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A Life Of Devotion

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The Holy Biography of Om Visnupad Srila Bhakti Pramod Puri Goswami Maharaja


"Arjun said: What are the symptoms of one whose consciousness is fixed in Transcendence? How does he speak, and what is his language? How does he sit, and how does, he walk?"


- Bhagavad-gita 2.54


I am always remembering what a beautiful relationship he had with our Gurudev, Srila Prabhupad [saraswati Thakur]. I cannot even describe what kind of affection Srila Prabhupad had for him. Whenever he heard Srila Prabhupad saying something, he would always take notes. His knowledge of siddhanta or Vaisnav conclusions is unlimited. There is nothing unknown to him regarding philosophy. His transcendental qualities are innumerable. I have noticed that he has never used a harsh, word to anyone. All the good qualities that a Vaisnav or a self-realized soul should have he has to the fullest.


Srila Purl Maharaj has fully dedicated his life to the lotus feet of Krsna. That is why, according to my realization, no great self-realized soul living today is comparable to him. There is no doubt in my mind that by coming in contact with his lotus feet one will be delivered.


- Srila Bhakti Kumud Santa Maharaj




Srila Bhakti Kumud Santa Maharaj has kept up a close connection with Srila Puri Maharaj even to this day. Regarding him, Srila Puri Maharaj has said, "He was very dear to Srila Prabhupad. He was only an eleven-year-old boy when he came to Srila Prabhupad. Later he became a famous preacher. Srila Prabhupad and all the rest of us loved to hear his kirtan. He has much affection for me."


When Srila Bhakivedanta Swami Maharaj was living in the Radha-Damodar temple in Vrndavan he sometimes corresponded with Srila Puri Maharaja and when Srila Puri Maharaj went to Vrndavan he would visit him there. Many years previously, when Srila Swami Maharaj was a householder living in Calcutta, Srila Sridhar Maharaj sometimes used to stay on the upper floor of his house. During that period Srila Puri Maharaj also used to go there sometimes. When Srila Swami Maharaj returned from America, he invited Srila Purl Maharaj together with Srila Madhav Maharaj.


In November of 1977 Srila Swami Maharaj played his pastime of disappearing from this world. Shortly before this, when Srila Puri Maharaj was in Vrndavan, he heard that Srila Swami Maharaj was playing the pastime of being gravely ill. So he went to the ISKCON Krsna Balaram Temple to have his darsan. Srila Swami Maharaj asked him where he was staying. He said he was staying in Srila Madhav Maharaj's math. Srila Swami Maharaj asked where Srila Madhav Maharaj was. He told him Srila Madhav Maharaj was preaching in Chandigarh, Panjab, and then asked how Srila Swami Maharaj was. Srila Swami Maharaj said he was very ill. He told Srila Puri Maharaj, "I have run after money and fame, that is why I am suffering like this today." Srila Puri Maharaj said, Maharaj, you have not run after money and fame. Money and fame have run after you:' He quoted from scripture that even though a pure devotee does not run after pratistha (money, fame, power and position), pratistha clings to him anyway because of his Krsna-prem.


Then Srila Swami Maharaj said, "Maharaj, you used to sing for Srila Prabhupad. Will you please sing a kirtan for me?" So Srila Puri Maharaj sang jaya radhe jaya krsna, jaya vrndavan. Then Srila Swami Maharaj said, Maharaj, I know you are a pure devotee and have lived a pure Vaisnav life. I am offering this prasad (puri and Halwa with my own hand; please accept it." So Srila Puri Maharaj accepted it, and they discussed more Hari-katha.


Regarding Srila Swami Maharaj, Srila Puri Maharaj says, "It is inconceivable how the Supreme Lord will have someone do some amazing service for Him. Swami Maharaj's preaching in the West is simply incredible. He has fulfilled Srila Prabhupad's desire for preaching in the West, beyond any of our expectations, within the span of a few years. And he has also gotten some very educated, talented, and qualified disciples, such as Srila Bhakti Charu Swami. Srila Bhakti Charu Swami has also helped me."


Srila Puri Maharaja recalls what Srila Prabhupad said:


Srila Prabhupad used to say he did not take birth just to become a carpenter and deal with bricks. It is not enough to build temples and install Deities there, and then with the excuse of serving those Deities to make arrangements for our own living, eating, and sense gratification. If, in those buildings, there are both prachar (preaching) and achar (personal conduct supported by the Vaisnav concept), then that will give real happiness to Sri Hari, Guru, and the Vaisnavs Sriman Mahaprabhu has instructed us to benefit others by first making our own life successful, by following devotional practice. Preaching without consistent personal example has no value. If the maths and temples manifest themselves as temples of transcendental instruction conducted by preachers with ideal behavior and practice, then the adversities of this world will be eradicated.


It is Srila Puri Maharaja's desire that inside the math, everyone must be given the respect that is due to them. Brahmacharies will respect sannyasis, brahmacharies and sannyasis will respect senior Vaisnavs, and men will respect women. In this way, everyone will give everyone else appropriate respect. Maharaj says:


When respect is not given where it is due, Mahaprabhu cannot tolerate that. He says in Sri Chaitanya charihimita, maryada-langhan ami na paro sahite- "I cannot tolerate transgressions of the standard etiquette of giving appropriate, respect." just to teach us, this example is given in Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita. When Mahaprabhu was angry at Jagadananda Pandit for giving instruction to Sri Sanatan Goswami, He told Sri Sanatan Goswami, "Jaga who was born yesterday has the audacity to give you instruction!" Of course this is their pastime only to teach us. If we give everyone their due respect, the Supreme Lord will be pleased with us.


Tolerance and forgiveness


Due to the nature of this material world, where even Sriman Mahaprabhu was criticized, a param bhagavat Vaisnav like Srila Puri Maharaj has also been criticized once or twice. His Godbrothers and their disciples were very disturbed about this, what to speak of his own disciples. When he saw in his math how outraged his disciples were, he asked them to calm down and not give vent to their anger. When they told him what had angered them, what was said about him to belittle his position, he smiled and said, "Is that what they said? Why, I think they have given me a great honor! I did not think I even deserve this much importance!" Then he asked them not to pick a fight about this, not to argue or debate, but to keep themselves busy with their service alone.


Maharaja also says:


Vaisnavs do not blame others but only blame themselves. Those who are devotees do not persecute others. Those who want to worship Lord Hari have to pay great attention to their own character. The Supreme Lord Himself has said that lust and anger are the two most fearsome enemies.


By his own words and actions he is also teaching his disciples the importance of tolerance and forgiveness. A devotee always thinks, "I am protected by Krsna. If some negative waves come in my direction, that is for my own good. If someone has tried to belittle me, hurt me, or harm me in any way, then that person should be forgiven both by me and the Supreme Lord. There is already too much suffering in this world. Not a drop of that suffering should be increased on my account." Moreover a forgiving heart is a peaceful and energetic heart that can fully concentrate on devotional service.


Throughout his life he has dealt with injustice towards him with humility, tolerance, and extraordinary self-restraint. He does not criticize or express anger. At the same time he has always been extremely determined to do what he thinks is right.


Someone is crying in front of Krsna


Srila Puri Maharaj does not want his disciples to be overly judgemental of others. Instead he wants them to treat others with genuine sympathy and respect. He says, "As soon as we see someone has fallen down, we should not pass judgement on that person, because who knows how much he is crying in front of Krsna and asking for His forgiveness? Without considering that we may say something harsh or cruel."


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