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job related query

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Hi respected learned friends,


I recently switched my job in end march and joined a different company in the same field. Ever since then I am having a very troubled time in the new place. My role involves a lot of speculation in the financial markets. I have not been doing well and am under tremendous pressure. Can you pls tell me when the difficult time will get over? Also will this new job be good for me in the long run? I have also been trying for a change of place. Will the change of place happen any time soon? I am running saturn/venus dasa at the moment and that gets over only in October 2011.


Thanks in advance for your time!


My DoB is 17 May 1980, 23:15 PM at Calcutta, West Bengal, India.




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Respected gurujis,


Can you please tell me a little elaborately about the sudden changes! Will these sudden changes you were talking about be in my favour or against me ? Also how do you see my career progressing during the next 1yr or so please?


Thanks once again for your time!




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Hi learned friends,


Can anyone please spare a minute and take a look at my query! I understand that sudden changes can happen anytime soon. Can you please tell me a little elaborately about these sudden changes! Will these sudden changes you were talking about be in my favour or against me ? Also how do you see my career progressing during the next 1yr or so please?


Thanks once again for your time!




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Hi Guruji,


I have been searching for a job in my field for the past 1 year and no luck. I also have been trying to conceive and am unable to . Could you shed some light as to when i will get a job and conceive or some guidance as to what i should do.


My birthdate - January 14 1980

Time 2.07 am

Location Nairobi, Kenya


Thank you ,

Any help will be much appreciated

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Dear Guruji & Respected Friends,


Date of Birth: 9th August 1975

Birth Time: 9:10am Saturday

Raasi: Simha

Nakshatra: Puba


Please can someone tell me when i will get a good job and what mantra i should chant to do so. Iam suffering at my present job and want to relocate myself with a good job. I have been trying a lot from the past three months for a job but so far not suceeded in getting one. Also, iam into a lot of financial hardship. Please let me know if there is a mantra i could use to get out of the mess iam in.



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