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There are many references in the Quran about how very few people will use their intellect to properly understand. For example: “in this, there are lessons for those who can understand”, "there is indeed a lesson for all who have eyes to see", “if only they could understand”,"we detail Our signs for people who understand" or “in all this there is indeed a reminder to those who are endowed with insight”. (12:111, 3:13, 26:113, 6:98, 39:21)


"A blessed divine writ which we have sent down so that men may ponder over its messages, and that those who are endowed with insight may take them to heart”. 38:29


“Allah created the heavens and the earth in accordance with the Truth. Behold, in this there is a message for those who believe” 29:44



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“Unto every one of you have We appointed a law and way of life. And if Allah had so willed, He could surely have made you one single community; (but He willed it otherwise) in order to test you by means of that which He has vouchsafed unto you. So surpass one another in doing good deeds! Unto God you all must return; and then He will make you truly understand all the differences in which you were engaged in dispute.” 5:48


We are told that we are meant to have different laws and ways of life which result in different religions and that is according to the Plan and Will of Allah (swt) and in accordance with the Truth.


“Unto every community We appointed (different) ways of worship, which they ought to observe. Hence do not let them dispute with you on the matter, but do call them unto your Lord: for, behold, you are on a straight guidance.”

“And if they argue with you, say (only) ‘Allah knows best what you are doing’”



“Do not argue with the followers of earlier revelation other than in a most kindly manner – except those of them who did wrong and are oppressors – and say ‘we believe in that which has been sent down to us and that which has been sent down to you; for our God and your God is one and the same, and it is unto Him that we surrender ourselves.’” 29:46


Is this how the differences in the religions are being handled these days? Allah (swt) says do not argue with them unless you enter into a discussion in a kindly manner. Since God’s teaching is essentially the same in all religions, it is unfortunate to see that many people from other religions who hold powerful positions in the west have abused their power through politics and the use of the media to propagate ignorant ideas full of hatred against other faiths. But the hypocrisy that some politicians have exhibited by hijacking ‘the religions’, whilst posing as religious people, or “doing the right thing”, does not give anyone an excuse to disobey God. Christian scripture also reflects these sentiments of tolerance. Jesus (pbuh) passed on these instructions from God, as the most important rules - the first and second commandments: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength” and “Love your neighbour as your self”. Mark 12:30-31



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We need to reflect on the reason that God, the Creator, with full knowledge of what is to come, during the time of each prophet has instructed us to accept and be kind and courteous to people of other religions. These instructions obviously equally apply for differences within the same religion. Within Islam, Sunnis and Shia’s who have a history of undermining each other, must take into consideration what Allah (swt) has instructed in terms of the right action in how to treat each other regarding their differences. Of course the same holds for examples of animosity within Christianity and Judaism, but as I mentioned earlier, we Muslims as the people of the last religion, with our access to the Quran, have no excuse. The mentality that only one religion is right, only one sect is right, is a losing position in the eyes of God, the Creator of all.


The Tradition has it that when “owe yalbesakum shai’an” in Sura 6, ayah 65 descended upon the Prophet (pbuh), he got up and made ablution and stood for prayer. Then he made supplication and asked Allah (swt) not to send any suffering from above and not from beneath and asked Allah (swt) not to allow the Muslim community to become divided into different branches and not to fight amongst themselves. At this point Gabriel (a.s.) appeared to him and gave him the good news that his first two requests had been accepted, but not the last two requests. Then the Prophet (pbuh) said, O Gabriel, if it is ordained that my ummah (Muslim community) fight each other, then there will be nothing left of the ummah. So he started praying for it again and at this point ayah 2 of Surah 29 Al- Ankabut (The Spider) descended, followed by ayah 3:


“Do people think that on their (mere) saying ‘we have attained to faith’, they will be left to themselves and not tested with hardship?”

“Whereas We indeed tested those who lived before them. Allah will surely bring to light those who are true in their faith as He will bring to light also the liars by putting them into the test of hardship.”


“Say: it is He alone who has the power to send down upon you suffering from above you and from beneath your feet, or to confound you with mutual discord and let you taste the affliction of one another.

