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Your lining up Gods sounds like the ticket giving ceremony to political leaders! It's a pity that you do this politics here.

Siva is Siva! Please stop this next to or lower than propaganda!

We don't possess the qualifications to speak about it!

Some punny humans who have read a couple of books!

Let's not make this aparadha! Lest we go to the'Rorav' naraka!


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This opulence explaination is not 100 % true.

Siva possess everything and everything is in him.

Thousands of Yugas go by just as Siva blinks an eye.

And thousands of Goswamis come and go by this time.

We can't let Jeev Goswami's commentary to be

a statement determining Siva's potential!


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Nector of Devotion has some problems with translations.

At one point Prabhupada points to yogis as materialists who meditate on their body-parts like muladhar, swadhistaan chakras (intestines).

Chakras are not intestines. This is not true!


How can such a book having zero yogic knowledge determine the true nature of Lord Siva? Though nectar of devotion best describes devotion. But it fails to address all aspects of the Lord or Yoga.

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Aren't chakras subtle matter or are they directly the soul?


Aquestion to the Shivabhaktas:


I remember a part in the Shivapurana after Sadashiva told Vishnu and Brahma to stop fighting over who was whose creator that He Himself was going to appear as Rudra out of Brahma and that now He was going to Goloka where He resides.


Does this mean that He is the lord of Goloka (Krishna)?

Or does this refer to Gopisvara?

Or is in your view Goloka different from Goloka Vrindavan (Krishnaloka) and does this refer to Shivaloka?

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Can't we just keep all the Shiva debates in one topic? There are now roughly 6 topics about whether or not Shiva is Surpreme Lord. No need for that!

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Unfortunately the word meaning realationship represents a one to many mapping. I can say Krishna Krishna all day long, nothing will happen, because Krishna is the name of my cousin. So when saying Krishna it was actually him I was thinking of.



Shiva is god if you think he is god. same goes for Krishna, Rama, tree, stone, pillow, blanket anything.

The word has a meaning. What is indicated by that word is what it is, not the word itself (yes don't get out your texts yet to find that verse where it says Krsna is non-different from the name, I know about it already)(for your info, it is said that the name of Rama is even GREATER than Rama, how about that!!).


It is like they say, OM is not truth, OM indicates truth. If you have to explain what is meant by OM you have to teach the whole vedas and all the scriptures of the world and go even beyond that.


If even you think that the name is the same as Krsna, then the name is nothing but the pronunciation. How do you know you are pronouncing it right? You can be going on saying Krishna Krishna but it really supposed to be Krsna Krsna hahaha.. Does this mean that someone with a LISP is doomed???


So stop bothering about who is supreme both teach the same things, bother with THAT

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Dear Krishna Das,


Chakras are subtle but open up higher consciousness which normally is not possible. There is a "sookshma prakriti" under this "sthool prakriti".

The sookshma prakriti or macro cosmos controls the material physical cosmos. The chakras help understand, reveal and control the underlying macro or subtle cosmos. The understanding and vision of the human mind opens up a thousand folds. Underlying true nature of things and self - starts revealing to the sadhaka whose chakras start activating. In cases he becomes knowledgeable in the shastras and gets the right understanding of them without even reading them. I knew of an accomplished sadhaka who knew all the vedas and 108 upanishads by hearts. He could recite any sloka and explanation in a unique way without ever keeping a book or notes in front of him. What we do is cramming! Which is a much primitive way as we hardly use 10 percent of our brain and very less consciousness. Chakras are not the soul but reveal the true nature of the soul and make 'atma darshan' possible.

So we shouldn't make fun of real Yogis. I'm not talking about simple pot smokers pretending yogis here.

As far as your second question is concerned, then if you read the original Shiva Purana, Shiva does not really say exactly at this point that now I'm going to appear out of Brahma, but reveals here to Brahma and Vishnu that his beginning or end is not known to anyone. He is adi dev or one without any beginning or end.

As far as these lokas are concerned, I don't think knowing them exactly will guarantee our entry there! I cannot know this for sure. In Mahabharata, Sri Bhisma refers to Lord Krisna at one point as Siva.

All I want to suggest is if we are a Krishna bhakta or a Shiva bhakta, all we can do is let our sadhna, sweet love and devotion ever keep on increasing at the Lord's lotus feet and be affectionate to each other.

I am a Shiva bhakta but some of my closest friends are Krishna bhaktas and we love each other for our something common that we have between us - our sadhana and bhakti. And possibly I visit Krisna temple in Vrindavan and elsewhere even more than I visit a Shivalaya! Though I have a regular altar at home with Shiva, Krishna and Rama.

I wish you the same!!!



