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Sade Sati Overlapping Guru Mahadasha

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Respected Gurus,


I'm born on March 13, 1982, in Mysore, Karnataka at around 7:45 in the morning. I checked my horoscope and interpretations on Parashara Software and found out that since September 2009, Saade Sati has started for my raashi which is Tula and nakshatra which is Swati. There is also an interpretation that I have Guru Dasha running sometime until 2015, after which Shani Mahadasha starts and lasts till 2038 or around.


These past 4 months have been very unbearable with loss of societal respect, trouble at work, an accident, and also huge loss of finances. I'm very unrest and unable to see what's ahead which usually isn't the case as I always had a little intuition, and things never went so out of control that I felt completely lost.


Kindly spare a little precious time of yours to analyze my horoscope and suggest me where and how I should direct my energies without getting hurt more.


I understand there are hundreds of posts made each day in this forum with requests for help with such matters and many go unattended. I firmly believe things happen for a reason and I stumbled upon this site not just out of sheer coincidence.


Please help.




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  • 1 month later...

Dear Arcturus,


you are born on Sunday March 13, 1982,

* let me clear you first that you do have SadeSathi till 26/10/2017 .

* u will have trouble in marital life .

*Till 08/11/2011 u will have mental tension.



its not appropriate to discuss all in open forum.


i cannot discuss more at forum as all are personal matters. if you require help contact me at

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  • 2 weeks later...

i have studied your chart. sade satti starts when saturn comes to 12th house of your rasi birthchart. . moreover the dhaiya of saturn works when saturn ocupies 4th or 8th of janam rashi.

in your case your rising sign is pisces and janam rashi is libra. both are free of saturn according to conventional school of thought.

you are not in phase of sade sati. saturn somehow is affecting you in two ways.1}saturn is in your natal virgoagain in your life since your birt .so, marriage related issues ,partnerships can be in turmoil 2}in 12th house of janam rashi libra which is house of unwanted events, magic and mental tensions.so, you can be upto a litle extent caged mentally and in wilderness socially.

actually saturn has reentered your house #7 again in november 2010 and is opposing your ascendent pisces.

------you are passing through maha dasa of JUPITER and antar dasa of moon ....both(moon,jupiter) are in house 8th. so,jupiter(lord of 10th house of respect and success ) is not strong here in 8th. while in your navamsa chart, jupiter is your ascendent lord and is placed in house #3 (knowledge,exams,sublings,media,public life).and in strong yoga.

------your antar dasa is of MOON. which is placed in melific 8th where it is considered as debilitated . but ,since in libra. sop, semi debilitated it is. whileeee in navamsa chart , moon is lord of 8TH(HOUSE OF DEATH, INHERITENCE,LEGAL ISSUSES.

since ,it is in navamsa ascendent, so, bad bad.

___so, youy are in the dasa of good and bad planets. since moon antar dasa started since 13 july 2010, so, anxiety ,failure, accidents, miscarriages of your wife(if you are married),loss of authority and loss in speculation can be expected. but only upto 40% because your moon is placed with lucky guru.

another problem is that your navamsa saturn is in 10th. and has rearrived here . this can be troubling time for your respect,career success.

-----to me,the worst dosh affecting your life is of mangal .you are manglik. mars is placed alongwith saturn, pluto in house 7th of rasi chart. this indicates a marriage related dark patch.

i see following bad patches in your near future:

1)till 13 nov 2011(moon antar dasa) wmay bring litle accidents concerned with marriage, sex,cartoonification in public,child loss,love failure, break ups etc..

2)from 13 nov 2011 to 13 october 2012(jup mars dasa). mars is malific in your, rasi,navamsa, moon charts. so, break up, divorce, surgery,povert. impact of mars may be reduced owing to exalted saturn in 8th house,and jupiter maha dasa

3)neptune(your planet)is in 12th till 2014.so, you can aloof mentally and socially.


1]wear dark blue,spotless, turquoiz of 5 carots in gold ring in your jupiter finger at midnight b/w thursday and friday.this is birth stone of you and will enhance your pertsonality,skills,power to avoid troubles caused by manglik dosh and saturn.

2]donate red coloured stuffon tuesday morning (within 1 hr after sunrise)

3]give milk to cat on every monday

4]donate black colour coat, blanket,shawl or any handkerchief to a begger and give meat to black dog (both should be done on saturday. it will reduce the melefic effects of saturn in 7th,and your rasi ketu(which is almost a nightmare for your navamsa rising and rasi midheaven).

5]wear blue colour dress.

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  • 1 month later...

Dear Arcturus

I hope by this time the things must have improved at ur end.

I checked ur horoscope. Actually From July 2010 to Nov 2010 you has antardasha of Moon who's your lord of 5th posited in 8th. This period is generally not goo from any point. But now since its over & u r under Mars antardasha, i hopt things must have been ok at ur end.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Currently you have

Jupiter Mahadash running. Jupiter is your lagna lord and in the eith house at birth time.

Moon who is your lord of purva punya that owns 5th house is also in the eight house with jupiter.


Remedy 1:

I would suggest wearing 2 panch mukhi rudraksh's and one dwi mukhi rudraksha in a black thread in your neck it will surely help. Wear this in the morning by chanting the mahamrityunjai mantra 21 times and take it out and leave it at the place you pray or in a clean place.


Remedy 2:

You can also wear a jupiter (yellow sapphire or yellow topaz) ring in 4th finger in gold and pearl ring in little finger in silver this will surely help you.


Remedy 3:

Do mantra's for jupiter and moon a mala daily in the morning



Guru Pandit

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