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Clouds Don't Fall

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The image and role of the modern scientist is similar to that of the priest or preceptor in days gone by. They are modern medicine men who enlighten us and explain phenomena of nature to us. From their analyses are born philosophies.


But there are actually some incredible, glaring flaws in the understandings which are handed down to us by scientists. Incompatibilities exist even in relation to everyday natural processes, which are enough to make us question the very nature of their stewardship over knowledge as well as its interpretation.


The nature of gravity, as we are led to believe, is certainly one of these incongruent areas. By exposing the shortcomings of the Newtonian concept of gravity as an attractive force, we lay the ground for confirmation of the subtle sciences which we see depicted in the Puranic literature, such as the levitation of yogis.


A good specific example to examine are clouds. Gravity seems to discriminate in the case of clouds because clouds don't fall. Keep in mind that clouds are not exactly gaseous. They consist of water droplets many times heavier than the atmosphere which surrounds them. And they tend to bunch together even in the wind. One has to admit that the behavior of clouds is a bit different than that of the steam which is liberated from boiling water in our everyday kitchen.


A person could argue that clouds are maintained aloft by the viscosity of air or air resistence, but these could only diminish the rate of fall; there is nothing in the atmosphere which should maintain clouds afloat. Clouds defy the law of floating bodies.


Is the behavior of clouds hard to understand? Maybe not. On page 144 of The Awesome Life Force by Joseph H. Cater, Mr. Cater points out: "It has been stated that a gravitational field repels negative charges. This has been shown to be the case. The RCA laboratories in Princeton, New Jersey, allegedly demonstrated this in 1959. They supposedly dis-covered that negative charges tend to fall upward instead of downward, as had been expected. It is readily apparent why nothing more has been heard about it. Some of Reichenbach's experiments, to be discussed in Part IV, also indicate that such is the case. This effect was predicted on purely theoretical grounds by the author prior to the knowledge of these confirmations. A well-known phenomenon also demonstrates the fact that negative charges are repelled by a gravitational field. When the hair on one's head is given a strong negative charge it will have a tendency to stand straight up. This becomes especially prounced if one stands near a powerful Van de Graf generator when it is throwing out high concen-trations of electrons. Many of the electrons become attached to the hair and tend to carry the hair with them as they are repelled upward." Static electricity, the kind which a household fabric softener sheet can remove, is an example of a negative charge creating a gravitational field. In this way, clouds are imbued with a negative charge such that they become WEIGHTLESS and levitate. This understanding wreaks havoc with the idea that gravity is an attractive force originating with mass, especially when we consider that the mass of a hollow planet would be ever more manageable by electrostatic forces.


A proper understanding starts with the realisation that matter, i.e., molecules and atoms, naturally possesses a positive charge. Stripping and adding electrons to an atom will adjust its properties of inertia. The larger atoms have less inertia than any of the smaller electrons which help comprise the atom. So inertia is not proportional to mass- otherwise the atom, which is larger than the electron, would have to exhibit the greater inertia.


Joseph H. Cater tells us that he was " gratified to learn that a former Nobel-prize winner, Gabriel Lippmann, confirmed this principle in the late ninteenth century. Lippman found that bodies in the charged state offered a greater resistance to acceleration than in the un-charged state. He called it ΠThe inertia of static electricity'. It is not sur-prising that this monumental discovery was ignored since it threatened to topple cherished physical concepts. Ironically, Lippmann later received the Nobel Prize for another comparatively insignificant discovery.


The negative charge of the Earth's gravitational field [ the Πadjustment Πto an atom's natural charge ] is produced by a highly penetrating portion of the electromagnetic spectrum [ present in sunlight ], which falls between the lowest fringes of the infrared and the higher frequencies on the radar band. " These radiations penetrate into the Earth's crust wherefrom they induce the gravitational field by adjusting the charge on an atomic level.


Now, of course, sunlight isn't deemed to penetrate very deeply into the surface of the Earth, so some explanation is in order. Consider Cater's explanation on the transformation of the above-mentioned frequencies into lower, more penetrating frequencies. " The law of redistribution of energy, not stated in any textbooks, plays a vital role in the benefits any planet receives from a sun. Briefly, it states that when radiant electromagnetic energy interacts with matter, the resulting radiation as a whole is of a lower frequency than the original light. The Raman effect, named after the physicist who discovered it, C.V. Raman, partly confirms this principle. Some of the aspects of the Raman effect seemed to violate this law when part of the resultant light was of a higher frequency than the original. This light was produced by triggering the release of higher energies in the atoms during Raman's experiments and was not a part of the original light. " ( Page 143 ) Note that it is this lower frequency of light which is so penetrating.


