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rebuilding the brain & consciousness

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Hello there.


I am writing to attain an ayurvedic perspective on health problems I've been struggling with. After using the drug 'MDMA' ('ecstacy') and marijuana, I suffer from a depersonalized state where I do not feel plugged in to my environment. It's difficult for me to focus, and I often experience anxiety - sometimes panic attacks. I feel notably 'different' from how I felt before, but I can't quite describe how... it's as if the part of me that connected myself to the outer world has been severed or lost. In Chinese Medicine these symptoms are sometimes referred to as 'the spirit fleeing the body' and in Ayurveda it can sometimes be due to 'undigested experiences/emotions'.


I am not sure what the cause may be, but I am seeking help from the ayurvedic perspective of what might be a good route to take. I already take ashwagandha/bacopa/shankapushpi twice daily, an organic blend. I've been doing yoga and meditation daily as well. It has been roughly 6 months since these symptoms began. The strange thing is, when I speak about the experience I feel much worse - I believe these symptoms are very similar to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.


I would appreciate any shared knowledge or wisdom. Thank you so much. Namaste.

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