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Is ISKCON (Hare Krishna) really non-sectarian?

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I am a Christian, but I find the Hare Krishna movement to be very intersting. Christianity and Hare Krishna mirror each other in several ways. Some even suggest that Lord Jesus Christ was preaching a similar God-consciousness to that taught by Hare Krishna.


My questions is this: is ISKCON (Hare Krishna) truly non-sectarian and monotheistic as it states on the ISKCON web site? Any replies to this question would be greatly appreciated.



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Before we understand whether ISKCON is sectarian or not, I would like to first present to you one of the fundamental teachings which Lord Krishna taught to Arjuna. In Bhagavad Gita Chapter 2, Text 13, this is what Lord Krishna teaches Arjuna:


As the embodied soul continuously passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at death. A self-realized soul is not bewildered by such a change.




This statement essentially means that we are not these bodies but spirit souls. In other words, when I say “I” or “You”, I do not mean to refer to my body or your body. The living entities, I and You, are not the bodies which we can see with our naked eyes. We are something different from these bodies, transcendental to gross matter. Since we are not these bodies, any identification that we accept based on this body is false in the absolute sense.


For example, right now I call myself Indian because my body was born on Indian soil; I was born to Hindu parents and therefore I also identify myself as Hindu. If I were born to Christian parents in a land, say the US, then I would call myself a US Christian. Although the same “I” is under consideration in both cases, the identification that I accept is different in both cases, BECAUSE I AM THINKING THAT I AM THIS BODY THAT I POSSESS, which I am not actually. This is similar to saying I am a Red person if I wear a red shirt or I am a blue person if I wear a blue shirt. Although I am not the shirt I am wearing but different from the shirt, I am under the misconception that I am this shirt and hence identifying myself with its color.


So to summarize the above teaching we can make the following statement:


I am a spirit soul, part and parcel of the Supreme Lord, encased within this material body. It is wrong to think that I am this body and there is a soul within this body.


Srila Prabhupada, the foundar acarya of ISKCON, explains that Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Indian, American, White, Black – these are all rubber stamps that puts the living entity into the illusion that he is this body. Thus, a true non-sectarian approach can be applied only if we do not consider any bodily designations. An organization which has this kind of approach towards the living beings can be truly termed as spiritual because the living entities are originally pure spirit souls, part and parcels of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and untainted with any material designations.


In ISKCON temples and programs, we find that people from all religions, castes, creeds, races and nationalities come together and glorify the Supreme Lord. They have the proper understanding that all these designations which applies to the external body is not the actual identity of the soul. Since we are part and parcels of GOD, we are actually brothers and God is our Supreme Father. Because bodily discriminations are set aside, there exists true love and harmony amongst the devotees. Therefore ISKCON is truly a non-sectarian organization.


Regarding monotheism, it is true that ISKCON propagates the philosophy of one GOD. GOD is the Supreme Person and He has many transcendental qualities. Based on His qualities and activities, He is addressed by different Names. All these Names are identical to the Personality of Godhead because He is Absolute.


As you have correctly observed, the teachings of ISKCON and Christianity mirror each other in several ways. Jesus Christ was an empowered representative of GOD and came to this world to spread GOD consciousness. Similarly, Prophet Mohammed was another empowered representative who performed a similar wonder. The sad part, however, is that none of their followers are truly following the teachings laid down by them. They misinterpreted the original teachings and concocted so many additional philosophies to such an extent that the original purity is almost lost. In the name of economic and scientific development, the modern day human society is now actually progressing towards utter devastation.


In order to save the human society from degradation, in the year 1486, the Supreme Lord Himself in the form of Lord Chaitanya came and gave the original pure teachings of God consciousness. He propagated the chanting of the Holy Names of GOD as the only form of self-realization that is possible in this Kali Yuga, the age of quarrel and hypocrisy. Following in the footsteps of Lord Chaitanya, His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Svami Prabhupada established the International Society for Krishna Consciousness in the year 1965 in order to spread these divine teachings.


