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How to set things right in distress... Please help!!!

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I am a married woman. My husband doesn't treat me nicely in most of the times. He talks to me and my parents rudely and abuses me. My in-laws (my husband's parents) always talk to me badly and always they say bad things about my own parents even if we treat them nicely.My parents are unable to say anything in front of my in-laws and husband as they are from girl's side.

I have repeately tried to keep patience in front of my husband and in-laws, but always they say something worse to me which hurts me a lot. If I try to defend or justify myself with patience and calmly in front of them, then they accuse me that I am trying to quarrel with them and then my husband threatens to beat me badly in front of them.

I am a working woman and earns just a little less than my husband but when it comes to authority, my husband always tries to keep me as a servant. I am not even allowed to use my salary to buy even a cloth for myself.My husband spends all the money on luxurious items and asks me to get money from my parents.Many times, I thought of committing suicide or leaving my husband, but my parents' faces keep coming in front of my eyes. Since I am their only daughter, I can't leave them alone at this old age in this world.

Please suggest me a mantra or a vidhi through which I can keep my husband and in-laws under my control always. Earlier I wanted them only to treat me nicely as a wife and daughter-in-law but after so many insults and hardships, now I really want to control them.Maybe here I'll sound as a mad woman, but after tolerating so many things, I dont have any other urge.

Please please help me out...

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Priye Deepnil


I am a worshipper of Shivji. I have gone through your post and I am deepply saddened with what you are going through.


I can see no one have offered to give you a suggestion to your problems, because all it seems is that everyone is trying to to a mantra/jaap for their own benefits, well why wouldnt they?

But everybody should know, that if you want to achieve anything in life, you have to pray/jaap to the Paramathma without any self fulfilling wishes. And it will work.


I would suggest you to jaap Maa Durga's Aum Hring Kleeng Chamundae Vicche, on Fridays. Do this for 21 Fridays, and see the difference


Pray to her without any wish in your mind


Shiv Shambhu Bless you


Swamy Ji

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Dear Mam,


Keeping in mind that this is a male-dominated society, U would have to stand for your rights. As far As I know, there is no mantra or totem which can influence over the humand mind. If U have a spiritual outlook on life, just keep cool your heels. Just think that this is a result of previous karma and come what may, this is bound to happen to you. As a corrective measure, whenever your husband abuses you, ask for an explanation, but politely. If he doesn't answer or becomes more rude, just bounce back or leave the spot immediately. Having read that U behave very politely with your in-laws, I don't think that at any moment of time you shoudl try to please them, they are NOBODY for you. As a working woman, you have enough resources to feed yourself. Don't worry, this life has enough opportunities to offer. Last but not the least, there is no point in dragging a relationship too far if it doesn't work out. I hope I didn't sound sarcastic. Take care

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Swamy ji, thank you very much for showing me the path. I earlier thought no one will understand my plight except my parents but after seeing both of u replying to me, I am bit relieved...

Maybe I earlier asked for too much, but I really want my life to be peaceful...My husband has started hitting me even on money issues, complaining that I want to spend the money on my parents and relatives...

When I buy something expensive for his parents and relatives, then it is fine for him... But when I spend some money on my parents then for him, I commit a sin...My life has become more horrible...

Swamy ji, can u please tell me that how much jaap I need to do every friday?

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