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Please help to find any Malefic and planets who are responsible in my Kundali?

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I am 22 years old boy from Mumbai. I am facing very much problems in finance and career. So please help me to find any Malefic and planets who are responsible in my Kundali. Actually now I am searching for Lal Kitab Remedies so if anyone could help me with that.


Date of Birth : 28/06/1988 "28th June 1988".

Sex: Male

Marital Status: Single / Unmarried

Occupation: Student interested in Technical and Finance field. Actually I think I can make career in any field. Not any enmity with specific field.

Time of Birth: 17:58 (5:58 PM)

Place of Birth: Mumbai (Nallasopara) 19° 25' 47" North & 72° 46' 48" East


Below are questions & answers which might help you.


Education including the stream & the year of passing different levels.


Passed SSC in Mar 2003.

Passed HSC in Mar 2005 in Computer Science.

After that education stuck, no success in any field till now just wasted my precious years.


Sickness. When did you fall seriously ill & the type of illness.


No such a serious illness. But suffered from Jaundice in July-Aug 2002 & chicken pox in Mar-2006.


Break through in career and financial.


Facing problems in career and financial as well. Very much loss in speculation and cant find my way out to proper career and in finance as well.


Marriage or major affairs dates and approximate running time, divorces.


No such affairs till now.


Birth of children with date of birth, time and place of each.




Legal Disputes if any; and outcome along with the dates.




Major events in life like loss of parent, accidents, traveled.


Lost my father when I was 5 years old in 27 Jan 1994.


Any important event that could help us to find your birth time.




Please ask if you need more information.


Thanks & Regards,


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dear sir,i went through your chart. the reasons for ur break in education are attributable to the 4th house being afflicted by Raahu and mars. as far as the employment is concenred, the tenth lord Sun is in the unfavourable 8th and aslo the tenth house is corrupted by ketu. ok, evry one will have some bad placements of planets, the biggestplus point u have is the 9th lord, The Moon conjuct the ascendant at almost the exact degree. But, unfortunately the moon is debiltated. But, she has got abt 160% of strength in shadbala and the ishtha phala and thekashtha phala are almost the same.the devine palnet the jupiter is going to enter in the antardasa of venus from abt nov 2010. though he is posited in the 7th, he shifts to the sixth bhava, and his period may be slightly better than raahu; although it might have been more advantageous had he remained in the seventh it self. But, he is a natural benefic andcan as well be considered a benefic for Vrischika lagna natives. Be barve and observe remedies for the Moon, Mars, the Sun and ofcourse Jupiter.Tough times do not always last forever. i will catch up with ulater regarding Lal Kitab remedies or u can find them in any standard book on the subject.Good luck and the best wishes...

I am 22 years old boy from Mumbai. I am facing very much problems in finance and career. So please help me to find any Malefic and planets who are responsible in my Kundali. Actually now I am searching for Lal Kitab Remedies so if anyone could help me with that.


Date of Birth : 28/06/1988 "28th June 1988".

Sex: Male

Marital Status: Single / Unmarried

Occupation: Student interested in Technical and Finance field. Actually I think I can make career in any field. Not any enmity with specific field.

Time of Birth: 17:58 (5:58 PM)

Place of Birth: Mumbai (Nallasopara) 19° 25' 47" North & 72° 46' 48" East


Below are questions & answers which might help you.


Education including the stream & the year of passing different levels.


Passed SSC in Mar 2003.

Passed HSC in Mar 2005 in Computer Science.

After that education stuck, no success in any field till now just wasted my precious years.


Sickness. When did you fall seriously ill & the type of illness.


No such a serious illness. But suffered from Jaundice in July-Aug 2002 & chicken pox in Mar-2006.


Break through in career and financial.


Facing problems in career and financial as well. Very much loss in speculation and cant find my way out to proper career and in finance as well.


Marriage or major affairs dates and approximate running time, divorces.


No such affairs till now.


Birth of children with date of birth, time and place of each.




Legal Disputes if any; and outcome along with the dates.




Major events in life like loss of parent, accidents, traveled.


Lost my father when I was 5 years old in 27 Jan 1994.


Any important event that could help us to find your birth time.




Please ask if you need more information.


Thanks & Regards,


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Thanks a lot. I am waiting for your reply.


Actually I have some remedies which I investigated on Internet.

So should we discuss those remedies here ?


Also one astrologer has told me that there are too many yogas in my chart.

adhi yoga, Chandradhi yogas and Gaj Kesary yoga which will make me very famous and rich.


Please have a look on the same.


Thanks & Regards.

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