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The REAL Cause of IBS and CD

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The cause of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and Crohn?s disease (CD) is MAP (Mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis)


infection. The difference between IBS and CD is the level of inflammation caused by MAP; otherwise they are the same



MAP is also the cause of Johne?s disease (a severe inflammatory disease of cattle and other animals).

It?s very well documented that MAP (Mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis) has spread to humans, and some studies have found


MAP in over 90% of Crohn?s sufferers and over 70% of IBS sufferers. But the real mystery is how MAP causes disease. That


mystery has now been solved: MAP is acidogenic! MAP is an acid producer and functions in a similar, virulent way to


Streptococcus mutans, the major cause of tooth decay.

Streptococcus mutans cause tooth decay via two mechanisms:

1. They produce a sticky, extracellular, dextran-based polysaccharide that allows them to stick to each other and tooth



2. They produce lactic acid from various sugars including glucose, fructose, lactose which lowers the pH at the tooth


surface and causes demineralization of tooth enamel (tooth decay).

Likewise, MAP causes disease by adhering to the intestinal lining and producing organic acid(s) that burn intestinal


lining-tissues, leading to various levels of inflammation; from low-grade inflammation found in IBS to gut ulceration as


seen in Crohn?s. Low-grade inflammation found in IBS causes abdominal pain, increased gut sensitivity, bloating and affects


normal gut motility (bowel movement) leading to diarrhoea and constipation.

Now let?s look at the evidence. I think the best way for me to demonstrate the overwhelming and indisputable evidence that


MAP is the real cause of IBS and CD, is to ask obvious questions and answer them with relevant links to studies and other resources.

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