In other words, it is the lower frequency light, unrecognised by science, which comprises the gravity-inducing radiations of sunlight- it is these and these only which penetrate. So the electrostatic forces which constitute gravity do not arrive as such- there is a transformation from higher to lower frequencies which penetrate the Earth's crust and cause electrostatic forces, electrical charges, to build up.


These same electrostatic forces build up beneath the continental plates, which act as condensers, and drive continental drift, cause earthquakes and are the energy source which heats lava.


The model of modern geology, that there is an athenosphere below the mantle which is hot and plastic, is not tenable. Deep-focus earthquakes exist all through that strata, and earthquakes depend on brittle rock. So there is a huge incongruency which is enough to deny the very model. This alternative model, however, involving low frequency radiations which penetrate the Earth's crust and induce electrostatic forces is at least congruent.


More Cater on this subject: " The concentration of negative charges, resulting from the penetration of soft particles [ low frequency light ] from the Sun, and the radiation of the matter inside Earth combine to produce tensional forces. Such forces at work in the Earth's crust cause fractures and the sliding and folding of strata over each other. The gravitational forces holding the Earth in its orbit also produce stresses in the crust, adding to these lateral forces.


The origin of earthquakes is now apparent. There are times when the concentration of charges reaches a critical state. A condenserlike discharge of particles then occurs. The sudden discharge of hard electrons when this happens produces an explosion. Since the hard particles are partially confined, tremendous forces are released causing the Earth to shake. A similar phenomenon produces lightening. Many of the discharged particles find their way back to the surface. Some of them break up their constituent photons and produce color effects, sometimes preceeding a quake. Animal and sensitive people can sense these energies. These discharges could be a means for predicting earthquakes."


[ Cater on volcanoes ]:


" The academic explanation for volcanic activity is somewhat vague. Since the temperature of molten lava disgorged by volcanoes is so great, the orthodox viewpoint is that the molten lava would have to originate at levels hundreds of miles below the surface surface. It has not been made clear how lava could find its way to the surface from such depths, since the Earth is supposedly a solid ball."


This is interesting because in a solid Earth model, there would be such immense pressures at great depths that any opening for lava to flow through would be closed shut. And if the lava actually originated at the depths which they say, then it would cool by the time it reached the surface.


Cater attributes the heat which accounts for volcanic activity to the Sun's rays which penetrate the Earth's surface. How this is done is explained by his theory of soft particle physics, that lower-energy photons from the sun's [ low frequency ]light create what Cater terms soft particles. These soft particles penetrate the Earth much easier than regular photons.


Cater tells us: "This process [ redistribution/penetration of low frequency light ] continues as the radiation from the sun penetrates the Earth's crust. The lower frequencies [ of light ] are readily transformed into infrared radiations which produce increases in temperature. ... Most of the soft particles that disintegrate [ radiate ] during this interval are comprised of photons below the visible range of the electromagnetic spectrum." As we have just mentioned in relation to earthquakes, it is the soft particles concentrated along plates and fault lines which act as condensers, i.e., build up and store electricity/heat. This then, is the mechanism for heating the rock and producing lava. Now we can undestand the phenomenon of levitation as it is depicted in so many Puarnic stories and legends.


" It is now apparent that gravity is an electrostatic effect, not some space warp or mysterious force which with imponderable properties depicted by orthodox physicists. It follows that if matter is impregnated with sufficient quantities of negative charges, especially soft electrons, it will become weightless and even levitate. Some " adepts " ( yogis ) in the occult arts have demonstrated this ability on occasion. In spite of this, and the experimental evidence showing that negative charges are repelled by a gravitational field, conventional theorists continue to ignore it, and assume that gravity acts indiscriminately on all things alike. Once again, this is to be expected. If orthodox scientists recognized the reality of such things, they would automatically have to abandone nearly all the concepts they hold dear. " ( The Awesome Life Force, chapter 32, by Cater )


Thus a confirmation of Vedic sciences- the subtles sciences which manipulate the ethers, then photons then atoms- is opened up by understanding the true nature of gravity. This understanding of gravity as an electrostatic force also paves the way for a congruent understanding of gelogical processes and even for understanding the true configuration of our planet ( it is hollow ).


An understanding of the true nature of gravity also leads to rapid travel and cheap, almost free, transportation, among other things. Were this understanding to proliferate, the average person would become empowered- free and unmanageable by the ruling world order. Power and economic structures would come tumbling down, such as the petroleum industry. Not only would the powers-that-be become unhappy to see such a development, but probably the demigods wouldn't be too pleased either, as the average materialist would become ever more troublesome and efficient in his sinfulness.


Remember- clouds don't fall!


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