of the acids it will flush from our system if it is in excess is oxalic acid; so if it is taken orally it will reduce the level of oxalic acid in the blood whether its in excess or not. To make a point, Adelle Davis a well known nutritionists in her book “Let’s Get Well” published 1965 in her writings about kidney stones said, “Persons unfamiliar with these acids and perhaps confused by them might think of oxalic acid as the villain and citric acid as the rescuing hero”. I believe she died from cancer. Considering my research which began January 1986, I believe citric acid is the number 1cause of cancer today. Many people think only of citrus fruits when citric acid is mentioned, however, the greatest source is from ingredients added to foods and beverages. Citric acid is a great preservative, a great taste enhancer and keeps colors bright.


Now citric acid this person is talking about is just one of many artificial colours we are digesting every day.


Ys, Ydd



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And I believe that meat, air pollution and radiation are the nr.1 causes for cancer today. It's just what you believe in that will be truth.


Really nice article though a bit paranoid, don't know about citric acid since I don't use ever use it but people have been drinking cow milk since time immemorial, and for certain since Krishna's presence here on earth. Krishna drank cow milk straight from the cows udders and people in India have been drinking cow milk and using it for so many things since then. They never got cancer, it is only since recent times that people are getting cancer from everything around them. Possible reasons: well there has been alot of testing of nuclear weapons around the globe. The radiation from those thousands of bombs is certain to affect life around the globe and so also the food we take.

It seems weird to me that God would advice us to take cowmilk while it's supposedly a vicious killer in disguise. Now suddenly the medical world agrees cowmilk is a product to shun. So we all become afraid and start believing it and so we're gonna get what we believe in. In 20 years a new medical research will disprove the previous research and suddenly milk is good again. One research condemns milk as some sort of primary cause of cancer while the other research hails it as a cancer destroyer. I believe that if you believe hard enough that milk is a nasty substance it will be just that for you and vice versa. I guess it all comes down to what you believe in, and I believe in Krishna.


Jay Sri Krishna!


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Also don't forget that most people who drink milk today are drinking it from cows that were injected with all sorts of antibiotics and hormones so those are certainly not factors to be overlooked. Upon looking on all the anti-milk articles I never find any reference to this.

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Also don't forget that most people who drink milk eat meat as well, so it's double the intake of animal fat. Anti-milk researchers blame the milk, while they overlook the results of meat-eating which is the main cause of cancer.

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this is interesing! i dont know if there is a thread similar to this but if a cow is put under immense stress and pain to fill and quench our thirst for milk, doesnt that make us sinners and this is how the milk business is run and by drinking the milk, you are in turn supporting this?

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Hare Krishna,


I don't live in the USA but over here we have high quality organic milk so I don't get milk from that industry. The cows,calfs and bulls are allowed to stay together, the ground upon which they graze is free from pesticides and the cows are treated nicely and stay outside in their natural habitat as long as possible.

Furthermore, even if you do get milk from the industry, a devotee always first offers the sattvic foodstuff to the Supreme Lord. By doing so, with only the intention of hoping the Lord will be pleased by the offering, all sin will be removed from the offered foodstuff which is then turned into prasadam. So no sin is incurred for the devotee and by having offered the milk of the cow in poor circumstances to the Lord, the cow's life becomes succesful and it's purpose is fulfilled so the soul ensnared in the cow's body continues to the human form of life when it's body is finished.


I must say I find it very strange to find KC devotees who are advising against milk because milk and it's related produce is a part of Krishna's pastimes so if a devotee claims it to be some big evil it's like they have more faith in modern science than in Krishna!



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