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Suffering in my professional life ... quit job now jobless... please help

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I am a B.Tech a reputed engineering college and have worked with an IT MNC for 4.5 years, however I have always suffered in my work life, the projects and technologies in which I have worked have not been good, bad boss, and back stabbing and no promotions in 4.5 years. I quit my job in Oct 2009 and since then I am jobless.

I am also studying for Chartered Financial Analyst course, but I am not able to clear the papers as I

can't concentrate! I have also lost some money in the stock markets too.I feel aimless and depressed.

I have taken advice from two astrolgers, the first gentleman advised me to take 3 gem stones, an emerald, a coral and a gomed and in addition to these asked me to wear a one-mukhi rudraksha and an eight mukhi-rudraksha and chant ' Om Shree Hanumate Namah'. I am wearing all these stones and



The second gentleman asked me to wear an additional ring of a ruby (violettish) (yet to wear). I am

really clueless. Both have said my situation will improve, but nothing seems to happen. It will be of great help is the learned members please advise me regarding my professional prospects, and remedies if any. My DOB is 22/03/1982 and time is 17 : 33 pm and place of birth is Kolkata (

Coordinates 22°34'11'' N 88°22'11''E).

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Again I am no astrologer but all I can say is be strong and think positively, there are a lot of people in the world in a far worse situation

that you sir are in. Think of the poor in africa, the drug dependents in south america, the prostitutes in eastern europe. I wish this world was

perfect but humanities inability to help each other leads to these problems. I believe you are a classic case of karma acting in our world, you must

have sinned in your previous lives and now you WILL pay the price. Saturn (Suni) is the punisher and he teaches humanity their lessons the hard way. You can not

in any way change the past, but you must think positive. Remember, you write your own destiny.


"Do good, be good, see good, that is the way to god." Sri Sathya Sai Baba


I wish you the best of luck

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