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Is there Shiva Kopa in my life ??

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Dear All,

I am afraid that lord Shiva may be displeased with me. Six years ago a friend of mine (A Muslim) brought me a small Wooden Shiva Linga which he said that his friend got from the nearby river. I kept it for a few days while reading online how to keep shiva linga at home, to my wonder i found out at many places that it is not good to keep shiva linga at home without proper poojas and can have negative effects. I was sure that I would be in no position to carry out these poojas, so I disposed off the Shiva Linga in the same river !!!!! However I have the highest regards for Shiva himself. I prayed to god many times before doing this.


From that day nothing good has happened in my life. Me and my family have been haunted with many diseases. My career has taken a downward spiral. I am unsuccessful in my love life and a complete loser now.


I am afraid that Shiva Kopa is haunting me. I dont know why lord is doing this to me ?? I want some solution for this problem. Can someone help me.


Om Namah Shivayah

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No Siva is not angry with you since you did what is appropriate in order to respect Siva - It only shows your regard and bhakti for siva. Siva is never angry with his gwenune bhaktas even when they do something wrong out their bhakti. The hunter bhakta who gave meet to Siva is an example.


So don't worry on that count. But if things are going wrong for you it is not because Siva is angry. It simply may be your karmic results at this time of your life. Try some appropriate astrological remedies.



Ra Zious

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