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Urgent help needed – mars dasha and sadesati

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Hi everyone,

I am new to the forums but I have always enjoyed reading various posts by learned astrologers. I have some serious questions about a worry that is eating me up.

My date of birth: 28 Nov 1962, time is 4.46 pm (mother said 5.05 pm but some friend rectified it. Maybe it doesn’t change much).

Place of birth is Chandigarh. Day was Wednesday.

I do not have too much knowledge about astrology but from what ever little I know, I have gathered this. I know I am undergoing Mars mahadasha with Mars Antardasha till Feb. Mars is debilitated and also lord of maraka sthan 7th house, isn’t it? That makes me wonder how bad it will be for me – particularly health wise or longevity issues.

Please help me analyse my future.

While Mars is there, I calculated that Sade Sati starts in November 2011. Now I have Saturn as yogkarak planet. So just don’t know how bad is Sade Sati for Taurus ascendant people.

With both Mars and Saturn phase, what will it be like. Please please guide me. Also suggest remedies.


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