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Alcohol question

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Hare Krishna!


I gave up alcohol completely about 7 months ago as I became more committed to try and develop a little in K.C, but have some left over wine left sitting in a cupboard at home, and was wondering what to do with it.


I have no desire to drink alcohol anymore and feel that it is not good to have any hanging around the house.


Living in the UK where it is almost obligatory to drink and peoples stamina and worth is measured by how much alcohol they can drink, non K.C visitors would be dissapointed not to be offered a glass of wine with a meal, especially at times like Christmas (a strange way to honour Jesus who said wine makes a mockery of men!).


Should I keep it to offer to non KC guests who want a glass of wine ? My feeling is that I should not.


If I give it away as a present to someone who see's no harm in a glass of wine am I committing a sin against them?


Should I just throw it away ? Acquaitances that drink wine would probably protest if they knew I was going to pour it down the sink and would probably gladly take it off my hands.


Should I give it away to those that want it ?


Any suggestions ?

Haribol and humble obeisances


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Hare Krishna.


If you do not want to drink poison then deos it make sense to give it to someone else?


Through it down the drain now.


Knowingly drinking poison is suicide and giving it to others is spiritual murder.



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PLEASE! Wine, which is made from the grape, is a gift from the Lord! Moderation. If you believe in Jesus, as many of you do, how can you deny that wine is a gift?


You drink milk, yet the dairy farms MURDER the baby calfs after they are born by sending them to veal farms. You do know that in order for cows to give milk, they must be pregnant? The babies are then murdered so you can drink milk. Drinking milk is far more sinful than wine. If you drink milk, you support animal cruelty, PERIOD!

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Hare Krishna.


Yes drinking cows milk is also murder as the cows are badly treated and their children are killed.


Grapes are good but intoxications are not. Wine is an intoxicant.


Eat grapes but don't drink wine.

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PLEASE! Stop parroting around this myth. Calf killing for obtaining milk is only because of our greedy consumption society, but is TOTALLY NOT NESSECARY. You will simply get more milk by this process but it is not a pre. If I squeeze my gf's breasts, milk will come out, whether she's pregnant or not, so how will it be any different from the much bigger milk reservoirs of the cow.

So the only reason to stop drinking milk is when you're not sure whether your milk supply is coming from a milkbutcher or not. Just check your source and carry on.

If you don't believe, go and check out one of our self-sustaining ashrams that have a cowherd, that lives happily and peacefully, giving more than enough milk for both the calf and the human to be happy. PERIOD!

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Really? Just your source and carry on. Let me read the label right here, gee nothing mentioned about killing the calf, therefore it must be ok. Moron mentality. Unless you own a cow, or the temple raises their own there is NO WAY to know. Period! (or did someone say that already) By the way, maybe you can think up a few original phrases of your own? I know it's hard, but...

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Who said anything about a label? Well PAL, just because it isn't possible for YOU to check your source doesn't make it equally so for the rest of the world. So check YOUR moron mentality before coming with that sort of reply okay?

Also, I don't think that people come here to get engaged in some sort of contest of bringing the most original content so that comment really serves no purpose other than that it shows how childish you are.

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Isn't this fun? Tell me, what is YOUR source, love to buy from them Eagerly await your reply. Childish? well, let me.. oh forget it, you probably woul take too long looking up the words. HK

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My source is a local farmer. I've checked him out and his dealings are in line with vedic injunctions so what more do you want? Just check your source and carry on. Goodbye.

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Dear Friend Mark, you can surely give wine to someone who requires it! Go ahead your heart is purified, that's why you asked such a question.

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My humble obeisances and thanks


With hindsight and a little more thought on my part I should not even have needed to ask such a question - giving my leftover wine to anyone would be like giving more heroin to a drug addict. It would not help them, just make things worse.


Aplogies for my stupidity!


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