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We Walk in Exaltation

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Friday, October 10, 2008


We Walk in Exaltation


Category: Life


With the Kundalini comes an internal spiritual renaissance. As we flow through

the infusion and the changes in all the bodies of expression become more and

more pronounced we become aware of the many attitudes and emotional expressions

of those around us. It is a form of mental and emotional telepathy.


This can feel very toxic and can allow the feelings of forming opinions or

Judgments about other people. Through forgiveness is the way given. Through

forgiveness is the place of non - judgment shown.


As we walk through the populations and we read the energies of molesters and

thieves and rapists and murderers. We forgive as we go. It is not for us to

judge these brothers and sisters. It is for us to light the way for their own

self realizations of how to come into harmony with their current and past deeds

and we do this through an ever present forgiveness.


At first it can be shocking to feel these expressive frequencies as if we are

voyeurs into the dark secrets of another's mind. And yes we are aware of these

" secrets " which are only secrets to the majority of the mortals but not to the

spiritual. Everything we have done is there for all to see from a spiritual

vantage point so there is no hiding. We see these expressions and sometimes feel

them as well. And when we forgive we are able to release any attachments or

matching experiences we may have had in previous existences. From that

forgiveness we attain neutrality.


From neutrality are we able to show an expression of non partisan reverential

love for all of our fellow mortals. For all of creation from spirits to

incarnated spirits are we able to flow the divine natures that are give to us

from the Kundalini.


We are indeed conscious bastions of divine love from which a special frequency

of love is able to be given to others from the mere radiations of the Kundalini.

But we must open to it consciously with in our awakening process. Just to have

spinal sweeps and Kundalini activation isn't enough. Those are the mere

preliminaries of what is being gifted to the individual. The invitations to the



The individual still must act upon those gifts.


So the safeties can help the activated and awakening individual attain into the

higher expressions as well as the inactivated become activated.


As we share in the finer and denser frequency emanations of our brothers and

sisters and fellow mortals we are being offered the gifts of holy integrity. We

must nurture these gifts and respect and honor the integrity's that they

represent. We must act upon these gifts in order to activate and plant their

seeds within us. -

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good morning from here to all my KAS family...love and blessings to you all as

the week end begins.


I love reading the reposts, I am struck always by the perfect timing and arrival

of the posts on to the forum....lol....like a personal " special delivery "

being as the exact message or teaching that I needed to hear arrives at that

point in time.

This re post has brought me a bouquet of teachings and one of them was " And

when we forgive we are able to release any attachments or matching experiences

we may have had in previous existences...... " Thank you.




love julia




, " "

<> wrote:


> Friday, October 10, 2008


> We Walk in Exaltation


> Category: Life


> With the Kundalini comes an internal spiritual renaissance. As we flow through

the infusion and the changes in all the bodies of expression become more and

more pronounced we become aware of the many attitudes and emotional expressions

of those around us. It is a form of mental and emotional telepathy.


> This can feel very toxic and can allow the feelings of forming opinions or

Judgments about other people. Through forgiveness is the way given. Through

forgiveness is the place of non - judgment shown.


> As we walk through the populations and we read the energies of molesters and

thieves and rapists and murderers. We forgive as we go. It is not for us to

judge these brothers and sisters. It is for us to light the way for their own

self realizations of how to come into harmony with their current and past deeds

and we do this through an ever present forgiveness.


> At first it can be shocking to feel these expressive frequencies as if we are

voyeurs into the dark secrets of another's mind. And yes we are aware of these

" secrets " which are only secrets to the majority of the mortals but not to the

spiritual. Everything we have done is there for all to see from a spiritual

vantage point so there is no hiding. We see these expressions and sometimes feel

them as well. And when we forgive we are able to release any attachments or

matching experiences we may have had in previous existences. From that

forgiveness we attain neutrality.


