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thank you govinda das, that is exactly what i would like to know. Many people make comments like 'it is unclean' but why don't they state where is comes from... maybe they just do not know!

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This is mentioned in the manu smriti, i dont know where or which verse. It is very simple, not to degrade any woman. Reason being, it is something to do with your state of mind. For example when you have sex and then walk into your temple and say Krishna i love you give me mercy....

How does it sound...your mind is not pure..

There will be something lingering in your mind which does not serve any purpose in your bhakti. Better stay away until your mind is fresh.

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It is an offense for a man to go on the altar if he is bleeding also.


It is a simple thing. Do we really need sastric proof for the obvious?


If you do you will most likely find it in the writings of Gopala Bhatta Goswami.


He was intrusted with compiling the rules for diety worship by the Lord Himself. Because he was trained in the Sri Sampradaya who have a really high standard of diety worship. Actually our ways of worship more resemble the Sri sampradaya than the Madhva sampradaya.. The Madhvas are very sloppy in thier diety worship compared to the Sri Sampradaya.


It is also an offense to go on the altar after passing stool withoug bathing first or without the proper mantras.


At home these rules may be slackened of course.

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Vaishnava society was very clean and hygienic. I think coming from the west we want to change many things simply because we do not know why they are being done.


In my early days of Krishna Con. I used to circumambulate Tulasi counter-clockwise. No one could tell me why it was wrong, so I was arrogant and continued.


Some things we should accept and follow the example of our acaryas even if we don't know why. To do the opposite simply because we don't know why it is being done a particular way is much worse than following the example and not knowing why it is done that way.


Boy did I feel like an idiot when I found out why vaishnavas circumambulate Tulasi clockwise.


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Once a sadhu was asked, 'Is cleanliness next to Godliness," he replied, "Cleanliness IS Godliness."


Blood and stool are unclean. It is so obvious. In Vedic times if a Bramana even touched an animal he would go and bathe.

Cleanliness is a basic religious principle for Vaishnavas.


Just like a Vaishnava will not go on the altar without first applying tilok in 12 places. In the process of putting on the tilok he remembers the Lord and is reminded the body is the temple of God so his mind becomes purified.


The external activites help us, otherwise why have any rules and regulations at all?

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Yes it is only natural that the devotees want to make service to the deity nicer and nicer. In the beginning Srila Prabhupada did not stress much on the proper way to worship the deity. Many were simply hippies coming into contact with Krishna. But as time went on he wanted the service to the deity to increase. Not stay on a lower level. As devotes made advancement in ISKCON Srila Prabhupada wanted also that the deities service advance. Srila Prabhupada could see the diety of Radharama in Vrndavan was being served very nicely and with a high standard. So even though the Radharamana temple is run by the caste goswami's still Prabhupada sent his head pujari at Krishna Balarama temple to go and learn a higher standard of diety worship from the caste goswamin's. That is history and shows the sign of advancement in Krishna Consciousness is that things get nicer and nicer, more and more is offered to the Lord.


The cleaner the better, the more the better.


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Satsar Priya Dipika and Archana Padati by Gopala Bhatta Goswami teach the proper standard for the Gaudiya Vaishnava deity worship.


However something as obvious as the original question asked may not be found in either of these writings. Most likely they will not give the proper method for washing ones backside either. Some things do not need to be said and are taken for granted.



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You won't find anything that has to do with the original questions in any of the sastra because in fact women in Vedic times right up to the time of Srila Prabhupada were not allowed in the kitchen at all.


Cooking for the deity as well as all other diety services have always been reserved for the men and still is in every temple in India. Sorry Ladies but that is that.


Prabhupada changed things for the wide distribution of the nam in the west.


And lets face it the ladies have been liberated and conditioned into thinking they are happier that way and would never accept KC had he not liberalized many things.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes i think it is understood that a woman should not go into a temple or have any contact with the deities during her period, and i dont think this has to be explained, but the original question is more general, why should one not cook for her family when in one of Srila Prabhupada's many letters it says it is acceptable and is a duty which should not be stopped???




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Prabhupada said the women having their menstrual cycles should not worship the Diety on the altar but instead should wear silk saris at that time.

The manu samhita also mentions that after a baby is born the mother should not enter the temple for 30 days if she is a brahmana's wife and a man should not enter a temple for two weeks after passing semena(in his wife) because HE is considered unclean. There are different time periods for the brahmanas,ksatriyas,vaisyas and sudras mentioned for different reasons not to go into the temples.

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"How can stool be dirty ??It comes out of your own body for gods sake"


Please go back to school and study Biology. Stool is bodily waste, toxins etc. If you find stool so clean.... well nevermind.



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all that comes out of the nine door made of the body, the nine door house, a bag of matter.


All that posibly can go out from the boddy is excrement, from the eyes from out the mouth..


I dont know why the woman is sight as at that kind of sight, maybe for passing stool like cows, but is nattural, that is done for a natural equilibrium i think to be found.


think the man is also a bag of matter in other way, simple but complementary.


maybe in school one learn, or that is thought to talk to much.



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many of the worlds religions took root in witchcraft even hinduism and judaism the two oldest religions in the world.many of these practices changed as people migrated towards countries in europe ,africa and elsewhere.these practices are known as root, many countries even america have examples of root still being practiced.im not sure if the practices of the early pre-hindus (which there were as there are now many different versions of people and practices)are applicable to hinduism or scripture but in many forms of root a woman on her menstral cycle would cook either for her husband or family or others using a bit of menstral blood.the process for this was either to keep the husband or family or others loyal.i know this sounds crazy but look it up this is fact.as for cooking in hinduism i dont believe women had that right.hinduism started as a very conrolling religion in which women and those of darker skin color had no rights.lord chaitanya corrected this as well as the buddas teachings against hinduism.unless srilla prabupada instructed take it with a grain of salt.i hardly belive that if krishna has created man and women he would prohibit temple worship or worship of his dietiy based on a fact of his miraculous creation

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Certain rules are followed in vaidhi-bhakti, which may be relaxed when one becomes more spontaneous in one's love.


Also, certain rules and restrictions are very culture-oriented, linked to time and place. Today's menstrual pads and tampons are more effective than those in the earlier day's India. Women do not bleed onto the altar if wearing pads or tampons, just like a man (or a woman, for that matter) does not bleed from a wound if wearing a proper bandage or a band-aid. Or have you seen any man ever withdrawing from his service because his bandage is bloody only on the inner side next to the skin?


As the person, who made an example of a man going into the temple just after having sex, so clearly spelled out the unspeakable: men fear women's sexuality and the fear of menstruation is just one sign of it.



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