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Pulastya says- "When Lord Shiva became aware of Andhak's imminent attack, he requested Nandi to summon all the Ganas who were more than 700 crores in number. Some of the prominent Ganas like Pashupat, Kalmukh, Mahavrati, Digambar, Maini, Mahapashupat and Vrishabhdhwaj arrived at Mandar Mountain to help Lord Shiva at the request of Nandi.


On seeing the valiant Gana- Pashupat, Lord Shiva embraced him, which surprised all the other Ganas. They were amazed at the special honor given to him. Lord Shiva realised their astonishment and said- "Although all of you have great devotion towards me but in your ignorance, you have shown disrespect towards Lord Vishnu. All of you except Pashupat don't realise that both of us (Lord Shiva and Vishnu) are inseparable and there is no difference between us. Pashupat is aware of this and hence he has been accorded the highest honor." Having said this, Lord Shiva revealed his majestic form of Sadashiva to the Ganas. The Ganas were bewildered on seeing the whole universe existing within Sadashiva. Lord Sadashiva then transformed his appearance into that of Lord Vishnu. The Ganas also viewed the forms of deities like Indra, Surya and Lord Brahma etc. in him. They were now convinced that both Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu were the same. The dawning of this realisation liberated them from their ignorance. Lord Shiva blessed the Ganas and embraced them. All the Ganas then took their position all around Mandar Mountain and readied themselves for the forthcoming attack"

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Lord Madhava says He is more pleased with somebody who worships His devotee then with somebody who worships Himself.


Lord Pitambhara also says one who says that he is My devotee is not really My devotee, but someone who says he is the devotee of My devotee is My true devotee.


So please become a devotee of Lord Shiva and become a true devotee of Krishna.

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However in the Shiva Mahapurana Lord Mahesvara says that He is more pleased with someone who worships His devotee then with someone who worships Himself.


It also says Krishna was a great Shaiva.


So please worship Lord Krishna to become a true devotee of Lord Shiva.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Lord Shiva is a demigod.


I like looking at it this way: Lord Shiva is very commonly called Nata Raj which translates as the "King of the Dance". However Lord Krsna is Nata Bara which translates as the "BEST Dancer". So although Lord Shiva is the King of the dance the BEST dancer is always Lord Krsna.


Lord Krsna is worshipped as Sri Sri Radha Natabara at the Columus Ohio Temple. Here is their website: http://www.columbuskrishnahouse.com/


Sargon J. David

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Lord Siva deserves our utmost respect, he is very merciful, he is Mahadev, the top most of the devas.

We have to pray to Lord Shiva to take us to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Krishna. This is the conclusion of Vedic scriptures and of the most exalted sages.

It is very unfortunate of the petty arguments that have been going on between the devotees of Lord Shiva and Lord Krishna. The many ir-religious movements posing as dharma are taking advantage of this argument in this age of Kali.


Lord Siva is usually not a living entity like us (which other demigods are). Lord Siva is a qualitative incarnation of Lord Krsna for the purpose of impregnating the living entities into material nature and for the destruction of the universe. Lord Siva is known as the father of the universe.


In this connection it is important to consider the following purport by Srila Prabhupada for a complete summary description of the position of Lord Siva: http://vedabase.net/cc/madhya/20/273/en and the following description of Lord Siva's position in relation to Lord Vishnu given by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura (Srila Prabhupada's spiritual master) http://vedabase.net/bs/5/45/en


It is very difficult to understand Lord Siva from our very insignificant position and this is the case even for great learned scholars. However, it is possible for us to hear from the disciplic succession and try to understand to a limited degree.


Everything and everyone in existence comes from Lord Krsna (Srimad Bhagavatam 1.1.1 (http://www.vedabase.net/sb/1/1/1/en), and Brahma Samhita 5.1 (http://www.vedabase.net/bs/5/1/en)) and has delegated power from Lord Krsna. The group of persons deriving their power from Lord Krsna includes everyone, yet some persons are given greater power based on their higher qualification.


Digest 43 http://iskcondc.org/cgi-bin/renderphilo.pl?digestname=digest43

Q1: In Bhagavad Gita, Krishna claims Himself to be the only supreme Lord. But in Siva Gita (which is in Padmapurana) Siva claims that He is the only supreme Lord. Various puranas praise various Lords to be the supreme absolute truth. This is very much confusing and this suggests the possibility of scriptures being man made. It is obvious that Bhagavad Gita or Srimad Bhagavatam are not special since Siva Gita and other puranas can sufficiently counter the claims made by the above said scriptures. So how to know who the Almighty is?


