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Do I have neech bhang raj yog?

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My birthday is on the 20th of april, 1991. At 12:22 pm . In New Delhi, India.

Can someone look at my vedic birth chart and tell me if I have neech bhang raj yog and how does that affect someone? Also, I want to get into film -making ( direction ) and I'm leaving for the states this august. How will college be for me and will I get any fame in this profession. Does saturn being in the 7th house mean a bad marriage life? Please give me a brief over-view. It would be great!

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Alright I will be frank, I'm from the UK, an indian born in the UK and have been the USA several times. College in america is different from india, their culture is totally different, people dress differently, eat differently and behave differently. You will find out that everyone seems to dress not very modestly, very tight clothing on women, men happy to walk around topless. There is a lot of partying and clubbing going on, people constantly getting drunk. You will notice that although the facilities are better than india, people seem to care less about learning and more about socialising and having a good time. Now you said the magic word in your question, "FAME", don't we all seek it, don't we all dream about it, don't we all love it...:/. Forget the fame, famous does not equal happy, happiness is the state of mind, even a beggar can be happy! The marriage life thing is to do with manglik, which I know nothing about, so I'll let another more qualified member answer the astrological side of the question.

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