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claims that were not in kaliyuga

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i have read may particles that were are not in kaliyuga, the explanation are so precise that i have to say they are correct. but i do not feel this would matter in the case of or form of worship and devotion of krishna. i would like to hear from people that know fact m and not just blind speculation and those that just say no it not true with out undstanding or being able to back in up.

as i have noticed may people with just toss opnions at oyu and dont know anything and cant bac kit up with scrpitures.

i have had people on this site dissagree with people that are qxtremely qulified to answer but there blind answers totaly discredit them. answers only from inteligent people not just dogma parots that usally answer here. thank you.

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Hare Krishna.


There is absolutely no doubt that this is Kali Yuga.


People are so gedraded and demonic. One must be blind not to notice this.


Nearly everyone in the world is engaged in a lusty and materialist lifestyle.


Read the 'Life in Kali Yuga' at www.gitamrta.org/kaliyuga.htm


All the symptoms of Klai Yuga are evident without any doubt. Also only in Kali Yuga there is more one religion. We have many thus anoother proof. Only in Kali Yuga people eat cows. There are so many other obvious things which clearly make this Kali Yuga, the age of ignorance and irreligion.


Whoever believies this is not Kali Yuga must be blind and deaf.

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From the Srimad Bhagavatam:


The Symptoms of Kali Yuga


Religion, truthfulness, cleanliness, tolerance, mercy, duration of life, physical strength and memory will all diminish day by day.


The Qualities of Men and Women in Kali Yuga


In the Kali age people tend to be greedy, ill-behaved and merciless, and they fight one another without good reason. Unfortunate and obsessed with material desires, the people of Kali-yuga are almost all barbarians.


The women will freely wander from one man to the next.


Women will become much smaller in size, and they will eat too much, have more children than they can properly take care of, and lose all shyness. They will always speak harshly and will exhibit qualities of thievery, deceit and unrestrained audacity.


Men and women will live together merely because of superficial attraction, and success in business will depend on deceit. Womanliness and manliness will be judged according to one's expertise in sex.


Servants will abandon a master who has lost his wealth, even if that master is a saintly person of exemplary character. Masters will abandon an incapacitated servant, even if that servant has been in the family for generations.


Family ties will extend no further than the immediate bonds of marriage.


In Kali-yuga men will be wretched and controlled by women. They will reject their fathers, brothers, other relatives and friends and will instead associate with the sisters and brothers of their wives. Thus their conception of friendship will be based exclusively on sexual ties.


In Kali-yuga men will develop hatred for each other even over a few coins. Giving up all friendly relations, they will be ready to lose their own lives and kill even their own relatives.


Men will no longer protect their elderly parents or their children. Thoroughly degraded, they will care only to satisfy their own bellies and genitals.


The occupations of men will be stealing, lying and violence.


People will be tormented by quarrels, hunger, thirst, disease and severe anxiety.


The maximum duration of life for human beings in Kali-yuga will become fifty years.


The humans will gradually come to appear like ghostly, haunted creatures.


The Future Food of Humans


Harassed by famine and excessive taxes, people will resort to eating leaves, roots, flesh, wild honey, fruits, flowers and seeds.


The Environment in Kali Yuga


The citizens will suffer greatly from cold, wind, heat, rain and snow. By the time the age of Kali ends, the bodies of all creatures will be greatly reduced in size. Most plants and herbs will be tiny, and all trees will appear like dwarf trees. Clouds will be full of lightning. Struck by drought, they will become completely ruined.






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Please give the citation so that statements can be verified. If you are copying verbatim it always helps to put the source verses or chapter(s) from which information was gleaned. Unless you are quoting from memory, which we know is fallible for many people in this age.

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so no one can prove this , since scriptures say that electricity is discovered and many other scientific inventions are discovered in the yugu after kali.

we certainly are not in a age of ingnorance and darkness. as kaliyugu is called.


all answers are only parrotings. not all the spiritual masters make claim to this being kaliyuga.

i am sure that no one will venture out to find proof to the contrary.


there is a saying "its impossible to prove a negative." like the holocaust it is a religion it self and if you dont believe it your demonic or just simply wrong or immoral.

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this post From the Srimad Bhagavatam.


i see none of this today at all. infact people seem to be doing well. were even fighting a war against the muslims who are the most adharmic of them all.


humans are getting taller. most people are taking to socialism as opposed to being greedy. there are more educated people today then ever in history.


wow all the statements From the Srimad Bhagavatam have proved were definatly not in kaliyuga.


this sounds like life before the 1700's all these quotes prove we are not in kaliyuga for sure. you have it exactally backwards. up untill the 1700's no one lived passed 50 not were making it to our 70's and more.

socilist and nationalist governments are taking a foot hold over greedy capitolist and fascist governments.


things are getting better in the world and your deaf and blind not to see things are greatly improving in our world.


we are definatly not in kaliyuga!!!!!

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When Is Kaliyuga Going To End?