My humble request to you is that please try chanting the names of GOD. You will certainly perceive the difference in due course of time. There are no hard and fast rules as to what names should be chanted. However, it is recommended in the Vedic literatures that the 16-worded Hare Krishna Mahamantra is the most suitable mantra for this day and age. As you might already know, the mantra is:





If you have any prejudice against chanting HARE KRISHNA, then you may chant the names of Christ. But please do chant. Hare Krishna.

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I live in Miami and visit the Temple in Coconut Grove. I love the times I spend there and enjoy the prasadam which my 7th day Adventist friends have also enjoyed. My question is about the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Hinduism stresses the triune nature of God, like Christianty does. Brahman, Shiva, and Vishnu. Each personality performs a different function, like the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The demi-gods seem to function like the saints of my Catholic faith. Intercessors to God. How did Krishna, a mortal, historical person who lived and DIED on Earth become the Supreme Personality of the Godhead? I have read the Bhagavad-gita and the term "bhagavan" which Arjuna addresses Krishna with, is translated as "mighty one" in versions other than Prabhupada`s. I have not read this book in its entirety, but where does Krishna claim to be the fullness of Deity in bodily form?


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Regarding discussions and queries about the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Srimad Bhagavatam says that such discussions are very auspicious, because it benefits the speaker, the listener and the entire population as well. These discussions help us in reviving our lost relationship with GOD and will help us regain our original constitutional position of being His eternal servant.


Let us first try to understand GOD by definition. The simplest and the most relevant definition is that He is the Supreme Person in all respects. Supreme means there is no one in the entire creation who is greater than or equal to Him. He is Supremely independent, but everyone else is dependent on Him. He is the absolute controller of everything, moving and non-moving. The Sanskrit word bhagavan means one who possesses bhaga or opulence. Basically, there are six kinds of opulence – strength, wealth, beauty, knowledge, fame and renunciation. A person who possesses all these opulence simultaneously, all the time, and to the supreme degree can be called bhagavan.


Based on this understanding of GOD, let us try to understand the Personality of Krishna. His very birth is sufficient to eradicate all doubts regarding His Personality. Unlike an ordinary child of this world, He was born with all kinds of jewels and ornaments on His body and with dazzling effulgence that illuminated the entire room. When He was a small boy, He lifted the Govardhana Hill on His left finger. Many dangerous and extremely powerful demons used to come and try to kill Him, but He finished them easily. He is called as Madana Mohana because His beauty attracts even Cupid, the god of love. When He was ruling over Dwaraka, He expanded Himself into 16,108 forms and was simultaneously present in each and every palace. Upon His spiritual master’s request, He brought his dead son from the abode of Lord Yamaraja, the Lord of Death. Finally, He spoke on the subject matter of Bhagavad Gita, which is considered as the jewel of all spiritual wisdom, the highest of all sciences and the topmost transcendental knowledge, which can deliver the living entity permanently from materialistic existence.


So all these qualities and activities of Krishna certainly indicate that Krishna is not an ordinary person like us, who is subjected to the influence of the three modes of material nature. He is not even an extraordinary mystical person who developed these qualities to “become” GOD. In fact, He is indeed the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the cause of all causes, as proven by His above-mentioned activities. Arjuna is the first student of the Bhagavad Gita and his conclusion after understanding the Gita is that Lord Krishna is the Supreme transcendental Person. Moreover, he supports his conclusion by referring to the statements of other great spiritual authorities who have accepted Lord Krishna as such.




There are many instances where Lord Krishna explains this transcendental nature. For more detailed explanations regarding His fullness, I recommend you read the Bhagavad Gita. The text clearly explains His transcendental position. One such mention can be found below:




If we really want to know about the Supreme Personality of Godhead, then we have to approach a bona fide authority. There are four such authorities and ISKCON comes under the Brahma-Madhva-Gaudiya sampradaya, which originates from Lord Brahma. Unless we surrender to such an authority, we are likely to be misguided, and we can never understand the science of GOD. Therefore it is recommended that you read Bhagavad Gita As It Is, written by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Svami Prabhuda.