See how We explain the signs by various forms, so that they may understand”. 6:65





Here you have straight from the Quran


Allah-u Akbarr-Ra7man

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"we Muslims as the people of the last religion"


The last religion is sikhism, not Islam.


The last prophet of any religion is the Vedic religion which is not based on one prophet, it's based on an unlimited stream of prophet, as God is all powerfull and unlimited he can send unlimited prophets and not just one.


"during the time of each prophet has instructed us to accept and be kind and courteous to people of other religions. "


This is incorrect, Islam is not tolerant of other religions. In the Islamic countries there is no freedom of religion for the non-muslims. I can't chant hare krishna in public in Saudi Arabia.


The Muslims want to practice their religion everywhere in the wolrd but don't allow the same rights to others, this is wickedness. You fail to realize that it's god who creates the non-muslims at his will. So everyone has the right to practice his religion anywhere in the world.

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Respect and honour all human beings irrespective of their religion, colour, race, sex, language, status, property, birth, profession/job and so on [17/70]


Choose best words to speak and say them in the best possible way [17/53, 2/83]


as u can see this is people who DONT follow Islam.. there is nothing more th talk about as u can see.. and yes God is Almighty, so He CAN put a stop to all Prophets because there is so many "Prophets" out there..

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because you are just here to spread hatred and not listen to others..


Do not talk, listen or do anything vain [23/3, 28/55]


.. strange that you can talk about things you do NOT know, we have it in writ:


If you do not have complete knowledge about anything, better keep your mouth shut. You might think that speaking about something without full knowledge is a trivial matter. But it might have grave consequences [24/15-16]


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In fact It doesnt even deserve to be in the same sentance.


Reasons why Islam is false:

1) The prophet of Islam, an illiterate man, had many many wives though his LUST, including a 9 year old girl called Aisha. Non-believers were slaughtered at the time of the prophet, his beliefs enforced on the whole Arab peninsula.

2) The quran discusses killing the non-believers or converting them.

3) The prophecies: In the Bhavishya Purana it says that a man name Mahamada (an incarnation of Demon Tripura) from a place called Madina will form a "Demonic religion". And it provides a fairly accurate depicition of Islam.

4) No reincarnation in Islam, so some people go to Hell for eternity, and some people go to heaven for eternity (where they will be given virgins). There is a beginning and an end in Islam - very primitive ideas. Therefore, their concept of God does not show compassion.

5) The bury their bodies so that on Judgement day a Zombie army arise from their graves to kill the non-belivers. And on Judgement day everyone is Judged. Unlike our religion where people are judged every second of the day

6) Adam and Eve as first humans. This is a joke, they do not even aknowledge the Ice Age even happened. Unlike the Rig Veda, which says "Indra killed the Dragon at the foot of the mountain unleashing the 7 waters" - reference to the melting of glaciers in the himalayas giving birth to 7 major rivers in India.

7) In Islam, they do not recognise other living beings as having souls. Animals have no souls. This is higly illogical - If the Living human has a soul, then why no another living being. That is why they ruthlessly slaughter animals for their halal meat, slitting the animal by the throat whilst it is still alive - bleeding it to death - which is clearly the most painful and slowest way to kill it.

8) Islam has a violent history, and it is an ongoing thing. They have slaughtered MILLIONS in the name of Islam.

9) Mohammad cleverly integrated the Abrahamic beliefs of Judaism and Christianity, with his own pagan religion. Allah a pagan diety was made the one God in Islam, incidently Allah was the God of Mohammad's tribe, he ensured it was superior to all others. The rituals of Hajj and others are strongly related to Islam's pre-Islamic past.


In conclusion, Islam is just another religion of Kali Yuga. Those points I have discussed prove its falsity. As is said in the Bhavishya Purana, "They will be known as Musulman, corrupters of religion".

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so u mean that God can only make one religion and that is the Vedic and all else are false? then u are an idiot and make God small and u are more fundamental then the muslims u hate!!


1.there are historic proof that aisha was 18

2.yes he was an analfabet, and still he by Gods Grace wrote what God told him..

3.u call atheist demons an so forth, but when he get rid of them they are called innoscent, stop being a hypocrit

4.it also says that no aryan dharma is found and by me (Vyasdev) a man is sent to start aryan dharma there, and he will not purify throgh grass but by sword.

and tripura was a city, no? that Shiva destroyed?