> From neutrality are we able to show an expression of non partisan reverential

love for all of our fellow mortals. For all of creation from spirits to

incarnated spirits are we able to flow the divine natures that are give to us

from the Kundalini.


> We are indeed conscious bastions of divine love from which a special frequency

of love is able to be given to others from the mere radiations of the Kundalini.

But we must open to it consciously with in our awakening process. Just to have

spinal sweeps and Kundalini activation isn't enough. Those are the mere

preliminaries of what is being gifted to the individual. The invitations to the



> The individual still must act upon those gifts.


> So the safeties can help the activated and awakening individual attain into

the higher expressions as well as the inactivated become activated.


> As we share in the finer and denser frequency emanations of our brothers and

sisters and fellow mortals we are being offered the gifts of holy integrity. We

must nurture these gifts and respect and honor the integrity's that they

represent. We must act upon these gifts in order to activate and plant their

seeds within us. -


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Good morning Julia and all KAS family. Hehe...Julia, I was just thinking the

same thing. I have them all in a file on my computer, but it is just not the

same as reading them here in their timely fashion. LOL! Thanks for the

reposting. Somethings it seems I have never read them, but I know i have. It is

good to read the over again, I think I get more out of them reading them the

second or third time reading.





, " Julia " <jajahern



> good morning from here to all my KAS family...love and blessings to you all as

the week end begins.


> I love reading the reposts, I am struck always by the perfect timing and

arrival of the posts on to the forum....lol....like a personal " special

delivery " being as the exact message or teaching that I needed to hear

arrives at that point in time.

> This re post has brought me a bouquet of teachings and one of them was " And

when we forgive we are able to release any attachments or matching experiences

we may have had in previous existences...... " Thank you.




> love julia

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Morning Julia, hehe the same for me! It can be mind boggling huh? Its like


lesson plan. I hear words in my mind and find them here or in Heaven's letters

or now this 1111 email messages! Look at yesterdays. Look David lol!


A Teacher named “The Beloved One.â€

“A Lesson on Insight.â€

Received by Lytske.  


The Beloved One:“Allow My words to appear on the blank screen of your mind.

 It is vital to be totally clear, so you can gain insight as to what lies ahead

of you in this message.  You need to get used to this idea and trust Me enough

to know that I hold all knowledge in mind, and that all is always well.  There

is never any need to worry as to what you are going to say at any moment as long

as you remember to listen within.  It is there where I am waiting to speak the

words necessary for you to give to others who have a need to hear such words.

 My words, however, may not make sense to you as you are merely My mouthpiece

as you promised Me a long time ago.  Just trust this process, for I know

exactly what I am about and I have never steered wrong.  Only when you made

your own willful decisions did everything seem to you to be wrong in your life.


“In retrospect, even the so-called wrong decisions on your part turned out to

be the greatest lessons in your life as you gained the greatest insight, for

this is what I am about.  I turn every seemingly negative decision you make

into a memory of pure gold, because of the positive learning and insight which

lead to the highest form of wisdom.  Even though you have no idea as to what it

is that I want you to experience in life, it might interest you that any

situation you find yourself in is going be turned into the highest possible

good.  Humans have such a limited point of view.  Even when you think that you

know everything that you need to know, there is always a different way to look

at things as a larger window opens up in the mind to look through.  Never limit

your thinking, because you use only a very limited amount of your brain-power,

and never mind how much you have already learned.  True humility comes with

that precious insight that

you really don't know anything at all as you clearly see that you have barely

scratched the surface of what there is to know.


“All your life is a gathering of insights, sometimes an ‘Aha’ moment makes

a sudden jump into greater understanding as if a strong light was turned on.

 This can even happen when a single word comes to mind, just like a last

missing piece in a puzzle.  Life is like that, for it is a fitting together of

moment by moment to make a harmonious whole.  When you dwell in the past or

live too much in the future, you forget to place another moment in the puzzle of

your life, and these moments can not be recalled.  The richest life is to enjoy

totally the moment, for in the moment is the action where insights can and do

happen.  It takes total concentration to live in the moment, which is not as

difficult as it seems, for in the moment you dream your dreams into existence.

