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Hare Krishna and dandavats


I think you mean chiranjeevi which means immortal (also a kind of blessing meaning "live for a long time"). Here immortal means till the time of final annihilation or maha-pralaya when all the universes are withdrawn into the transcendental body of Maha-vishnu.



Does it mean you can be in 'Sat-Chit-Ananda'

stage and still be in this material world ?




This is a somewhat different thing. A jiva who is a pure devotee, who has attained svarupa-siddhi (true constitutional position) is situated in vishuddha-sattva though he appears to be in material world. To our mundane eyes he appears to be possessing a material body, performing actions subject to material energy but in truth his body is completely spiritual (sat-chit-ananda) and all his actions transcendental. Material energy cannot act on pure devotees who are always in the spiritual energy even though they may appear as present in the material worlds. The Lord is all-pervasive and He is never without His energy, so His spiritual energy (which is non-different from Him) is also all-pervasive.


One may say that one who is chiranjeevi (e.g. Hanuman) are possesing a non-material body and are siddha-purusha, but not the other way round viz. all pure devotees are not chiranjeevi in the normal sense of the word of appearing in this world till final annihilation; though in another sense it is also true because they are possessing their eternal bodies (siddha-deha) and would not be changing bodies like normal conditioned souls.

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