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negativity and teeth

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I am still having a tough time with k energy lately. The energy is centering

around my spine moving up in little rivulets to the top of my head and exiting

out my left hand and foot. The bottoms of my feet feel as if electric currents

are charging through - its not painful but it travels up my legs and congregates

at the base of my spine then up the sides of my spine to the top of my head and



It is tender to touch my spine in certain areas and when the energy goes around

my neck and right side of my head there is a lot of pulling.


Emotionallly I feel very unstable when the energy hits this area. It is hard for

me to focus and talk or hear what people are saying to me and I feel extremely

crabby, nervous and emotionally drawn. But once the energy passes this area I

feel better.


I am afraid that this energy is causing others to pick up this negativity as I

have had to feild off several hurtful comments and downright mean

verbal attacks lately from people who normally don't act that way.


I find it quite confusing as I dont believe I had said anything at the time that

would provoke these verbal attacks although sometimes I can feel the crabbiness

well up with in me before this happens. I am trying to be very careful as to my

moods and words. Whatever blockage the k energy is working on, this negativity

seems like it has a life of its own and is affecting those around me. And once

the hurtful comments have been said, it has been very difficult and time

consuming for me to let them pass.


I think the Kenergy is releasing something that has an affect not only on me but

on those sensitive around me.


Another weird thing is that there was a burnt smell coming from my hands before

all this started. This is gone now and the energy seems as if it is finally

passing through cleaner but sometimes it is very antsy and foamy feeling. It

makes me very uncomfortable, kind of like when your foot falls asleep and you

get pins and needles except I can feel those pins and needles travel from my

feet up my spine and around the top of my head out my hands. It can really make

me a little crazy.


Also there is a divot or indent forming on the top of my skull where the energy

crests to go out the other side.


My husband felt the indent also, but thank goodness, he seems to be immune from

the negative energy I have been oozing . In fact he has been in an

uncharacteristically good mood for the past week while this has been going on

with me. He actually has been very supportive. Very strange.


I have asked that the energy leaving my body be turned into a positive energy

for the benefit of this world.


I am just confused as to the rash of negativity and hurtful comments aimed at me



Is this aimed at a certain chakra?


The comments I have been getting are ones where people are angry at me or trying

to purposely hurt me. One comment was after I went to the cemetery, my brother

asked if I even missed my dis-ceased sister, as he was talking to my other

sister and they noticed I don't speak of my beloved sister who passed  very

much. That comment really did hurt as we were very close.


Another was from my best friend making terrible comments to me of a political

figure who she knows I admire very much. She was also making fun of a photo of

me. It is not like her to act that way.


Another is when my niece went off on me for a mild disagreement - again very



I have been very confused as to how all this is coming about. If this negativity

is a reaction to me or my kundalini or some kind of lesson but combined with

the physical symptoms it is almost impossible for me to get a handle on. I just

want to hide under the covers and not speak to anyone.


When I have been meditating  I have been getting pictures of opening doors

and windows to really dark rooms and letting the light in. What is strange is

that the doors keep morphing into all kinds of doors from barn doors to very

ornate ones to old ones to very modern doors and windows. They open and light

floods the area. Once I saw a very sad girl in one of the rooms but otherwise

they are empty.


Oh, and warned us, but I lost half a tooth this weekend where the k

energy exited on that side of my face. It just broke in half. I went to the

dentist and it was fixed and hopefully it will hold. The filling just couldn't

hold up to the energy.




Sorry this is so long but I would appreciate any comments or insights as I am

really befuddled.


Thanks and blessings





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Dear mary...


You write that you are " befuddled " but can I say you are doing really well too

in your befuddledness, in all that is happening for you at this time. It

might not feel like that for you, who is going through it... but seriously you

seem to be very aware and tuned into what is being given to you, a blessing that

will help you move through and with the energy variations.


What you wrote about feeling crabbiness before someone attacks you,it reminded

me again that what we think or feel is not really that much different to what we

actually say. it is all ours. The unspoken is as real as the spoken... and so

there seems to be no escape hatch for us at all...lol!

That said though I am not saying we are responsible for the behaviour of others.

I have found it helpful in the past to send love to the person that " attacked "

me... it stopped me getting involved in negative exchanges as it diffused my

own response and love would actually flow, I could feel it. The first thing I

had to learn was not to take the nasty attack personally... this took some real

hard work..lol! When I finally got this knowing, instead of taking it

personally and/or not responding to the person at all... I might choose to

respond from a place of love. Sometimes the person who " attacked " me was not

happy with my response but that was ok and like the attack itself I did not own

their response... I owned my own communication which was given from a place of

love within myself to the other. If I forget and take something personally

these days I find it easier now to forgive myself too and move on.


Attacks such as have been occuring for you , provide you with lots and lots of

real time opportunities for forgiveness practice and other practices.... and

you rock...you are doing so well with being aware and you are flowing with it,

being confused or befuddled is ok and normal and sometimes it can be after a

session of work that the befuddled lifts..lol. I think surrender and befuddled

can work together or at least I hope so or I am lost...lol!

So I would say to continue to do like you have been doing, as best you can, and

allow kundlini to work as she is doing... this will pass as the energy moves and

as the lessons are learned and integrated into the living.


It was lovely to read that you also are receiving bonus support from your

husband, that is a blessing and a lovely balance in your present experiencing,

it is realy lovely and a treasure to be appreciated.


(I loved the mothers day card your daughter wrote.)


love julia




, merozema wrote:


>> Sorry this is so long but I would appreciate any comments or insights as I am

really befuddled.


> Thanks and blessings


> Mary



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