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Review On Sexual Disorder with Possibility of Complete Cure in Ayurveda !!

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A Review on Sexual disorder with Complete cure In Ayurveda


Now a day there are many sexual medicines in Market in western therapy as well as in Ayurveda and many of people mail box and spam is full of many mails contain, best deal in Viagra , nice medicines for erection, great medicines for sexual intercourse , etc. I will suggest you all please won’t pay any attention towards those mail because they are having lots of side effects and those medicines they were directly pertaining to heart and having many side effects like :- Blood pressure, Angina pain, Hyper depression and many other disorders.

In India or many part of world the sexual disorder is subject where patient won’t feel comfortable to discuss or to go to have consultancy of doctor, some, where he/she found shy to go there or freely talk to doctor and that’s lack of confidence and shyness bring many harm effects and even patient Pran vatta goes more and more imbalance and cause huge depression and confident level decrease day by day .. some Patient in India they goes to many low profile doctors who are not sufficient to diagnose completely and they give wrong medication and cause no effect about cure and sudden have different problem arise. Those doctors were not complete accomplished as professional practitioner there were called Jholachap doctor in Term of Local language in India.

To write and focus on those all small impact what is going now a day every where about the sexual disorder is to make patient aware that there is nothing harm to discuss and share problem with doctor some, how I will assure u that it will be nice to write complete mail, letter and mail to me with complete health problem and sexual disorder. All the name and information were secure and there won’t be have any hesitation to write me and share me about the sexual problem.

On Demand for complete cure those medicines can be easily send to your Home with complete chart mentioned about how to take the course of Ayurveda ,

Here are some Frequent question that comes under sexual dysfunctions

Male Erectile Disorder. If a male is unable to maintain an erection throughout sexual activity, he may have male erectile disorder. This problem must be either persistent or recurrent in nature. Also, the erectile disturbance must cause difficulty in the relationship with the sexual partner to be defined as a disorder. Some males will be unable to obtain any erection. Others will have an adequate erection, but lose the erection during sexual activity. Erectile disorders may accompany a fear of failure. Sometimes this disorder is present throughout life. In many cases the erectile failure is intermittent and sometimes dependent upon the type of partner or the quality of the relationship.

Female Orgasmic Disorder. Female orgasmic disorder occurs when there is a significant delay or total absence of orgasm associated with the sexual activity. This condition must cause a problem in the relationship with the sexual partner in order to be defined as a disorder.

Dyspareunia. Dyspareunia is a sexual pain disorder. Dyspareunia is genital pain that accompanies sexual intercourse. Both males and females can experience this disorder, but the disorder is more common in women. Dyspareunia tends to be chronic in nature.

Female Sexual Arousal Disorder. Female sexual arousal disorder is described as the inability of a woman to complete sexual activity with adequate lubrication. Swelling of the external genitalia and vaginal lubrication are generally absent. These symptoms must cause problems in the interpersonal relationship to be considered a disorder. It is not unusual for the woman with female sexual arousal disorder to have almost no sense of sexual arousal. Often, these women experience pain with intercourse and avoid sexual contact with their partner.

Sexual Aversion Disorder. A person who actively avoids and has a persistent or recurrent extreme aversion to genital sexual contact with a sexual partner may have sexual aversion disorder. In order to be considered a disorder, the aversion to sex must be a cause of difficulty in the person's sexual relationship. The individual with sexual aversion disorder usually reports anxiety, fear, or disgust when given the opportunity to be involved sexually. Touching and kissing may even be avoided. Extreme anxiety such as panic attacks may actually occur. It is not unusual for a person to feel nauseated, dizzy, or faint.

Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder. This disorder may be present when a person has decreased sexual fantasies and a decreased or absent desire for sexual activity. In order to be considered a sexual disorder the decreased desire must cause a problem for the individual. In this situation the person usually does not initiate sexual activity and may be slow to respond to his/her partner's sexual advances. This disorder can be present in adolescents and can persist throughout a person's life. Many times, however, the lowered sexual desire occurs during adulthood, often times following a period of stress.

These are all those symptoms and problem arise during sexual disorder.

From each and all problem that mentioned above having nice treatment In ayurveda and can freely ask me the treatment, and diet followed by mail or call or anything that make easiy.

About complete cure for each example having nice effective treatment and can ask me or mail me any time to have more details ..

I will look forward to guide what will be the possible treatment In Ayurveda to overcome from the problem of sexual disorder.

All are being welcome to give me suggestion , ask question all are welcome and I will always look forward to share my best knowledge, experience and looking forward to Make happy and healthy..

Best regards

Vaidya Adwait tripathi

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