 Whenever you are in the ‘now’ moment, you are creating and actualizing in

your mind.


This is not as mysterious as it sounds.  It is being in present centered

awareness, where you do not forget.  It is slotting all these moment memories

into the right place in your brain so you can have the best possible recall when

needed.  See your life as a string of beads which you string together out of

those golden moments where everything is so clear to you, because of all the

insights and wisdom you have gathered along the way.  The shiniest beads are

those polished in loving and unselfish service towards others without thinking

of getting anything back in return.  These will be the most valuable beads you

can gather, as they are the lasting ones.  The basic human desire is to live a

wonderfully satisfying life, one that fills you with a sense of wholeness and

satisfaction.  This you experience in a life of service, during which you can

give of yourself.  Think about this and the insights will come as to how to go

about and live such a


The heaven letter had the same sort of message. Ive related this to the pressure

in the right brain area and think its where we are gathering it lol. I know long

weird post but thought it worth sharing to all:)






Julia <jajahern


Sat, May 8, 2010 3:43:53 AM

Re: We Walk in Exaltation



good morning from here to all my KAS family...love and blessings to you all as

the week end begins.


I love reading the reposts, I am struck always by the perfect timing and arrival

of the posts on to the forum....lol. ...like a personal " special delivery " being

as the exact message or teaching that I needed to hear arrives at that point in


This re post has brought me a bouquet of teachings and one of them was " And when

we forgive we are able to release any attachments or matching experiences we may

have had in previous existences.. .... " Thank you.


love julia


Kundalini-Awakening -Systems- 1 , " "

<@ ...> wrote:


> Friday, October 10, 2008


> We Walk in Exaltation


> Category: Life


> With the Kundalini comes an internal spiritual renaissance. As we flow through

the infusion and the changes in all the bodies of expression become more and

more pronounced we become aware of the many attitudes and emotional expressions

of those around us. It is a form of mental and emotional telepathy.


> This can feel very toxic and can allow the feelings of forming opinions or

Judgments about other people. Through forgiveness is the way given. Through

forgiveness is the place of non - judgment shown.


> As we walk through the populations and we read the energies of molesters and

thieves and rapists and murderers. We forgive as we go. It is not for us to

judge these brothers and sisters. It is for us to light the way for their own

self realizations of how to come into harmony with their current and past deeds

and we do this through an ever present forgiveness.


> At first it can be shocking to feel these expressive frequencies as if we are

voyeurs into the dark secrets of another's mind. And yes we are aware of these

" secrets " which are only secrets to the majority of the mortals but not to the

spiritual. Everything we have done is there for all to see from a spiritual

vantage point so there is no hiding. We see these expressions and sometimes feel

them as well. And when we forgive we are able to release any attachments or

matching experiences we may have had in previous existences. From that

forgiveness we attain neutrality.


> From neutrality are we able to show an expression of non partisan reverential

love for all of our fellow mortals. For all of creation from spirits to

incarnated spirits are we able to flow the divine natures that are give to us

from the Kundalini.


> We are indeed conscious bastions of divine love from which a special frequency

of love is able to be given to others from the mere radiations of the Kundalini.

But we must open to it consciously with in our awakening process. Just to have

spinal sweeps and Kundalini activation isn't enough. Those are the mere

preliminaries of what is being gifted to the individual. The invitations to the



> The individual still must act upon those gifts.


> So the safeties can help the activated and awakening individual attain into

the higher expressions as well as the inactivated become activated.


> As we share in the finer and denser frequency emanations of our brothers and

sisters and fellow mortals we are being offered the gifts of holy integrity. We

must nurture these gifts and respect and honor the integrity's that they

represent. We must act upon these gifts in order to activate and plant their

seeds within us. -










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