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ISEV Presents First Spanish Vaisnava Library On The Internet

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We are happy to announce that the ISEV, El INSTITUTO SUPERIOR DE ESTUDIOS VEDICOS, member of the World Vaisnava Association, has opened the First Vaisnava Library on the Internet, especially designed for the Spanish-speaking community.


Founded by Srila B.A.Paramadvaiti Swami, ISEV is one of the most important Cultural and Educational efforts of the VRINDA mission to make Vaisnava Literature attainable to the entire world. The ISEV is dedicated to distributing transcendental literature throughout the Latin countries within South America as well as other Spanish-speaking areas.


ISEV promotes free cooperation among all Vaisnava Acaryas to publish their books and make them accessible to everyone. You can find books from past Acaryas such as The Six Goswamis, Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati, A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Srila B.R.Sridhara Maharaja and others. In addition, you can find books of the various present Acaryas, to include: Srila B.P. Puri Maharaja, Srila Narayan Maharaja, Srila Tripurari Maharaja, Srila B.A.Paramadvaiti Swami, and Srila Atulananda A.


The Library was opened with 121 publications and we are hoping for your contributions as well. All Vaisnavas are invited to present their work in our forum.


About the ISEV :


The great Spiritual Teacher A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada arrived to the western world in 1965 as the Ambassador of the Bhakti Yoga tradition to our millennium. He translated more than eighty (80) books from their original Sanskrit into English, and ordered his disciples to spread the teachings of Bhakti everywhere in the world. Srila Prabhupada sent Srila B.A. Paramadvait Maharaj, one of his disciples from Germany, to bring Krishna Consciousness to South America in 1976.


After Srila Prabhupada's disappearance in 1977, he joined with Srila B.B. Hariyan Maharaj, Srila Prabhupada's first disciple in Colombia, to receive initiation into the renounced order of life (Sannyasa) from Srila Bhakti Rasaka Goswami Maharaj, an intimate godbrother of Srila Prabhupada.


Inspired by their Gurus, they established the Higher Institute of Vedic Studies ISEV. The Institute began its work with 19 translations of many vedic books into Spanish started preparation of the first correspondence yoga course, providing study opportunities to those living far from the Institute centers.


With its principal headquarters in Bogota, the ISEV established many centers and community agricultural programs in and around Bogota that serve as a training point for many students of the ISEV and it is used to celebrate the large festivals, congregational gatherings of the friends and students of the ISEV within all of Latin America.


The ISEV represents the ancient mystic school of India called Brahma Madhva Gaudiya Sampradaya. Many people in South America were very enthusiastic with the work of the ISEV. Centers sprang up from Mexico to Buenos Aires, creating a beautiful integration of Latin American under the Universal Harmony precepts of the Bhakti Yoga tradition.


Some of publications of the ISEV are already translated into German, Italian, Russian, Hungarian and English.


The ISEV contains a broad spectrum of subjects ranging from scientific discussion to children's readings. In addition, it has an extensive audio library of lectures and transcendental music.


In 1998, the ISEV works through more than 100 world representations, the majority of which are in Latin America;. However, due to ISEV's strong vedic traditions, the world headquarters is Vrinda Kunja in India.


ISEV was registered In India under the name of VRINDA, the Vrindavan Institute for the Culture and Studies Vaisnavas; and is affiliated with the World Association Vaisnava (WVA) to intensify its connection with Vaisnavism throughout the world.


The position of the ISEV is that all transcendental literature which can serve the world should be made available without any restriction or copyright. Nonsectarian religionists will be happy to get and to give easy access to the treasures of the Vaisnava tradition. All the rights are reserved for the pleasures of the Lord of our hearts.


Please visit our site at: http://www.owplaza.com/wva/isev

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