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Direct Action Question ?

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Have (or would) the 'Hare Krishnas' ever held a harinam/protest outside a slaughterhouse to highlight the horrendous crimes against cows and other creatures being slaughtered there and raise the question in the eyes of the media/world to the wrongs being committed ?


Would it do any good ? When people have their crimes pointed out to them they will rarely admit they are in the wrong (I have been guilty of this in the past) and find some reason to justify their actions, and then start condemning those who raised the issue for one reason or another.


I guess it might back fire and the media would have a field day vilifying the KC movement.


I'm not suggesting it be done just wondering about whether it would do an good or not.


Any comments?

Hare Krishna

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Hare Krishna.


Peta.com holds protests many times to protest against killing animals. They are very successful in advertising animal suffering.


Peta is doing more to stop animal slaughter than all the Vedic organizations put together.


Peta carries buckets with blood outside KC (kentucky friend Chicken) stores and other ways.


The first step is to stop your friends and relatives from killing (meat eating).


Meat Your Meat VCD:


So you think animals don’t feel pain and they are just food as stated in non-Vedic scriptures?


Watch a VCD of animals being slaughtered then see if you can truly say animals don’t feel pain and that animals are just food. Available free of charge, provided you promise to make copies and distribute to 4 other killers too. Just send an email to chalissa1@aol.com with your full address.


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They Talk the Talk but do they walk the walk ?

Don`t waste you time with them. If you really want to promote a vegan lifestyle simply cook for your friends and family. Example is always the best way and change comes one person at a time.

Now if all you really want is drama and attention go for it.

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