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Aum ShreeVishnave Namah


Think one should not restrict the meaning of being a vegetarian as, one who merely refuses to eat non-veg. items. One must strive ahead to make sure that he neither encourages nor uses or consumption any such articles or accesories or such items for even any remote or external use.

Such as a leather wallet, a leather belt, leather shoes, medicines, or working in any such industry. These are indirect and subtler ways to being a non.vegetarian.


Hari Aum Tat Sat

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I agree, and in my strive for becoming as hypocrisy-free as today's world allows me to be, I am trying to do exactly that. That's why I started wearing leatherfree shoes only, though I still have my old leather shoes. I never was one for belts anyway so that's a nonissue. Also not one to take to alot of medicine, but rather let the body work it out with a supplement of prasadam.

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The wider value is definitely Ahimsa, Vegetarianism is just an implication of this. We must also strive for non-violence in mind and consequently speech.


The purchaser of flesh performs himsa (violence) by his wealth; he who eats flesh does so by enjoying its taste; the killer does himsa by actually tying and killing the animal. Thus, there are three forms of killing: he who brings flesh or sends for it, he who cuts off the limbs of an animal, and he who purchases, sells or cooks flesh and eats it -all of these are to be considered meat-eaters.

Mahabharata, Anu. 115.40. FS, pg 90



Ahimsa is the highest dharma. Ahimsa is the best tapas. Ahimsa is the greatest gift. Ahimsa is the highest self-control. Ahimsa is the highest sacrifice. Ahimsa is the highest power. Ahimsa is the highest friend. Ahimsa is the highest truth. Ahimsa is the highest teaching.

Mahabharata 18.116.37-41.


By ahimsa, Patanjali meant the removal of the desire to kill. All forms of life have an equal right to the air of maya. The saint who uncovers the secret of creation will be in harmony with Nature's countless bewildering expressions. All men may understand this truth by overcoming the passion for destruction.

-Sri Yukteswar to Paramahansa Yogananda


The test of ahimsa is the absence of jealousy. The man whose heart never cherishes even the thought of injury to anyone, who rejoices at the prosperity of even his greatest enemy, that man is the bhakta, he is the yogi, he is the guru of all.

-Swami Vivekananda


O lover of meditation, become pure and clean. Observe nonviolence in mind, speech and body. Never break another's heart. Avoid wounding another's feelings. Harm no one. Help all. Neither be afraid nor frighten others.

-Swami Muktananda

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We should never act in a manner that encourages or supports an industry that thrives of butchering of or exploitation of animals. Even industries such as the wool industry or the commercial milk industry. Not only this we should also do our part for the environment, spend the little extra on using biodegradable detergents etc. For those who are interested, if you want non-leather clothing ,belts, shoes etc,you can check out the following website.



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Do you guys know that film we use to take pictures , is made of animal product. Is that mean we shouldn't take pictures of the Murtis of Krishna?

I don't think so. No matter what you do we cann't completely eleminate all this.Don't get me wrong I'm not trying to justify animal consumption. My only point is that we should do our leval best to avoid all this.But in some situations you don't have any choice. Remember according to Nector of Instruction , a Devotee should neither be too attached to the rules and regulations nor to be too neglectful of it.

Thanks a lot






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You have quoted Swami Viveaka Nanda. I was told by someone that he was not vegetarian? Is that true? If it is, then what is the value of his quote!!


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Aum ShreeVishnave Namah


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Thanks for the Info Mr. Godseed. Any other word of wisdom Mr. Godseed?




Thanks for the words Mr. Guest, got one and final word of culmination of all the possible and impossible wisdom...Try to LOVE KRSN (Just in case you haven't started trying).


Hari Aum Tat Sat

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Aum ShreeVishnave Namah


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Thanks a lot Mr. Godseed I'll do my sincere leval best to love krishna. Please give me blessings sothat I may suceed.



Hey, Mr. Guest, your humility suggests you're 'ON THE WAY', but don't you ask for my blessings, I myself is surviving on HIS Unconditional Love and blessings thereof. The sincerer the surrender, more the surety there is of reaching HIM.


Hari Aum Tat Sat


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Swami Vivekananda was a vegetarian. What he did was basically said that in some cases the very poor people who cannot get adequate nutrition if they did not eat meat. This is definitely the case in many fishing villages, or take eskimos for example, the only thing they have to eat is meat. He did say in addition that the people who could do it should be vegetarian. It was a statement of practicality. Remember there is a great difference in eating out of NEED and GREED. When an eskimo eats a whale they eat EVERYTHING down to the contents of the stomach. This is a whole different scenario from an american ordering a twenty ounce steak...


In response to the film comment, You don't HAVE to take pictures, and besides now there are digital cameras that don't use those things. What about instruments that the temple uses, like dholuks or tablas.


There is no possibility of totally cutting out violence. Even when you eat vegetables, pesticides are used. The earth is tilled which kills worms in the ground. The same thing happens when you have to build a temple and they have to dig up the earth.


Maybe that is why a lot of rishis used to just wander as well. In the story of Bharata, he told the king that he was walking unsteadily to avoid crushing the worms on the ground.


So there is absolutely no hope of acting totally devoid of violence, we must free ourselves from selfishness and greed, sense lust and naturally action will become beautiful. That is what Krsna tells uddhava, that when one has become self realized he will act good not out of a sense of gain and shall desist from doing evil naturally and not because one is thinking in terms of good and evil.

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