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Kal Sarpa yoga - No Job and mental harmony ( Please advice )

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Dear Learnt members ,

Thank you for taking your time out to reas this post of mine.


I am 27 yr old and inspite of having a good family background and education i am unable to live peacefully . My details are as follows :


Date of birth - 3 october 1983

Time - 9:10 am

Place - jamshedpur ( Bihar )


I was told last year in june 2010 that i have kal sarpa yog and its a must for me to wear a pokharaj and a moti ( which i did ) .There has been some relife since then but there is no stability . All this started from 2003 -2004 can you please let me know the reason .

Following are the events that have happened :


I had worst result of my life in the graduation in 2004 then there was a break of 3 years untill mid 2007 before i got got help to do my masters.I was about to pass in 2009 when the recession hit the market and i could not get the placement . I got a job through reference but could not keep up to it for more than 7 months .There was a break of 3 months when i got my next job again i could not keep it for more than 6 months . Now i am jobless since december 2010. I did got 1 offer in feb 2011 but last moment something happened that i decide not to join it.


Can you please tell me the following :


1) when will i get a job ( month and year )

2) How will my marriage be


Ofate i am having constant fight with my family members and specially with my father there is noe peace . I thought of committing suicide in 2005 then again in 2006 but i did not do it . I dont want to get into the same ditch that i came from . Please help and advice ...........................


Eagerly awaiting your response.....................


Thanks & Regards,


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