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Hare Krishna,


If you desire (and why shouldn't you?) the HTML --java script, Here it is!


You may copy/paste it.


These are my are my own versions:



Small: http://nitaibolo.topcities.com/testing.html


Large: http://nitaibolo.topcities.com/gauranga.html




Your site change to suit, personal site.


You may change the picture, or the colours, play around,

adding gradients may help it look even better!


Please tell me when you do this, so I can see too!


Thankyou to Ruptor Prabhuji!




Jaya Nitai-Gaura!!


I hope this is ok, what I am doing.,


*NOTE* Delete spaces in-between these Guys, simply goto word etc, Highlight the 'non-space' replace with no space, in other words don't put anything, when it asks you to replace with, thats the only hard part /images/graemlins/smirk.gif









< center >

< style type="text/css" >


/*Eric Meyer's based CSS tab*/



padding: 1px 0;

margin-left: 0;

margin-bottom: 0;

margin-top: 0.1em;

font: 9.px Times New Roman (Central European);



#tablist li{

list-style: none;

display: inline;

margin: 0;



#tablist li a{

text-decoration: none;

padding: 3px 0.5em;

margin-left: 3px;

border: 0px solid #778;

border-bottom: none;

background: lightblue;



#tablist li a:link, #tablist li a:visited{

color: black;



#tablist li a:hover{

color: #FFFGG;

background: #FFFFF;

border-color: #667;



#tablist li a.current{




< /style >


< script type="text/javascript" >



* Tabbed Document Viewer script- © Dynamic Drive DHTML code library (www.dynamicdrive.com)

* This notice MUST stay intact for legal use

* Visit Dynamic Drive at http://www.dynamicdrive.com/ for full source code



var selectedtablink=""

var tcischecked=false


function handlelink(aobject){


tcischecked=(document.tabcontrol && document.tabcontrol.tabcheck.checked)? true : false

if (document.getElementById && !tcischecked){

var tabobj=document.getElementById("tablist")

var tabobjlinks=tabobj.getElementsByTagName("A")

for (i=0; i< tabobjlinks.length; i++)




return false



return true





< /script >




< ul id="tablist" >

< li >< a class="current" href="http://www.vedabase.net/bg" onClick="return handlelink(this)" >Bhagavad Gita< /a >< /li >

< li >< a href="http://www.vedabase.net/sb" onClick="return handlelink(this)" >Srimad Bhagavatam< /a >< /li >

< li >< a href="http://www.vedabase.net/cc" onClick="return handlelink(this)" >Caitanya Caritmrta< /a >< /li >

< div style="margin-bottom: 1em" >< /div >

< li >< a href="http://www.lordcaitanya.com" onClick="return handlelink(this)" >Teachings of Lord Caitanya< /a >< /li >

< li >< a href="http://www.nectarofdevotion.com" onClick="return handlelink(this)" >Nectar of Devotion< /a >< /li >

< /ul >

< iframe id="tabiframe" src=" VEDA.gif" width="40%" height="150px" >< /iframe >



< ul id="tablist" >

< li >< a class="current" href="http://www.vedabase.net/noi" onClick="return handlelink(this)" >The Nectar of Instruction< /a >< /li >

< li >< a href="http://vedabase.net/tqk/" onClick="return handlelink(this)" >Teachings of Queen Kunti< /a >< /li >

< li >< a href="http://brahmasamhita.com/" onClick="return handlelink(this)" >Brahma Samhita< /a >< /li >

< div style="margin-bottom: 1em" >< /div >

< li >< a href="http://isopanisad.com/" onClick="return handlelink(this)" >Isopanisad< /a >< /li >

< li >< a class="current" href="http://www.vedabase.net/mm" onClick="return handlelink(this)" >Mukunda-mala-stotra< /a >< /li >

< li >< a class="current" href="http://www.vedabase.net/nbs" onClick="return handlelink(this)" >Narada Bhakti Sutra< /a >< /li >

< li >< a class="current" href="http://www.thekrishnastore.com/StoreFront.bok" onClick="return handlelink(this)" >'Books- Order'< /a >< /li >

< li >< a class="current" href="http://vedabase.com/" onClick="return handlelink(this)" >'Cd- Order'< /a >< /li >



< /ul >

< /center >














Now for the bigger version:



< center >

< style type="text/css" >


/*Eric Meyer's based CSS tab*/



padding: 1px 0;

margin-left: 0;

margin-bottom: 0;

margin-top: 0.1em;

font: bold 14.px Times New Roman (Central European);



#tablist li{

list-style: none;

display: inline;

margin: 0;



#tablist li a{

text-decoration: none;

padding: 3px 0.5em;

margin-left: 3px;

border: 0px solid #778;

border-bottom: none;

background: lightblue;



#tablist li a:link, #tablist li a:visited{

color: black;



#tablist li a:hover{

color: #FFFGG;

background: #FFFFF;

border-color: #665;



#tablist li a.current{




< /style >


< script type="text/javascript" >



* Tabbed Document Viewer script- © Dynamic Drive DHTML code library (www.dynamicdrive.com)

* This notice MUST stay intact for legal use

* Visit Dynamic Drive at http://www.dynamicdrive.com/ for full source code



var selectedtablink=""

var tcischecked=false


function handlelink(aobject){


tcischecked=(document.tabcontrol && document.tabcontrol.tabcheck.checked)? true : false

if (document.getElementById && !tcischecked){

var tabobj=document.getElementById("tablist")

var tabobjlinks=tabobj.getElementsByTagName("A")

for (i=0; i< tabobjlinks.length; i++)




return false



return true






< /script >




< ul id="tablist" >

< li >< a class="current" href="http://www.vedabase.net/bg" onClick="return handlelink(this)" >Bhagavad Gita< /a >< /li >

< li >< a href="http://www.vedabase.net/sb" onClick="return handlelink(this)" >Srimad Bhagavatam< /a >< /li >

< li >< a href="http://www.vedabase.net/cc" onClick="return handlelink(this)" >Caitanya Caritmrta< /a >< /li >

< li >< a href="http://www.lordcaitanya.com" onClick="return handlelink(this)" >Teachings of Lord Caitanya< /a >< /li >

< li >< a href="http://www.nectarofdevotion.com" onClick="return handlelink(this)" >Nectar of Devotion< /a >< /li >

< /ul >

< iframe id="tabiframe" src=" bg_T_2Y.gif" width="98%" height="350px" >< /iframe >



< ul id="tablist" >

< li >< a class="current" href="http://www.vedabase.net/noi" onClick="return handlelink(this)" >The Nectar of Instruction< /a >< /li >

< li >< a href="http://vedabase.net/tqk/" onClick="return handlelink(this)" >Teachings of Queen Kunti< /a >< /li >

< li >< a href="http://brahmasamhita.com/" onClick="return handlelink(this)" >Brahma Samhita< /a >< /li >

< div style="margin-bottom: 1em" >< /div >

< li >< a href="http://isopanisad.com/" onClick="return handlelink(this)" >Isopanisad< /a >< /li >

< li >< a class="current" href="http://www.vedabase.net/mm" onClick="return handlelink(this)" >Mukunda-mala-stotra< /a >< /li >

< li >< a class="current" href="http://www.vedabase.net/nbs" onClick="return handlelink(this)" >Narada Bhakti Sutra< /a >< /li >

< li >< a class="current" href="http://www.thekrishnastore.com/StoreFront.bok" onClick="return handlelink(this)" >'Books- Order'< /a >< /li >

< li >< a class="current" href="http://vedabase.com/" onClick="return handlelink(this)" >'Cd- Order'< /a >< /li >



< /ul >

< /center >



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