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Transactions Of The Heart

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A talk with the devotees at Caracas, Venezuela

by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Maharaj - President-Acharya of Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math:


Caracas is a very beautiful city. I never thought I would be able to come here, but for so long it was my desire. I thought if I get a chance to come to Caracas I shall be very happy. Now I have gotten the opportunity to come here by the mercy of the devotees. Actually the devotees are very enthusiastic to give me their association here in Caracas.


In the Spanish-speaking world, I have many friends and our transactions are always heart-to-heart, not by language. Actually I do not know English; I do not know Spanish. You do not know Bengali. But through heart-transactions, we are very intimate friends. I think it is only possible through Krishna Consciousness.


Krishna is living in everybody's heart. In all the living entities, we can see the presence of Krishna. Krishna's qualities are attracting the jiva souls and giving them mercy with nectar.


We are so fortunate that somehow we are connected with Krishna Consciousness.


Everyone is not practicing Krishna Consciousness, no doubt, and those who are practicing Krishna Consciusness cannot do it in a perfect way. But Krishna is living in everybody's heart. Where He is seeing something, some mood of devotion, immediately He is making friends. I think that in that way we are all friends now.


Krishna Consciousness is the only true religion in the heart of the jiva souls.


Krishna Consciousness is knowledge about the Supreme Person. In the scriptures - in the Veda, Upanishads, Vedanta, which are given by many of India's rishis - we can see that God has many incarnations; but Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead.


Songs For Happy Plants


And why is Krishna the Supreme Personality of Godhead? That we can easily understand. In Krishna we can see there is love, affection, beauty, charm, many things, all divine - and all the jiva souls need are these things.


Not only humans but all the entities - they need love. They need affection.


They need charm, beauty, and eternality. Even the plant - it is proved by the scientists, if you play a song in the planted area, plants are growing more full. We have seen in our crop's field, they are playing radio. They are playing songs for making happy plants, and the plants are giving more food, more crops.


We can feel some attraction for the other incarnations of Godhead. There we can see some higher attraction displayed, but in Krishna it is displayed supremely. In that way, it is manifested in Krishna. If we realise the perfection of Krishna, then we can understand who He is. We need affection, it is fully present in Krishna Consciousness. We need love, it is fully present in Krishna Consciousness. We need charm, beauty. We need ecstacy, nectar. In the pastimes of Krishna, we see everything.


In the scriptures, we find many forms of Godhead, many incarnations of Godhead: Ramachandra, Narasingha, Matsya, Kurma, Narayana. But they are not fully displaying the five kinds of divine relationships. Not even Narayana, Sri Vishhnu. We are seeing many kinds of qualities in all living souls, this is realised by the rishis. And they find there are sixty majestic qualities displayed by Narayana. But the extra four are present only in Krishna. Only Krishna possesses all sixty four transcendental qualities.


These four special qualities are inconceivable to us. By His flute song, He can attract all the universes, spiritual and mundane. Also, the pastimes are going on with friends, with father, with mother, with lover, with paramours; and there is beauty, love affection - everything is playing in a very nice way.


Everybody is trying to serve Krishna, and that service is returned to everybody. And everybody is happy there.


Krishna Walks With His Friends


Krishna walks in His land through His divine form, attracting all the devotees and giving nectar there. In this way, the divine servitors have shown the beautiful, divine manifestations of the scriptures. So you can understand what is present in the form of Krishna. We cannot directly contact Krishna, no doubt, but Krishna is always in a hidden way living in our hearts. With our clean form, we can contact Him very easily. Why do we want all good qualities present within us?


Here we are living in an uncertain position, and we do not know how long we will live here and after death where we will go. Everything is uncertain here. But Krishna is very merciful. From time to time, He is manifesting Himself in many way in this mundane world to attract us. By His mercy, we can see, in this mundane world, many representatives of Krishna. They are coming for glorifying that transcendental world, glorifying that transcendental abode of Krishna, glorifying the five kinds of transcendental relationships.


The Divine Mellow and Ecstacy with Love that is called rasa. In English we cannot properly express the meaning of the word rasa with one word. We cannot express that. But we are so fortunate that somehow we are connected with that situation.


If we will try, then we must get something good for ourselves.


Manifestations of Krishna - Sadhu, Guru, Vaishnava, and Incarnations - they are showing us that light called paravyoma, the spiritual plane. This globe, as well as this universe, it is not all paravyoma, that means it is a mortal world.


And we are seeing every day, the sun rising and setting.


What are we seeing? One day has passed from my life. When we are expressing, "Oh, my son has grown sixteen years old now. Now he is young." That means sixteen years have passed from his lifetime. But paravyoma is the transcendental world. It is the transcendental abode of Krishna. And what is our position there - that is also explained in the scriptures. And through the Guru, we can understand that truth. And when I need that understanding then it must be given in my heart, if sincerely I am hankering for that - by the mercy of Krishna.


If you need it, you must get it. Only hankering is there as the price. No other display of anything can give it to us; only hankering can give it to us.


We can get knowledge of Veda, Upanishad, Purana, many things. But this Krishna Consciousness is only playing and progressing through hankering. It is not depending on birth in a certain culture, religion, or anything. I may be Indian, Venezuelan, British or American. Everywhere it can play, through the mood of hankering.


I am so fortunate that today I have got the chance to speak something about Krishna Consciousness, and it has come out, I think, in a very nice way. It is not my property actually. It is the property of the Divine Gurus. I am only trying to represent something, but I cannot fully present it. In many ways I am very poor. There is the language deficiency and the knowledge deficiency; many things I have. I cannot fully express that. But it is true. We have got some connection with that transcendental world. I am feeling this and I want to give it to others.


I feel you are my relatives; you are all my friends. Actually, heart-to-heart, our transactions are going on, all over the world. I am seeing this. I cannot speak English, they cannot speak Bengali, but it is a relationship which has, I feel, developed in a very transcendental way. Through that connection of relatives I come here in my friend's house today. And here I got to express the conception of Krishna Consciousness. I got this feeling here and I am feeling satisfied.


When someone was asking at the airport [a government man]: "Why have you come to this country?" My answer is always very prepared, "I come to see my friends and their families." And they are asking, "You are a religious preacher?" I am telling, "Oh no, I am a tourist!" Not only in this mundane world, but everywhere we are searching. Where is that transcendental thing we search for?


My obeisances and my full affection to you all.


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