Digest 91 http://iskcondc.org/cgi-bin/renderphilo.pl?digestname=digest91

Q1: In addressing persons who are worshipers of Lord Siva, we find them sometimes quoting Ramayana as one proof that Siva is supreme. They refer to the lila of Ram's worshiping Siva before going to Lanka. How to best respond to this line of reasoning?


Digest 12 http://iskcondc.org/cgi-bin/renderphilo.pl?digestname=digest12

Q6: My question is related to Lord Shiva. He is considered to be the topmost Vaishnava. When a devotee or Vaishnava sannyasi comes, we are eager to take their association but we don't go to Shiva temples to take his association. Similarly we observe fasting till noon on appearance and disappearance days of acharyas. But we don't do such a thing on Shivaratri (the festival marking Lord Shiva drinking poison). Why is this so?

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See the second one in this list:


From Padma Purana, Brahma Khanda 25.15–18


satam ninda namnah paramam aparadham vitanute

yatah khyatim yatam katham u sahate tad-vigarham


1) To blaspheme devotees who have dedicated their lives to chanting the holy name of the Lord. The holy name, who is identical with Krsna, will never tolerate such blasphemous activities.


sivasya sri-visnor ya iha guna-namadi-sakalam

dhiya bhinnam pasyet sa khalu hari-namahita-karah


2) To consider the names of demigods like Lord Siva or Lord Brahma to be on an equal level with the holy name of Lord Visnu.


guror avajna


3) To disobey the orders of the spiritual master or to consider him an ordinary person.




4) To blaspheme the Vedic literatures or literatures in pursuance of the Vedic version.




5) To give some interpretation on the holy name of the Lord.


hari-namni kalpanam


6) To consider the glories of the holy name of the Lord as imagination.


namno balad yasya hi papa-buddhir

na vidyate tasya yamair hi suddhih


7) (While chanting of the holy name of the Lord can counteract all the past sinful reactions but it is greatest offense to commit sinful activities on the strength of chanting the holy name of the Lord.) To think that the Hare Krsna mantra can counteract all sinful reactions and one may therefore go on with his sinful activities and at the same time chant the Hare Krsna mantra to neutralize them is the greatest offense at the lotus feet of Hari-nama.



subha-kriya-samyam api pramadah


8) To consider the chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra to be one of the auspicious ritualistic mantras mentioned in the Vedas as fruitive activity.


asraddadhane vimukhe ’py asrnvati

yas copadesah siva-namaparadhah


9) It is an offense to preach the glories of the holy name of the Lord to the faithless.


srute ’pi nama-mahatmye

yah priti-rahito narah


namni so ’py aparadha-krt

10) If one has heard the glories of the transcendental holy name of the Lord but nevertheless continues in a materialistic concept of life, thinking “I am this body and everything belonging to this body is mine [aham mameti],” and does not show respect and love for the chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, that is an offense.


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  • 1 year later...


Aren't chakras subtle matter or are they directly the soul?


Aquestion to the Shivabhaktas:


I remember a part in the Shivapurana after Sadashiva told Vishnu and Brahma to stop fighting over who was whose creator that He Himself was going to appear as Rudra out of Brahma and that now He was going to Goloka where He resides.


Does this mean that He is the lord of Goloka (Krishna)?

Or does this refer to Gopisvara?

Or is in your view Goloka different from Goloka Vrindavan (Krishnaloka) and does this refer to Shivaloka?


You are remebering wrong about the residence of Lord. Shivaloka is the Paratparadhama. Near to Shivaloka is Goloka, were reside the holy cows of Lord Shiva. Shri Krishna, a manifestation of Shri Vishnu, Who is a partial manifestation of Sadashiva is the Predominant Deity. In fact, Shri Krishna is a big Pashupata who received diksha from Divyaguru Shri Upamanyu and He love to take care the Cows of The Lord.


Any way, I am only trying to explain this, but I will not involve in this discussion

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At last a wonderful description of Lord Shiva's real position as teh lord of the universe!! So true! Krishna became a Maha Pashupata after receiving diksha from Divya Guru Upmanyu. Krishna himself states this ellaborately to Yudhishthira, Arjuna, Pitamah Bhishma and other sages in the Anishasana Parva of Mahabharata.

Jai Shri Krishna!!



You are remebering wrong about the residence of Lord. Shivaloka is the Paratparadhama. Near to Shivaloka is Goloka, were reside the holy cows of Lord Shiva. Shri Krishna, a manifestation of Shri Vishnu, Who is a partial manifestation of Sadashiva is the Predominant Deity. In fact, Shri Krishna is a big Pashupata who received diksha from Divyaguru Shri Upamanyu and He love to take care the Cows of The Lord.


Any way, I am only trying to explain this, but I will not involve in this discussion

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