4. if u read the Quran u shjall know sumthing about it, dont be an ass and talk bout things u do not know, that just stupid.

5.it is said in the Quran again that Allah looks in the heart of every one and judge all, like Hes doing with u now and see all the hate u have.. no the soul arise and not the body, read and dont be an ass..

6.please in the Name of God, read first, then u can judge the religion.. and u judge all muslims who follow the Quran, who the hell make u the judge u hatefull ., ur not better then those u hate.. and if u were in power, ur hate were going to kill them..


you my sorry friend are a hatefull demon, spreading your hate like poison, like everybody else of you warmongers here! you are NOT hindus or Vaisnavas!

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BG 16.1-3: The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: Fearlessness; purification of one's existence; cultivation of spiritual knowledge; charity; self-control; performance of sacrifice; study of the Vedas; austerity; simplicity; nonviolence; truthfulness; freedom from anger; renunciation; tranquillity; aversion to faultfinding; compassion for all living entities; freedom from covetousness; gentleness; modesty; steady determination; vigor; forgiveness; fortitude; cleanliness; and freedom from envy and from the passion for honor — these transcendental qualities, O son of Bharata, belong to godly men endowed with divine nature.



BG 16.4: Pride, arrogance, conceit, anger, harshness and ignorance — these qualities belong to those of demoniac nature, O son of Pṛthā.


BG 16.21: There are three gates leading to this hell — lust, anger and greed. Every sane man should give these up, for they lead to the degradation of the soul.


..so far I dont see any devotees here, especialy not the Islam haters!

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Why is it that Muslims are behind every conflict in the world today?


Dont get we wrong, Im not a muslim-hater and Ive grown up with quite a few muslims who remain my friends to this day.


Islam was spread by the sword, that is a fact. Can you imagine another religion doing this to Islam? How can you kill innocent people in the name of Islam? (Suicide Bombers)


Muslims claim it as their God given right to practice their religion wherever they go, even at work...Yet there are very few muslim countries that are prepared to repay that courtesy...Like Saudi Arabia. I know of many Hindus that were not allowed to bring deities back for worship. They worship within their homes in secret. If suspicion arises they will be arrested! Can you imagine a Hindu temple in Saudi Arabia? No which brings me to feel that Muslims want to impose Islam on the whole world!


Non believers should be killed or converted?? Hmmmmm...

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"""Respect and honour all human beings irrespective of their religion, colour, race, sex, language, status, property, birth, profession/job and so on [17/70]"""


Pure Lies the actual verse is [17:70] We have honoured the sons of Adam; provided them with transport on land and sea; given them for sustenance things good and pure; and conferred on them special favours, above a great part of our creation.



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"""Respect and honour all human beings irrespective of their religion, colour, race, sex, language, status, property, birth, profession/job and so on [17/70]"""


Pure Lies the actual verse is [17:70] We have honoured the sons of Adam; provided them with transport on land and sea; given them for sustenance things good and pure; and conferred on them special favours, above a great part of our creation.



Nice verse...But it does'nt explain how you can justify killing innocent people (Kaffirs) in the name of Islam! Is that not what is happening in the world today? Are the people who carry this out not Muslims?


Do you think that they are respecting and honouring all human beings by slitting their throats and parading them in front of cameras in Iraq?


How many Muslims do you know that respect other religions in todays society?


I believe that God is ONE, yet I allso believe that 80% of the world's conflicts is centred around Muslims!( Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Indonesia, Palestine, Chechneya...)



I repeat, not all Muslims are bad, but they are a majority!


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most muslims like the jehovas witness get things toold to them.. it is said without a just cause they may NOT kill!! they who kill is like the hindus that kill.. are the hindus allowed to kill? and why are they killing? bad apples are in every religion without proper guidence.. let them worship Allah but say to them is wron to kill animals.. why are you so afraid of muslims? do you dont have faith in Krsna? im not afraid of being killed or bashed, its all in Krsnas hand.. stop being such cowards! and the jews in palestine is the troublemakesrs, not the muslims who lived there first! let the war monger and haters finnish themself off, pray and surrender to God.. Bg 18.66


nothing else matters.. start with yourself, then you can change the world if you are pure.. im stopping this discusion now and let the haters continue their raveing here.. you are like dogs without teeths..


