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Question on sanscrit name of cosmic gateways/doors to other dimensions

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Dear friends,


I would like to know the sanscrit definition, if available, of the places on planet earth, acting as gateways/doors to other lokas/realms/stars.


When I was in India four years ago, Atma-tattva dasa, disciple of Srila Prabhupada, told us that the Earthly Vedic literature, especially the all Puranas are full of references of places/locations, at least within Bharat-varsa/India, where sadhus lived and with their physical bodies could enter those 'gates/doors' which route to different realms.


I don't mean here references of sadhus/yogis/Vaishnava able with their 3rd eye, or astral trips, visiting other realms, but with the physical body.


Atma-tattva dasa, showed us, as far as I can remember at least two places in South India, where such gates exist, one routes to Naga-loka, the wonderful realm/galaxy of the snakes and one was in the jungle near to a waterfall, where apparently Kasyapa-Muni lived and is still living on a higher dimensional platform.


That lake was apparently used in previous yugas to enter in other realms, I don't know which one.


British scientists have tried to measure the depth of the lake to proof the non-existence of such a gateway. They had to stop their testings as no ground has been found, after 1000 meters of going down with their instruments.


I know that thousand of such stargate-like places exist on our earth, many in India, many outside of India on all continents.


Who can tell me the name of those stargate places. Maybe kshetra-lokas or something similar? Is anyone aware if someone has written books about those kind of things, from Vaishnava/Vedic authors or else?


I sense that in the near future many of those gaets will again be usable for humans. Some of them may have been temporarily de-activated by the devas, safety/precaution reasons as Kali Yuga and the asuras, but should be very soon re-activated.


As far as I know during the move from this physical platform to the other one, the physical body, flesh and bone, will automatically change to the frequency of the realm we are willing to visit. and is vibed accordingly, when returning back to our realm, the door is re-changing our body to the original frequency.


Those kind of things are not fantasy, this is real.


Thanks for any information.




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  • 1 year later...

Hare Krishna!


All glories to Srila Prabhupada! I offer my humble obeisance unto him!


I have heard similar discussions by Sri Atmatatva Das Prabhu as I have some of his lectures on CDs. I dont remember exactly as my memory evades me but i do remember him saying that there are gateways in Australia (where Aboriginees still live), gateways in the Himalayas where there is direct connection to Kailash where Lord Siva lives. If you can find that route, you can go to see Lord Siva. He said there are gateways under the ocean where man has not yet reached.


He also said that there are routes in space(iam talking outer space) where one travels from planet Earth to other planets, something similar to a space casueway or space highway. He mentioned, only exclusive members have rights to this space highway. For example, he there is an exclusive space highway oly for Lord Siva where he travels on His bull to different planets and no other devatas or beings can use the same highway.


These are anecdotes mentioned by Sri Atmatatva Das prabhu in his lectures and he also referenced UFOs are higher intelligent beings who use these gateways in the ocean and other places to visit us from their abode.


Again, i dont have scriptural references but surely there are phenomenons still unexplained by science.





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  • 5 months later...



I am very very interested in this, can anybody help with any other information, or point me to another site with some stuff, or books etc


any info very much appreciated.....


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