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can you please help me move forward

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Hare Krishna,


I am 22 years old and have been follwing the hare krishna movement for sometime now,


at the moment i chant 1 round a day, dont eat meat, take any intoxications, and am trying very hard to stay away from illicit sex, i also do service at my local temple at least once a week (distribute prashadam), and i also try and attend as many arti's as possible to take darshan of the Lord.


i have recently started reading a few small books, i have gotten through science of self realisation, elements of vedic thoughts and culture, and a few other small books.


i was wondering if you guys can help me in moving forward pratically.. i.e can you help me with prayers, for example the prayers i should be saying when....

1) i wake up........

2) before eating any meals

3) prayers to offer food to Lord Krishna (as i will be living out alone this year and want to do everything correctly)

4) Prayers before bedtime

5) prayers i should be saying whenever i enter the temple room and bow down infront of the lord.


also can you help with temple eticate (excuse my spelling)

for example when seeing a mharaj i shud bow down etc.......


i know this is a long request but i would be grateful for any help....



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Dear Ashley,


My name is Vishalini Dasi, I was initiated by Srila Prabhupada and joined the movement in 1971. I lived in Lord Krishnas holy place Vrindavan for 15 years. I presently live in Australia with my husband Ganarnava. Please feel free to write at any time and I would be happy to share with you what Srila Prabhupada most mercifully gave me.


If you can get a Hare Krishna handbook or prayer book most of your questions would technically be answered in it. However I would like to share with you a bit I have gained over these 34 years of practicing these teachings if I may. 1. If you read the Introduction of the Bhagavad Gita As It Is by Srila Prabhupada, there is a powerhouse of knowledge there. Then perservere from the bigining to the end of that book.

2. When you chant, get comfortable in a favorite spot. Relax, work towards stopping the mind to think of this or that. Feel peaceful and relaxed and simply focus all of your attention on listening to the Names you are saying 'Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.'

Krishna is non diferent from His name - if you are able to say His names with sincerity, you are actually associating with God Himself. This is the essence of spiritual life. Slowly increase the amount you chant - only when you feel you will be able to maintain it. Go for QUALITY more than quantity initialy.

If you should ever want to contact me my email is;


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Aum Shree Vishnave Namah


Hello Ashley,


Yeah, its good that you've been fighting both mentally & physically to abide by the scriptural injunctions.

Prayers are frank communications with the Almighty. Obviously, you must know Who He is. And that what frankness connotes here to. The essence of prayers is to regain the lost ONENESS with the ONE, to Whom we all Belong.


A prayer must have frank, pure, nondual, honest, true, emotional dialogue with GOD. Just as this external world is an illusion, any nonsensical pretention in name of prayer could be soul-killing! But the attitude be always subservient and that of gratitude. Outta 6 odd billion humans on this earth, why do only us few people feel like doin' all these Real Emotional, Devotional Service? There are uncountable souls, encaged in one or other material objects like sex, booz, cars, status in short desires. Why us only? Its HIS unconditional GRACE! I was just another guy on the street just a few years ago, not now, only due to Krshn. If you trust, you can do it!




Try to Adress Him a sweet and warm Good-Morning. I mean, we all know that He is beyond the time dimension, but its Love that matters. You may Garland him with Fresh flowers. Here simply 'Create' Krshn in your mind with mother Raadhaa. Then just offer Him a fresh garland of Rose, Tulsi leaves, and even Paarijaat. This might seem little difficult for a few days, but when you do it for some time, it will render you Great Bliss.


Mind you, you don't think that such prayer is just another fancy of your mind like having sex or dodging a beer can, its REAL. Yeah. Fact is stranger than Fiction. Krishna is not a whim of mind. The world that you see outside is a fancy. It's nothing but Pure Brahman, but due to our immemorial conditioning our intelligence is tainted with various interpretations and we encage ourselves in some borrowed convictions. In the morning you may also recite prayers like Mukundasthakam and such other prayers.


i've typed so much but still i dont feel satisfied as to if i have been able to 'put' it properly. It feels great that you don't wanna leave no stone unturned! Believe me its great. Pure Passion.


I'd be obliged to chat(satsang) with you online for the unspecified aspects.


Gimme a mail if you're really interested.



Thank you; thank Krsn.


Hari Aum Tat Sat


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Hare Krishna Ashley!

I highly recommend the "Temple Bhajan Book". It is published by BBT in LA, perhaps from the LA temple itself. For its small pocket-size, it contains a wealth of information, including how and where to put tilak, multiple aratis, slokas to recite before reading particular texts, etc. It is available at krishna.com for $2


I wholeheartedly agree with the above recommendation for reading the Gita. The other book I would add in that list is the Nectar of Devotion. It scientifically details how to practice bhakti-yoga. You may read it online, along with many other texts, at vedabase.net or krishna.com



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