Ek Onkar Sat Nam Siri Wahe Guru!!

la ilaha illa allah!!


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most muslims like the jehovas witness get things toold to them.. it is said without a just cause they may NOT kill!! they who kill is like the hindus that kill.. are the hindus allowed to kill? and why are they killing? bad apples are in every religion without proper guidence.. let them worship Allah but say to them is wron to kill animals.. why are you so afraid of muslims? do you dont have faith in Krsna? im not afraid of being killed or bashed, its all in Krsnas hand.. stop being such cowards! and the jews in palestine is the troublemakesrs, not the muslims who lived there first! let the war monger and haters finnish themself off, pray and surrender to God.. Bg 18.66


nothing else matters.. start with yourself, then you can change the world if you are pure.. im stopping this discusion now and let the haters continue their raveing here.. you are like dogs without teeths..




Jehovah's witnesses are Muslims??


Bad apples are in every religion I agree..


Let me make it very clear, no man let alone a Muslim frightens me. I live by the mercy of Krishna and fear no living being. No one is hating Islam here, we are simply asking questions which you cannot answer without being defensive. I have not ridiculed Islam, and would never do so as I said that I believe that God is one...But I know him as Krishna...


You cannot argue when someone says that the majority of disputes in the world today are involving Islam...Ask yourself why?



Hare Krishna


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must say this is the first good answer here at all..

no the JW are not muslims, they are getting the scriptures told to them and not reading their self.. yes I agree that there are bad apples in every religion, and also in the HK movement, but you are wrong im sorry, if you look at the posts here many are having a hatefull attitude twarts muslims and gays, look at the forums..

yes im bein deffensive against those who are recentfull and the haters here, im not a muslim, but I defend those who never killed, those who are being stalked by wahibis and those who are peace loving muslims, in my country we have many muslims that have run from war..you and I see God as Govinda but they do by the Name of allah, protect them, those who do not kill or support terrorism!!

yes the majority in the world are WAHIBIS who are terrorizing the world, and even their own people, the shias are constantly bein harrased by them.. BUT its msotly the US thats mess up and going constantly in to war, the Xtians do have the most killing on their records im afraid, and not the muslims.. hiroshima, nagasakai, vietnam, crusades and so forth.. oh yeah, they killed almost every indian in america also!! I do not protect the killers, who kill in the "name" of God, but those who dont have the mouth to speak here, whom are peace loving!! and u should to!


Hare Krishna



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must say this is the first good answer here at all..

no the JW are not muslims, they are getting the scriptures told to them and not reading their self.. yes I agree that there are bad apples in every religion, and also in the HK movement, but you are wrong im sorry, if you look at the posts here many are having a hatefull attitude twarts muslims and gays, look at the forums..

yes im bein deffensive against those who are recentfull and the haters here, im not a muslim, but I defend those who never killed, those who are being stalked by wahibis and those who are peace loving muslims, in my country we have many muslims that have run from war..you and I see God as Govinda but they do by the Name of allah, protect them, those who do not kill or support terrorism!!

yes the majority in the world are WAHIBIS who are terrorizing the world, and even their own people, the shias are constantly bein harrased by them.. BUT its msotly the US thats mess up and going constantly in to war, the Xtians do have the most killing on their records im afraid, and not the muslims.. hiroshima, nagasakai, vietnam, crusades and so forth.. oh yeah, they killed almost every indian in america also!! I do not protect the killers, who kill in the "name" of God, but those who dont have the mouth to speak here, whom are peace loving!! and u should to!


Hare Krishna




Leave the haters, just carry on with whatever you are doing and dont forget Krishna! Always remember that the individual soul forgets, but the Supersoul never does..


Be sincere, and do what you can, leave the rest to Krishna to sort, he will...


Be positive, chant, and read...I myself fail to do this at times but I quickly remember when something bad happens.


All the best, remember that you are a human being before you are a Muslim, be humble, help others and remebember the Supreme...