Query: When is Kaliyuga going to end? What our scriptures say is that it just started some 5000 years ago. So what my conclusion is that there are about 427000(432000minus5000) years for this Kaliyuga to end? Sorry to say but I don't exactly see the things as written in the essay ''The Shape of the world to come' as You are a Self-realized soul, You must be omniscient You must be knowing my actual problems. If You can use Your supernatural right in this world of maya, shower some grace on me and tell me what to do next. Srikanth



Dear Srikanth,


Kaliyuga has already ended and we are passing through the stage of Ghor Kaliyuga which is likely to end in a short while from now ... a maximum of 2~3 years. The scriptures are to be interpreted in the light of scientific developments taking place in the present Era. Whatever may have been the level of the society during the period the scriptures were written ... so was was the interpretation ... for how many years from now do you anticipate shall a human being travel in space as comfortably as traveling in airplane.


As per you it may be a hundred years or even a thousand years from now. What if the journey is conducted four years from now. What shall you say ... the interpretation was wrong or the scientific developments have shortened the period been interpretation and actual achivements.


Neither is wrong ... both are correct ... only the right interpretation is to be done. 427000 years can get reduced to four days depending on the pace of scientific developments taking place. What has been stated in the article "Shape of the world to come" was based on the resultant karma of 6000 million people in 1993. Karmas change and so does the destiny.


You are a believer of miracles. Pure Spirituality has no place for miracles. You talk of gaining commercial powers which I have none. Standing on the fourth floor one cannot expect to have same vision as that from the twentieth floor. Have more patience and read the articles with a free attitude ... you shall grasp the inner meaning.





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"we certainly are not in a age of ingnorance and darkness. as kaliyugu is called."


Well, I don't know where you are living, or under what rock you have been hiding, but I seriously doubt anyone can sincerely call the past 4000 years of history going on to this very day a very enlightened, non-hypocritical and peaceful world. Unless that same big rock has hit you in the head a bit too hard maybe. Don't forget we're still only in the intro of this Yuga.

You seem to think that the advancements made in science are some kind of proof of things getting better. What good is getting old if you're not learning who you are, why you are here and where you are going? Actually, this so-called scientific advancement (especially the way it is trying to disprove God) is greatly helping in our spritual downfall, thus further promoting ignorance and plunging us into spiritual darkness. Spiritual progression first and foremost ,and not scientific progression is the standard to look for in an advanced civilization.

Also looking at the behaviour of people in general, they seem to be careless, moral has hit an all-time low, they are unethical,bored extremely quick and have short attention spans, and still meat-eating and maintaining horrible slaughterhouses cause ghastly holocausts everyday, keeping men in ignorance and darkness (I tend to think the amount of growth hormones present in the meat are the main cause for the growth of today's western population). Coarse language rules everyone's mouth today, it's now commonly accepted and if you don't accept it you're a relic, hypocrisy rules everywhere, even in religious environments,where swamis and priests force little boys to have sex with them,it's a disgusting hypocrisy. Quarrel is present everywhere, broken homes&torn families. Sex is sold cheap and smacked in your face on every street corner,in every magazine and on the TV, women dress and behave like whores, mass adultery takes place, increases in rape, murder statistics are off the chart, drug use is rampant,there's famine,disease,irreligion, greed, as the lungs of the earth get chopped and burned for bits of money, dangerously frail atomic powerplants are again on the rise,pollution is turning rivers into dead places of crazy colors,the seas are emptied of their fish to feed the greedy mouth of men, U.S. war spending and budget is now so huge it has dwarfed all other spendings and budgets, the governments are corrupt,the leading men of society are just as lost as the followers, the law has now become a mere entertainment show where the smartest lawyer can set free the biggest criminals because they know the holes, wars are now fought over oil and xenofobia, under a false pretense of liberating countries,war has become a bloody and lucrative business, the list goes on and on.

Instead you seem to be totally oblivious to all these hard facts. It's nice for you that your are living in Pleasantville Kalifornia or whatever but out there this is really happening every day. So there's no such thing as parroting, since I am actually witnessing this myself on a daily basis, even in my 'quiet' neighbourhood. I rather find "it impossible to disprove this negative".


"all answers are only parrotings. not all the spiritual masters make claim to this being kaliyuga."


Names please, as every single bonafide spiritual master I've ever read or heard from confirms that this is the age of Kali Yuga.

So, I hope you'll stop fooling yourself. In the meantime I'll just stick to the scriptures and the proper explanations of them by our bonafide spiritual masters and listen to the voices of reason.



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I'm no nihilist, I'm a realist. How could I be a nihilist and involve myself in Krishna consciousness at the same time? I am simply stating the facts here, while your reply only serves as further proof that we are in Kali Yuga. This person who replied to "Srikant's query" is just concocting his own nonsensical theories. My advice to you is therefore to stick to proper science, the science of self-realization as laid out by Krishna Himself, and upheld 'as-it-is' by the bonafide spiritual masters, instead of following modern science and selfclaimed swamis. In that way, the spell of illusion and ignorance shall gradually wear off.





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If you don't believe we're in Kali Yuga all you have to do is look around, read the news, read about the endless flow of murders, and rapes, and natural disasters. If you still don't believe we're in the Kali age than you need to get your eyes checked...

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