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In the Mahabharat, why did Krishna ask Arjuna to pray to Goddess Durga?

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I'm new to the Hare Krishna movement and Gaudiya Vaishnavism in general (I actually belong to a family of Sri Vaishnavaites), so if this question offends any of you in any way, kindly forgive me.


I'm studying the Mahabharat to great detail these days, and I found out that Krishna asked Arjun to pray to Goddess Durga just before the Kurukshetra War started. Why so? Krishna (being the Supreme God) could've very well asked Arjun to pray to him instead. So, why Durga? I don't intend any disrespect to any goddesses, but Krishna being Arjuna's charioteer and Divinity Himself could've protected Arjuna from any kind of harm, big or small (even if that harm came in the form of the strength of Karna's divine weapons). So, what was the whole significance of Krishna asking Arjuna to pray to Durga? I'm sure Arjuna was completely aware of who Krishna really was. Therefore, what was the purpose behind this entire exercise?


Similarly, Ram also prayed to Goddess Durga just before his final battle with Ravana. Why couldn't he have prayed to Swayam Bhagawan Krishna instead?


Is it that Krishna's sister Yogmaya (Yashoda's daughter) and Goddess Durga are one and the same (in which case, praying to Goddess Durga would be the same as praying to Yogmaya)?


As I mentioned earlier, I'm new to the Hare Krishna movement, so I apologise to all if you find my questions to be stupid and offensive.


Hare Krsna!!

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  • 1 month later...

I am seeing this in this way:Krishna wants to give importance and respect to other devotees of Himself.So many times we ask blessings from senior and advanced vaisnavas for our advancement.Like He also was asking Udhava advices in regard to ruling .That does not mean He does not know ,he just wants others to feel important.

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  • 5 months later...

Yoga maya or maha maya are same.Durga or Goddess shakthi. First understand that God's aredo not have body like our's . It is called "Sukzhama Sariraam"-please excuse if i speel it worng. There is no brother or sister nor Gods have Wife's. it is all created by man only. Parmeswara and Shakthi-Arthanareswara Swaroopam. without shakthi no sive with siva no shakthi. SIva is body, shakthi is soul.

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  • 2 years later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Because worshiping multiple gods is a vedic tradition of Hindus. Arjuna and krishna both were ideal hindus. They knew what is Dharma. They weren't sectarians who call other gods as demigods.


" Ekam sat vipro bahudha vadanti " ( Truth is one. Sages call it by different names)


Whether it is Shiva, vishnu or Ganesha, they are one, manifestations of one bramha. This is the spirit of true hindus.


Hari Krishna

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Ram couldnt have prayed to krishna, because rama avatar was before krishnas avatar :)

If this is your logic, then it means krishna isn't eternal as he didn't get worshipped during ram's time.


For your information, Lord Rama and krishna were topmost devotees of Lord shiva. They declared shiva, the supreme God, source of all, one eternal Consiousness, bramhan. They say " I and Shiva are one. Those who ignore this don't attain me"

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