Hare Krishna Abraxxax


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"so u mean that God can only make one religion and that is the Vedic and all else are false? then u are an idiot and make God small and u are more fundamental then the muslims u hate!!


1.there are historic proof that aisha was 18

2.yes he was an analfabet, and still he by Gods Grace wrote what God told him..

3.u call atheist demons an so forth, but when he get rid of them they are called innoscent, stop being a hypocrit

4.it also says that no aryan dharma is found and by me (Vyasdev) a man is sent to start aryan dharma there, and he will not purify throgh grass but by sword.

and tripura was a city, no? that Shiva destroyed?

4. if u read the Quran u shjall know sumthing about it, dont be an ass and talk bout things u do not know, that just stupid.

5.it is said in the Quran again that Allah looks in the heart of every one and judge all, like Hes doing with u now and see all the hate u have.. no the soul arise and not the body, read and dont be an ass..

6.please in the Name of God, read first, then u can judge the religion.. and u judge all muslims who follow the Quran, who the hell make u the judge u hatefull ., ur not better then those u hate.. and if u were in power, ur hate were going to kill them..


you my sorry friend are a hatefull demon, spreading your hate like poison, like everybody else of you warmongers here! you are NOT hindus or Vaisnavas! "


Islam is the religion of hate.

I have no hate for muslims, no hate for Islam. Just exposing the Kali Yuga religion for what it is. You were unable to prove many of my points wrong, because you cant. Instead you resort to calling "me and ass" and a "person of hate", as you HAVE NO LOGICAL ARGUEMENT to counteract. then you tell me your Arabian Moon God of Fertility of the Querishi Tribe is judging me. Fool.


What I said was 100% true, Muslims have told me themselves.


Islam's past and present is SOAKED in bloodshed and will continue to do so. Its is a fanatical religion, that want to see the end of the non-believers - even by means of death.


If one is a Vaishnav, then you must believe in the Vaishnav religion, not "modernise" your religion to appease wrong doers be it homosexuality, promiscuity, animal slaughter or FALSE PROPHETS!


We respect the fact that Muslims believe in God, but we will no accept their ideology.


Thank You



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its better that senior Vaisnavas tell u how it are then u speculating bout it, look at this links that senior Vaisnavas har written and what Srila Prabhupada Himself said:




and look, HAre Krsna in turkey!!




Islam, lower form of Vaisnava, read for ur self my dear friends what Prabhupada said..






and in the end of this article is bout Sri Gauranga..



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Hare Krishna.


The non-Muslims have good reasons to be angry and hateful of the Muslims. But the non-Muslims are not like the Muslims, otherwise we would be going round blowing up Muslims or slitting their throats and so on. But we don't do these demonic things as we practice what our religion teaches, non-violence.


This is about the 500th Kali Yuga in the current cycle of creation, and in every Kali Yuga there are non-vedic religions which are violent and in particular order cow killing. The non-vedic religions are man made and also one-man made. They don't last long either, within the next 5000 years all the non-vedic religions will be wiped off the face of the earth. Even the Vedic religion will dimish after 10,000 years, but it will always survie, that's why it's called the eternal religion (satan dharma).


It's the Muslims who should prove that they are not hateful and not the non-muslims.


In Hindu India, the muslims practice their religion freely.

In Christian West, the muslims practice their religion freely.

In Jewish Israel, the muslims practice their religion freely.

In Islamic countries, the Hindus, Christians, and Jews are not allowed to practice their religion in public.


Islam is the most intolerant religion, the most violent, the most merciless, and the most wicked.


Not a single Muslim group has declared a fatwa for the rights of the non-muslims in the 47 Islamic countries where there is no freedom of religion.


We should not be hateful to anyone, but the Bhagavad-gita clearly teaches that when Dharma (our religion) is at stake then we must be violent if necessary to protect. Those who don't are cowards.


People think that the moderate Muslims who follow the Koran properly and are not the terrorists, and the other Muslims are. The truth is that the so-called moderate Muslims don't follow the Koran and the terrorists do. Thank God not all the Muslims follow the Koran properly.


The Muslims need to prove they are humans.

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"Hare Krishna.


