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I am a student at the London Arts currently in my final year of BA Digital Media Production. We basically learn how to make web sites, CD-Roms, digital video & sound, graphics, animation... those kind of things.


Right.. I would like to make a short documentary on some aspect of Krishna Conciousness (the institution, lifestyle, history, philosophy, culture, etc) for my major. My problem is that I must somehow link this to the field of digital media if my tutors are to accept my proposal.


Does anyone have any ideas for my project title?



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If you need a project title, you have to show the link between Krishna Consciousness and Digital Media.


However, the problem is digial media in itself is just a medium to express art and is not art per se....am i correct?


which means you have to breakdown media(digital) and Krishna and find the commonality.


Your project title can be automatically deduced once you find the link between Krishna and the medium to express art.


Because, digital media is not art it is only a medium via which art can be expressed.


So, if you need further help, you need to decide how you are going to express Krishna and how you are going to define a medium which is digital.


Dont worry on the title, it will follow automatically!!


Try to link MEDIA and KRISHNA!


Personally, i dont know, what is the aim of the project, is it to showcase your technical ability to handle media or is it to exhibit your talent in art through the media (digital).


Based on that, your link between Krishna and Media or Krishna and Art depends and so ultimately your TITLE will be impacted.





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Soo nice that you want to make a documantary about the movement ...as I am also very inspired in working with media I hope that after my study I can do such a study like you do aswell! as now there is no time for me to engage myself in making video`s-

ANYWAYYYY..I can recomend you to contact devotees in the Czech I know that there are very much into it,


www.vedavision.cz check it out!!


they made some nice work wich you can see on this website as well.

good luck ! your servant


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Dear Friend,


Just to let you know I also did a very similar course and I also was interested in the same sort of ideas at the time of my final year. My work was related to the art of the Mandala and I was very much interested in the iconography of different cultures - especially oriental cultures. My final year project was a Mandala that I created and was nothing to do with modern Graphic Design and Media!- I was interested in Symbols used through different cultures, etc


This was a magnaminous project for me from which I attained a first class degree in Graphic Arts and Design.


An idea you may want to investigate that would relate to to the interactive media that you are talking about is a rendition of the Bhagavat Gita but in a way which will give your audience 'instant enlightenment' (or satori - as Japanese Bhuddists would put it) to the user.


You could identify your age range as people with a modern upbringing or people who are neophyte in this subject area(esp 15 - 25 yrs, etc.).


The idea would be to 'market' it to a younger generation so they can benefit from the teachings of Lord Krsna and embibe it into their life in a compelling and interesting way, that would also give them 'instant enlightenment' or 'satori' (state of mind of the Samurai).


You can then say that later u may consider doing similar things with other books etc.


You may want to work with symbols, video etc.


What they will look out for is a 'motif' in the work.

A motif is the essence that binds the work. eg. in a childs book the cartoony pictures and simple language is the motif and in the Simpsons the visual motif is the simple drawing style. There can be more than one motif but it has to be carefully integrated into the work.


You may want to concentrate mainly with video (to create background effects) and also typography. Typography is a very immediate, simple and yet powerful way of communicating ideas and creating impact. It is also reatively easy to control and create great effects.


In the end you may one to project this work using a projector. Also think about the word 'CONTEXT'. This word is very, very, very important in Graphic Arts!


You can also download the Bhagavad Gita in MP3 in audio format from the website (that means half the work is already done 4 U!!):


The website where it is possible to download the Bhagavad Gita, As It Is (only the verses in English), is: http://www.karamsad.com/index.html


To listen to the Bhagavad Gita, As It Is online, go to: http://www.karamsad.com/bgita.m3u


The files are:























To justify your reason to do this project you need to enter into a discussion about 'True Knowledge'. This will open the gateway for you to make poignant arguments about promoting ideas about the Absolute Reality (quoting from essays like 'The Laws of Nature', Perfect Questions Perfect Answers and The Science of Self Realisation), to the masses (which, in essence, carry a value immeasurable by human calculation) as opposed to promoting the development of nescience. Make valid points as outlined by Srila Prabhudasa.


Write a liitle essay about 'the unchanging Absolute Reality' -i.e. Iswara, the Jivas and the material manifestation. You may have to break things down in blocks for people to see the bigger picture - piece by piece ...


By the way you will get many difficult people trying to steer u away from this project - don't fret or flap -Go ahead and do it! Think about it for many years u have been struggling in creativity to find your 'way' - it is now time to show what lies inside your heart! This is the essence of creativity - you chose craetivity (above all subjects) so you can find the truth behind all things (well I did anyway) and Krsna Bhagawan is the Absolute Truth so now go on prove it to these so called 'educators'.


There contextual studies etc is biased (and based on imperfect speculative knowledge) so you have to aim to look through different lenses and offer those lenses to these 'educators' so they can try and understand you relisations.


You may want to use the idea of glasses and being able to see with pure divine vision.


