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Hello, I am looking for a definition and found your website. Maybe someone amongts you

can tell me if this is so; I am reading in a book by Rynn Berry (same editor?) Food for the Gods that the

word ''aryan'' means ''the releaser of water''. This is how he put it:


Max Weber speculates that he may have originally been a god of naturel catastrophes

and thunderstorms like Indra, who was called by the Rg Vedic Aryans ''the releaser of



I have searched in vain but found nothing to confirm it. If your guys can help me, I appreciate.


Very sorry for mu english, I never write it. :redface:

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  • 5 months later...

There are two meanings of Aryan. One is the ancient meaning which is described in the Sanskrit scriptures, there it means "the learned one" & any one can become this & is not any kind of a race.

The other meaning was devised by 19th century Max Muller (British guy) which refers to some race, 1500BC, coming from the European lands to India bringing all the spiritual knowledge to India. This has now been proved totally wrong & misleading after the discovery of 'Sindh Civilazation' & 'Dwarka' which are older than 7000BC. Thus proving Max muller wrong & establishing the Sanskrit writings true.

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