The non-Muslims have good reasons to be angry and hateful of the Muslims. But the non-Muslims are not like the Muslims, otherwise we would be going round blowing up Muslims or slitting their throats and so on. But we don't do these demonic things as we practice what our religion teaches, non-violence.


This is about the 500th Kali Yuga in the current cycle of creation, and in every Kali Yuga there are non-vedic religions which are violent and in particular order cow killing. The non-vedic religions are man made and also one-man made. They don't last long either, within the next 5000 years all the non-vedic religions will be wiped off the face of the earth. Even the Vedic religion will dimish after 10,000 years, but it will always survie, that's why it's called the eternal religion (satan dharma).


It's the Muslims who should prove that they are not hateful and not the non-muslims.


In Hindu India, the muslims practice their religion freely.

In Christian West, the muslims practice their religion freely.

In Jewish Israel, the muslims practice their religion freely.

In Islamic countries, the Hindus, Christians, and Jews are not allowed to practice their religion in public.


Islam is the most intolerant religion, the most violent, the most merciless, and the most wicked.


Not a single Muslim group has declared a fatwa for the rights of the non-muslims in the 47 Islamic countries where there is no freedom of religion.


We should not be hateful to anyone, but the Bhagavad-gita clearly teaches that when Dharma (our religion) is at stake then we must be violent if necessary to protect. Those who don't are cowards.


People think that the moderate Muslims who follow the Koran properly and are not the terrorists, and the other Muslims are. The truth is that the so-called moderate Muslims don't follow the Koran and the terrorists do. Thank God not all the Muslims follow the Koran properly.


The Muslims need to prove they are humans. "




BTW "Satan Dharma"?? lol Bad typo.

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Hare Krishna


We should respect all and don't go down to their low level of behaviour.


But don't be fooled by anyone saying Islam preaches vegetarianism, this is a big deception.


The world's biggest slaughter house is in the world's holiest Islamic city, Mecca. And the world's biggest kill takes place during Islam's main festival, Haj. When more than a million cows and goats are killed to please Allah.


There is only ONE god, but it's due to ignorance that humans will do things that may seem to them as pleasing to God. The reason why Islamic countries forbids freedom of religion, is so that the muslims are kept in darkness.


The cow is our mother as we drink her milk from our birth to our death. But those with a lower consciousness (the Muslims) cannot understand this.


So if we can help them understand this, they too can be saved from a fall down into the animal kingdom.


After going through 8 million births in the plant and animal species, we get a human birth. It's silly to fall down again.


The fact that eating meat is bad for health, proves that God does not want us to eat meat. But the muslims will not get this, due to their lower consciousness.


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CANT U PEOPLE READ!? read, read.. read what Prabhupada himself and Srí Krsna Caitanya said if u are to blind to read for urself!! dharma dont mean "our" religion, it mean religion, law, duty, or it mean act, action, and sanatana means eternal.. so eternal law, eternal religion.. but it AINT meaning "your" or "mine" religion.. God is God, in weither it is Islam or Hindusim, but your hate has blinded u, u are not Vaisnava, u cant even follow the Gita, it is said abandon ALL religion, that mean hinduism to my friend!! Krsna is God, so abandon religions like vedic, hinduism, islam etc and devout urself unto Krsna, He and He alone will safe u from all kinds of sin..


the majority breaks the words of Krsna by being hatefull, resentfull.. even calling devotees here who just whant muslims to follow God for murderer, senior Vaisnavas and my Síksa Guru says that real Vaisnavas take no part of this, and Prabhupada himself AND sri Krsna Caitanya accepted Islam as LOWER FORMS of Vaisnava and having the spirit of Vaisnava, but u CANT FOLLOW this!? then u aint no Krsna devoutees or VAisnavas, and u aint humble either.. full of . are u, im no coward, thats why Im standing up for the True muslims against the haters (you) and protect sanatana dharma, eternal religion, submission to God.. God is not yours or mine, God is for all.. sorry to say u have fallen into the ditch.. rise up brothers and follow God, Krsna, Allah, Jehova, Atem, Qthlv.. this is the last time I write this and cant u read its a pitty, and I now understand why the admins took away my posts.. thnx!!


Hare Krsna

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