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Ignore messages other than Krishna topics

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Hare Krishna,


It would be wise of the KC Devotees to simply not respond to any messages posted in here not talkig about KRISHNA.


The writers (distractors or Maya personified) will be defeated.


Hare Krishna.

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I'm personally not angry, I'm just really frustrated. If for the simple fact that there are tons and tons of Christian chats/message boards etc. how many Hare Krishna boards/chats have you come across? not many I'd assume. This is one of the few places on the net people can come to talk about KC topics without beings verbally abused by people.

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  • 3 months later...
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Don't abuse others and you will not be abused. If you do propaganda and say other sampradayas are false, then youwill get reaction for it!

Serve Krishna, spread his message of love. Stop downsizing other! People will love you.

Hari Bol!

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Don't abuse others and you will not be abused.



That is only true in the utopian world of your imagination. The truth is Christians and Muslims come here for attacking Hindu religions. You may avoid speaking bad about them, but they will come anyway to criticize your religion.


So the advice to ignore their threads is the nice thing to do, rather than stoop to their level of criticizing.

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There is a great story about the Buddha. He was walking with his disciple Ananda when a man came and started to insult him, screaming at him calling him a parasite etc. The buddha was of course calm and collected while his disciple got MAD he asked the buddha for permission to attack the man. OF course the Buddha did not allow it. After the man left the conversation went something like this


Buddha : Ananda take my begging bowl

Ananda : No sir that would be improper

Buddha : ANANDA, I was offering you this bowl, had you taken it to whom would it have belonged?


Ananda: Of course to me sir

Buddha: Now, since you did not take it to whom does it belong

Ananda: Of course to you sir

Buddha : Similary Ananda this man was offering me all sorts of words all sorts of descriptions. I never took any of them.



From an outside standpoint, while browsing through these pages people who are do not share your views or dont know much about the topics look at how they are handled, how people react and what they say, when everyone who asks something or whose view differs is insulted and the supposed KC devotee wants to kick them in the face (that is what I saw one of them say) then it does not create a good impression. People will be attracted by acceptance and a genuine effort at conversation. I saw one person ask in all sincerity about the why Krishna allowed the war. the person seemed to be a devotee of Rama and one KC devotee told him Krsna had already predicted what he was saying and quoted "Fools deride me when I descend in the human form...." Why didnt he just take the time to answer the man's question. and it WAS about Krishna.

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