So in essence you product will be an Interactive Bhagavad Gita (by the way one already exists - u may want 2 check it out) which appeals to young people in a compelling way and gives them instant enlightenment. You can the say ISKON would sell this as part of its product range in any of there many temples. An aid for humanity!


Visual imagery will be easy to get hold of becase the references are symbolic in the Gita - but read carefulyy and avoid own opnions - understand your own bias!


This idea by the way doesn't even scratch the surface of what is possible. In fact you can make a whole event all devoted to Krsna with your interactive piece as just one element. Remember to justify all this is to say that u are dovetailing the work in Krsna Consciosness which is the most beneficial of all work to the conditioned soul - no one can ever refute this point!


Make sure you have sufficient backing in terms of knowledge, factual information and debative points. Make points that make logical sense and break things down if it becomes difficult to explain - your tutors will require an explanation of your actions in doing this work.


Don't forget your work is based on perfect knowledge given by God whereas other projects suffer from imperfect knowledge - they have a beginning and end.


Trust me once u get going you will love this work dearly.


Jai Shree Krsna

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Thankyou everyone.


Pheonix, I would love to get in touch with you. Would you perhaps leave your email. I think your knowledge and experience would help me greatly.


Anand thankyou for your input, I also would like to get in touch with you via email.


Thankyou very much,


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My e mail is bvnandha@hotmail.com


Just thought also that all the visual intecative graphics could be transposed on to t-shirts in a subtle way to make Krsna t-shirts - which can be worn on festive occasions such as Janmasthmi, Diwali, Navratri and aim it towards different age bands ... but make it innovative and cool ..take for instance how different designers have taken their own stance on stlyle ... Issey Miyake, Yoko Ono, Hemp clothing, Muji ...


It's got to be on 'levels'. For instance the Wu-Tang Clan concept works because in essence it is a fusion of hip hop and Kung fu. In the same way your designs have to 'Rock the Show' - be fresh, unique, dynamic and pack a solid punch! The concepts and ideas have have impact -think out of the box - u are on Gods side now! (in fact that could be you slogan, a bit cheesy though -may try to refine).


By the way the best design ideas are always well thought of. The best styles ALWAYS work on subliminal and subtle levels. The hallmarks of a fantastic piece of work lie in its subtlety, and dexterity in sensitivity.


You already probably know the style of Bureau Destrukt and The Designers Republic. I have also been down that road -you may want to check out the style of certain influential Japanese Graphic artists (trust me their designs do damage -

simple concepts, beautiful images)


The Shift magazine is a brilliant graphics magazine:




- this guy is famous for some CRAAzy designs -totally off the wall!


This guy is my Favourite: Tanaka Ikko - this guy is FLY!

A true Master Graphic Artist :




His images are simply astounding! A Genius!

Check his book and essays:

http://youworkforthem.com/product.php?sku=P0327 (I would buy this book)




www.gallerystratford.on.ca/. ../ikko_tanaka.htm


mnp.info.poznan.pl/ old/Plakat/Tanaka.html


www.theatrebooks.com/ theatre/worth_1000words.html


Check this site for how it opens :




some good posters: http://www.nyu.edu/greyart/exhibits/shiseido/zen2000.htm





A good site:




This is not even scratching the surface.


Define your own trend by taking abstracts from the Gita ..


There's a wealth of symbolism there at your fingetips...


Encode your graphic language with reference to scripture ..


You can brand you own merchandise


'Pearls on a Thread' or Natures Threads (Gunas)


or the 'modes of nature' range (abstract colours etc)



Understand the different inflections in tone when using graphics -then you will penetrate through different bounderies in visual graphic vocabulary / language.



Understand rhythm, timing .... yin and yang -very important concept in oriental iconography!



Understand the flow of energy through a visually stunning piece of art...



These are things which they don't explain @ art College - which is a real shame!


Any ways hope this is enough but remember keep an open mind, explore all avenues, do your research thoroughly and aim high and for the best.


Don't be too obvious -time it right so your work doesn't appear evangelical.

Your work should be striking! (Just think Nike is based on the Greek God Nike - they make the name and graphic language v.impressive and is a strong concept).


You may want to go hyper crazy and concentrate on aspects like the universal form and concentrate on the dynamic and opulent aspects of Krsna. You may want to concentrate on his lilas. You may want to see him as a heroic character.


You may be inspired by the Rza's track 'A Day to God is 1000 years' read the lyrics and listen to his rap souflee - it's a well made rap.


You have to really, really push for the right image. You may want logos or a brand image.


Think about essentially what you want.



Jai Shree Krsna

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Sorry just 1 more idea -


Instaed of sticking Chinese / Japanes lettering you may want to use abstracts from sanskrit!


May be in you exhibition piece to creat an atmosphere or even on t-shirt designs etc.


Becare ful of tackiness though!


Jai shree Krsna

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