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Thanks To The ISKCON Devotees

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Dear Prabhus, All Glories to Srila Prabhupada and respects to all sincere devotees of the Lord.


I have just returned from a week spent at the Mexico yatra's where I went to chant the mighty mahamantra at Guadalahara's wonderful Rathayatra festival. What an ecstatic and eternal feeling to chant with the devotees for the pleasure of the Lord, together bringing the Holy Name to the people! Like last year I was struck by the sincerity and dedication of the devotees and my own devotional creeper was nourished by good association. I was so warmly received by the devotees that it reminded me of my place in the Vaishnava family created by Srila Prabhupada.


Thru out the year my main association is via the internet which tends to create a cynical and overly negative impression towards ISKCON and particularly ISKCON GBC and gurus. I must report that when I have the chance to associate directly with senior men that I find a degree of sincerity, simplicity and devotional commitment that gives me much more optimism about ISKCON and the GBC.


This year I had the chance to associate with Virabahu prabhu, Bir Krishna Swami, Guru Prasad Swami, and Jagat Chaksus prabhu. I do not find these senior men to be anything but hard working, thoughtful, sincere and humble devotees of the Lord. I had some open discussions on a variety of issues that concern me, such as child abuse and the ritvik philosophy.


I believe that the GBC is taking more and more concern for what happened to the children and that genuine solutions are being discussed. When I left the movement in 1987 it was primarily due to disgust that no-one would listen or respond to incidents of child abuse and in fact I became anti-ISKCON believing that great wrongs were being denied and covered-up.


As I see ISKCON attempting to face the failures towards the children and looking towards helping them, I am greatly encouraged and my old feelings of loyalty and faith in ISKCON are returning. I think that on this issue we were very "dirty" but as Prabhupada says if a dirty man is standing in the shower attempting to get clean, why should we denounce him?


I know that in the minds of many of the ex gurukuli's who were abused ISKCON's attempts to rectify things have been too little, too late and too P.R. motivated, but I do observe a growing determination to deal with the past abuses that hopefully will go far enough to satisfy most of the victims.


As far as the ritvik issue is concerned I had some good discussions particularly with Virabahu prabhu that have given me a better understanding of the weaknesses in the ritvik proposals. Although I have not made an in-depth study of the issue, like many Prabhupada disciples I have been thinking that the ritvik concept of guru would solve many vexing problems and allow the movement to regain a sense of unity and strength. It is so disturbing when big gurus fall down in disgraceful manner such as Jagadisha das and Harikesha das, and creates so much havoc to one's faith, what to speak of the suffering to the many disciples of such persons. The ritvik proposals seem to offer a way out of these upheavals but I now see there are some major problems that they also create.


The ritvik solution seems to be an easy and quick fix that might return us to the "Glory Days" before Srila Prabhupada entered samadhi. Beware of quick fixes however, as the long-term implications may not be obvious. I would like to see people like Virabahu write more on this topic as he had some powerful points to make. He pointed out that Prabhupada never said that he would be the only acharya and guru after his departure and on the contrary he repeatedly said that his disciples would initiate. He clearly said that his books would be the basis and stand for ten thousand years as the lawbooks for ISKCON but guru is a different issue.


Also, the point that really hit me was this: how can we assume that Prabhupada wants to accept the millions of disciples that would be brought to him? Do we have the right to burden him with this responsibility without his agreement? Does this not make Prabhupada a "concept" and not a person? Prabhupada is and was a person with full freedom of choice. He chose to accept us (initiated Prabhupada disciples) as disciples and accept the burden of our karma and the responsibility to guide us back to Home, back to Godhead. How can we nominate him to do the same for thousands or millions of others? This does strike me as presumptuous on our part and a rather impersonal concept.


In any case, as one who has mostly become inactive in working to furthur the purposes of the Krishna Conscious movement I would like to thank all the sincere devotees of the Lord who continue to work within the ISKCON framework to keep the temples going, the books published and distributed, the prasadam going out and the festivals happening.


Jai Jaganatha!


Your servant,


Bahudak das.


P.S. Thanks also to Bhakta Ian at the L.A. airport from whom I was able to receive several of my favourite books, Bhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam Vol 1-1.

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