Regarding the demigods, it is said that they are the empowered representatives of the Supreme Lord meant to carry out certain functions in the universal management of this cosmic manifestation. As you have correctly heard, Brahma Vishnu and Shiva carry out the three main functions – Creation, Maintenance and Destruction of this universe. Vishnu is a plenary expansion of Krishna and hence non-different from Krishna. Lord Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita that He is the Supreme Controller of all living beings and that everything is working under His superintendence. Also, both Lord Brahma confirms that he is working under the direction of Krishna and he received the Vedic knowledge from Krishna.


Thus, in conclusion, we should understand that ISKCON’s acceptance of Krishna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead is not fanatical or sentimental. This conclusion is perfectly authentic and confirmed by all the great authorities of spiritual science. Initially, we may accept this on the basis of faith. But gradually, when we start rendering devotional service to the Lord, beginning with chanting and hearing His Holy Names, we start understanding this science and, by the grace of the Lord, the truth will be revealed to us in due course of time.

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  • 4 months later...

don't ask me why?

ask "consicousness"

if GOD made all foods for

everybody [humans,birds,animals,fish]

why they should be restricted eating it?

even onions or garlic too restricted.. never knew those

being vegetables.


live on water and sunlight like plants.


Krsna was logical person , we made him GOD, every successful man in winning war is GOD, like Rama too.


I respect your question,












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  • 2 weeks later...

Killing animals for meat is not neccesary and has karma associated with it. Onions and garlic are in the mode of passion which is also described in vedic literatures. The point is that whatever food we consume, we consume it as an austerity. It's not just bieng vegetarian, it's eating sanctified food or prasadam. If we make vegetarian food and do not offer it to the lord we are in fact eating our own "sin". We are here to serve the lord. And, I for one love doing it.


Even eating only vegetables has karma associated with it. It is in the offering of the food for the lord that It becomes karma free. There is a lot of literature on these subjects in books such as the nectar of instruction/devotion.


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  • 2 weeks later...



Glad to know that you enjoy going to temples and eating prasadam for that is not mere food but Krishnas leftovers. Srila Prabhupada said that if one eats from a sick persons plate that person too becomes sick. So if we eat Krishnas leftovers we are sure to get His sickness which is pure spiritual bliss.


To start off there are some wrong connections you make in your understanding of hinduismn in the broad sense and Krishna in person.


The triune that you mention in christianity are not the demigods brahma,vishnu and shiva. The triune is bhagawan (father), his marginal potency the souls (jivas) (son) and impersonal brahman (the holy ghost).


Secondly, Krishna was never a mortal. No authorative book will ever say that. There is only appearance and disappearance of Krishna or his authorised servants (shaktiavesh avatars). Infact in mahabharata (the great epic with the battle of good against evil) it is clearly stated that Krishna ascended straight from earth to the heavens and to His spritual abode Goloka Vrindavan. Similarly, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu who is followed by ISKCON and IRM devotees, merged into the deity in Jaganathpuri which is a temple in India. There is never any death per se. He comes to planet earth as several avatars (manifestations) in order to perform duties like fulfilling His devotees wishes, to re-establish religion, to kill demons etc. Thus He assumes a material body (as observed by souls in ignorance),but in no way is affected by the modes of material nature, in order to attract the souls which are His parts and parcels. Krishna never became GOD. He is the supreme since time immemorial (primeval).The concept of time is limited to material universe, which we are a slaves to. In the spiritual world there is the everlasting blissful present.


As far as Krishna claiming Himself being the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Bhagvadgita is full of such quotes. In the Brhama-Samahita which is one of the Vedic texts of authority there is a verse which goes, 'Ishwarah param Krishna', which means that 'Krishna you are the supreme yourself'. Infact, Krishna states clearly that He is present in every atom.


Just to give an understanding of comprehensiveness of vedic tects, not many people know that the birth of Jesus Christ was known through the vedic texts long before Jesus appeared on our planet. So is the case with Muhammad. Hinduism is eternal religion (sanathana dharma) where religion means serving god (which is the religion of every soul) and not the literal meaning of religion as found in dictionaries of english.


I hope that this gives you a better understanding of Krishna. Forgive anything said wrongly. Wish you luck in your spiritual endeavours.


Hare Krishna


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